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Armor is a value that can be increased upon having a Spirit gain a level and choosing the Armor upgrade option. This value can be decreased or increased during battle, and is reset when a Spirit recovers from Armor break.

To increase this value, the player can use berries (such as the Sweater Plant) or concotions made using an Armor boosting crop, or the Spirit can recover from Armor break.

To decrease this value, the Spirits can use a super effective move on the targetted Spirit, or use the Bash move, for example (other moves can also reduce the Armor value). Each Spirit has a primary type to which is associated a primary weakness (never changes) ans a secondary weakness to another type (variable from Spirit to Spirit individualy).

Each time a super effective move hits a Spirit, their Armor will decrease by one, even if the attack damage is weaker than the Armor count (a super effective attack that deals 10 damage will reduce Armor by one against a Spirit with 15 Armor points).

Attacks that hit the target multiple times will reduce the Armor value once each time the target is hit (a super effective move that hits 3 times will reduce the Armor value by 3).

Upon having his Armor value reduced to 0, the Spirit will be in an Armor break state. In this state, the Spirit's weaknesses still apply, but the Armor value will not decrease any further. A Spirit in Armor break state will take 50% more damage, no matter it's weaknesses, and will not be able to use any move during his turn. At the end of the turn, the Spirit will recover from Armor break and have it's Armor value reset back to it's original value.