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A few of the crops available in-game.

In Moonstone Island, the player is able to grow or forage crops for a variety of purposes. Each season has its own list of crops, and every island biome has a pair of crops unique to the current season (except for Water Islands, which share the same crops as Earth Islands). When the season changes, a new list of crops will become available, and any crops not in a greenhouse will die. Crops in the wild will simply disappear, and new ones will take their place. If a Psychic Storm occurs on an island, it will spawn its pair of season-exclusive crops, regardless of the island type the storm occurs on. Aquatic crops are not native to Water Islands and can instead be found on any body of water on any island type.

Once the player has access to the scythe, they can cut down mature or wild crops to harvest their seeds. Crops from more distant islands require an upgraded scythe to cut, purchasable from Ferra. The seeds can then be sold to the Conservatory, where Ofelia and Gaiana will propagate them. The day after selling them a new seed, the seeds will be available for purchase from Rowan in the General Store in an unlimited quantity. Selling every seed for a respective season is part of a series of quests.

A crop grown in fertilized soil will have its effects boosted by 1.5x respective to the type of fertilizer used. Fertilized crops can also be used in alchemy to create even stronger concoctions.



The Alchemist is able to eat a crop by pressing "E" (on PC) while it is selected in their hotbar or inventory. The only effect eating a crop currently has is on either increasing or decreasing Icon stamina.png Stamina; any other listed effects a crop has do not apply to the player.

The highest stamina restoring crop is the Magic Mushroom, found during Psychic Storms during Spring.

Feeding spirits

During combat or inside the Medallion, crops can be fed to spirits to boost or lower their stats. Both friendly and enemy spirits can be fed in a battle at the cost of 1 Mana.png Energy. Certain spirit abilities have special interactions with being fed, such as Coolslime, who doesn't require energy to be fed once tamed.

Feeding an enemy spirit with a crop that applies Icon tame.png Tame a sufficient amount of times will allow the player to tame it, where they will then have the option to keep it or to set it free. If the player has an available slot in their medallion, keeping a spirit after taming it will immediately add it to their party during the battle. Otherwise, a spirit will be sent to the Spirit Barn if there is space available.

Taming a spirit without space in a medallion or Spirit Barn will force it to be released.


Crops are also used in alchemy to additively combine their effects into a single concoction. These are helpful to effectively use two of an item in combat while spending only one energy, or to create concoctions that can apply a large amount of status effects instantly.

Spring Crops

Image Name Location Sell Price Growth Time Reharvest Effects
Icon stamina.pngStamina Icon hp.pngHP Icon exp.pngEXP Icon armor.pngArmor Icon speed.pngSpeed Icon vitality.pngVitality Icon power.png Power Icon tame.pngTame
Flax Flower Earth Island Icon coins.png 20 6 Days No +20 +10
Stonefruit Earth Island Icon coins.png 20 6 Days No +50
Cat Tail Aquatic Icon coins.png 15 6 Days Yes - Every 3 days +20 +3
Lilypad Aquatic Icon coins.png 15 7 Days No +20 +15
Mandrake Poison Island Icon coins.png 50 10 Days No -10 -3
Nightshade Poison Island Icon coins.png 40 8 Days No -10 -3
Bolt Electric Island Icon coins.png 55 8 Days Yes - Every 4 days +20 +5
Nimbus Plant Electric Island Icon coins.png 60 9 Days No +20 +3
Fire Flower Fire Island Icon coins.png 50 6 Days No +20 +30
Hot Pepper Fire Island Icon coins.png 65 10 Days Yes - Every 5 days +20 +3
Bloodroot Dark Island Icon coins.png 55 7 Days No +20 -5 +5
Spirit Bane Dark Island Icon coins.png 90 11 Days No +20 -5 +5
Magic Mushroom Psychic Storm Icon coins.png 55 7 Days No +100
Yarrow Psychic Storm Icon coins.png 82 10 Days No +20 +30

