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Stats are a set of values that contribute to how well a spirit performs in battle. The four stats are armor, speed, vitality and power. Whenever a spirit levels up you get a permanent stat point to put towards the stat of your choice. There are also a handful of other ways to manipulate the stats of your spirits, temporary stat boosts and reductions can be applied through the use of concoctions, by feeding spirits crops, or using a spirit brush. When using a Spirit Reset Potion all stat points except base stats are unassigned so that the player may reassign them as they wish.

  • Armor reduces the amount of damage dealt to the spirit and increases the amount of armor that must be removed to make the spirit dizzy in battle.
  • Speed is used to determine which party goes first in battle. Additionally the speed stat determines the potency of the cards Bash and Bite.
  • Vitality contributes to the maximum HP of a spirit.
  • Power increases the damage dealt by most attack cards, increases the potency of many condition inflicting cards and even bolsters some spirit abilities.


The HP of a spirit is determined as a function of the spirit's vitality and base HP. Base HP is a hidden stat in the game, but only has three potential values for catchable spirits, being either 10, 15 or 20. Some bosses do however have much higher base HPs to make them more challenging opponents. The HP added by vitality increases at a quadratic rate. To determine the HP of a spirit with a given vitality stat the formula beneath may be used:

Base Stats

The base stats of a spirit species are the stats of a spirit before stats are allocated, whether by the player or the game itself. Base stats are set for each spirit species, resulting in some spirits lending themselves better to some play styles than others. Furthermore the total number of base stats differ between the spirit species, some spirits starting with more overall stat points than others.

When you encounter a wild spirit its stats are decided by taking the spirit's base stats and then allocating a number of stat points randomly among the various stats. The number is equal to the spirit's level plus 4, meaning that a spirit encountered at level 1 has its base stats plus 5 randomly assigned stat points. The total number of stat points for a spirit at level 1 may be referred to as the base stat total. Hatched spirits are assigned the first five stat points like wild spirits, but leave any stat allocation beyond the first 5 points for the player to decide.

There are a few notable exceptions to this way of distributing stats, in the five major boss battles the opposing spirits have preset stats, and as does starter spirits.