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Conditions are lingering effects that can be applied to Spirits in battle by playing cards or by certain abilities. The conditions applied can be beneficial buffs or detrimental debuffs. Cards and abilities will generally apply buffs to allied Spirits and debuffs to opposing Spirits. Some conditions scale in intensity with the amount of the condition applied, whereas other conditions only benefit in the way of increased duration. Cleanse Potions or certain cards may be used to remove conditions immediately. Damage dealt by conditions bypasses Armor.

Each condition is typically exclusive to a certain Element of Spirits:

List of Conditions

Condition Type Description
Condition Barrier.png Barrier Buff Prevents conditions from being applied. Reduced by 1 per turn.
Condition Burn.png Burn Debuff (Damaging) Takes Fire damage at the start of each turn. Reduced by half per turn.
Condition Calm.png Calm Debuff Cannot play Attack cards. Reduced by 1 per turn.
Condition Charge.png Charge Buff Adds additional damage to each attack. Reduced by 1 per turn.
Condition Ethereal.png Ethereal Buff This Spirit's attacks ignore Armor. Reduced by 1 per turn.
Condition Freeze.png Freeze Debuff Deal 25% less damage with attacks. Reduced by 1 per turn.
Condition Intangible.png Intangible Buff All incoming damage and HP loss is reduced to 1. Reduced by 1 per turn.
Condition Poison.png Poison Debuff (Damaging) Takes Poison damage at the start of each turn. Reduced by 1 per turn.
Condition Rage.png Rage Buff Deals and receives double damage from Attacks. Reduced by 1 per turn.
Condition Regen.png Regen Buff Recovers HP at the start of each turn. Reduced by 1 per turn.
Condition Sharp.png Sharp Buff (Damaging) Deals damage to any attacker. Ignores Armor. Reduced by half per turn.
Condition Tangle.png Tangle Debuff Cannot play Skill cards. Reduced by 1 per turn.


  • In the game code the conditions Burn, Poison and Sharp are classified as "Damage" type conditions rather than "Buff" or "Debuff", independent of whether or not the condition is beneficial to the affected Spirit.