Summer Crops

Image Name Location Sell Price Growth Time Reharvest Effects
Icon stamina.pngStamina Icon hp.pngHP Icon exp.pngEXP Icon armor.pngArmor Icon speed.pngSpeed Icon vitality.pngVitality Icon power.png Power Icon tame.pngTame
Mossball Earth Island Icon coins.png 20 4 Days No +20 +10 +1 +1
Popsiplant Earth Island Icon coins.png 23 5 Days No +20 +2 +1
Beach Peach Aquatic Icon coins.png 20 4 Days No +40
Pinwheel Flower Aquatic Icon coins.png 20 4 Days No +20 +2 +20
Erdenleaf Poison Island Icon coins.png 40 6 Days No +20 -2
Umbrellashroom Poison Island Icon coins.png 26 5 Days No +20 -1 -2
Stun Flower Electric Island Icon coins.png 53 6 Days No +20 +2 +30
Zaplant Electric Island Icon coins.png 40 5 Days No +20 +1 +3
Flameroot Fire Island Icon coins.png 56 5 Days No +20 +4
Hot Air Fruit Fire Island Icon coins.png 46 4 Days No +20 +20 +50
Prickly Plant Dark Island Icon coins.png 80 6 Days No +20 +8 -4
Wingfruit Dark Island Icon coins.png 80 6 Days No +20 -8 +8
Eye Berry Psychic Storm Icon coins.png 93 6 Days No +20 +100
Tiny Flower Psychic Storm Icon coins.png 66 4 Days No +20 +50 +30

Fall Crops

Image Name Location Sell Price Growth Time Reharvest Effects
Icon stamina.pngStamina Icon hp.pngHP Icon exp.pngEXP Icon armor.pngArmor Icon speed.pngSpeed Icon vitality.pngVitality Icon power.png Power Icon tame.pngTame
Applum Earth Island Icon coins.png 30 9 Days Yes - Every 5 days +30 +20
Squish Earth Island Icon coins.png 27 8 Days Yes - Every 4 days +60
Flag Flower Aquatic Icon coins.png 24 7 Days Yes - Every 2 days +30 +40
Fuzzball Aquatic Icon coins.png 27 8 Days Yes - Every 3 days +30 +1 +1 +1
Grumpkin Poison Island Icon coins.png 35 7 Days Yes - Every 5 days -10 -1 -1 -1
Spiky Plant Poison Island Icon coins.png 45 9 Days Yes - Every 5 days -10 -3
Electricone Electric Island Icon coins.png 60 9 Days Yes - Every 4 days +30 +4
Plantern Electric Island Icon coins.png 65 8 Days Yes - Every 5 days +30 +4
Colberry Fire Island Icon coins.png 90 9 Days Yes - Every 4 days +30 +40
Heat Plant Fire Island Icon coins.png 90 9 Days Yes - Every 4 days +30 +4
Skeleplant Dark Island Icon coins.png 70 7 Days Yes - Every 3 days +30 +2 -2
Spectre Flower Dark Island Icon coins.png 100 10 Days Yes - Every 6 days +30 -2 +50
Ghostshroom Psychic Storm Icon coins.png 100 10 Days Yes - Every 7 days +30 +100
Willowisp Psychic Storm Icon coins.png 70 7 Days Yes - Every 4 days +30 +250

Winter Crops

Notice: At the moment, crops cannot be grown in winter unless inside of a greenhouse. However, they are still able to be found in the wild.

Image Name Location Sell Price Growth Time Reharvest Effects
Icon stamina.pngStamina Icon hp.pngHP Icon exp.pngEXP Icon armor.pngArmor Icon speed.pngSpeed Icon vitality.pngVitality Icon power.png Power Icon tame.pngTame
Crescent Plant Earth Island Icon coins.png 57 13 Days No +40 +5
Snowman Plant Earth Island Icon coins.png 53 12 Days Yes - Every 5 days +40 +50 +1
Chilly Berry Aquatic Icon coins.png 53 12 Days No +40 +1 +1
Snow Flobes Aquatic Icon coins.png 53 12 Days No +80
Flake Flower Poison Island Icon coins.png 73 11 Days No -10 -2 -2 -2 +50
Saplant Poison Island Icon coins.png 153 13 Days Yes - Every 6 days -10 -5
Bulbshroom Electric Island Icon coins.png 106 12 Days No +40 +3 +3
Popcorn Plant Electric Island Icon coins.png 36 12 Days Yes - Every 5 days +40 -1
Ruby Plant Fire Island Icon coins.png 153 14 Days No +40 +2 +2 +2
Sweater Plant Fire Island Icon coins.png 153 14 Days No +40 +3
Black Pearl Dark Island Icon coins.png 166 13 Days No +40 -3 +5
Icicle Root Dark Island Icon coins.png 173 13 Days No +40 +5 -5 -5 -5
Gift Plant Psychic Storm Icon coins.png 186 14 Days No +40 +1000
Snowdrop Flower Psychic Storm Icon coins.png 180 13 Days No +40 +500 +100