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Gaiana is a romanceable NPC in Moonstone Island. They are an herbalist and are somewhere between 25 and 35 years old.


Time Action
?? ??
?? ??
Time Action
08:00 On the bridge between the Tavern and the Smithy
12:15 In the Tavern
19:40 At the pier
Time Action
?? ??
?? ??
Time Action
?? ??
?? ??
Time Action
?? ??
?? ??
Time Action
?? ??
19:00 At the pier
Time Action
07:20 Leaves Conservatory
09:00 At Hot Springs


Gaiana likes to be gifted plants and flowers and dislikes fish.


Oh, I love these plants."
(smile) "They're hard to find, and hard to grow, but so beautiful, don't you think?"
Image Name Source
Prickly Plant Dark Island Summer
Grumpkin Poison Island Fall
Black Pearl Dark Island Winter


(happy) "Thanks. I can use this for work."
Image Name Source
Nightshade Poison Island Spring
Mandrake Poison Island Spring
Magic Mushroom Psychic Storm Spring
Yarrow Psychic Storm Spring
Spirit Bane Dark Island Spring
Bloodroot Dark Island Spring
Umbrellashroom Poison Island Summer
Erdenleaf Poison Island Summer
Wingfruit Dark Island Summer
Eye Berry Psychic Storm Summer
Spiky Plant Poison Island Fall
Colberry Fire Island Fall
Spectre Flower Dark Island Fall
Willowisp Psychic Storm Fall
Ghostshroom Psychic Storm Fall
Saplant Dark Island
Flake Flower Poison Island Winter
Icicle Root Dark Island Winter
Snowdrop Flower Psychic Storm Winter
Gift Plant Psychic Storm Winter
Growth Fertilizer General Store, Crafting
Stamina Fertilizer General Store, Crafting
Healing Fertilizer General Store, Crafting
Tame Fertilizer General Store, Crafting
Power Fertilizer General Store, Crafting
Speed Fertilizer General Store, Crafting
Experience Fertilizer General Store, Crafting


"Do you just go around giving things to people?"
"Thanks, I guess."
All items not listed in other sections


(frown) "I don't really want this."
"Fish are really gross.."
Image Name Source
Bunnyfish Earth Island
Cinderfish Fire Island
Fangfish Poison Island
Flyingfish Earth Island, Water Island
Jewelfish Earth Island
Lightning Eel Electric Island
Moonfish Earth Island
Pizzafish Earth Island, Water Island
Ringfish Earth Island, Water Island
Sisyphish Earth Island, Water Island
Sparkstar Electric Island
Spinefish Poison Island
Steelfish Fire Island
Tigerfish Fire Island
Joltfish Electric Island
Zenfish Water Island, Earth Island


(frown) "Did you catch this? The poor thing."
"This is a cruel joke."
Image Name Source
Blobfish Poison Island


First Date - Beach 
"So, uh..."
"I noticed that you never say anything."
"I mean, you just... sit there."
"And listen."
"And stare."
"Don't you ever have anything to say?"
The player has a dialogue option
I'm a deep thinker. (Best choice)
"...You should talk more, then."
"If you think things, you should try saying them out loud."
(neutral) "Otherwise it's just unnerving."
"I obviously think you've got SOMETHING interesting about you."
"I wouldn't have said yes to the date otherwise."
"...See, you've gone silent again."
"I think I'm just going to go home."
"This was... a weird date."
I think that went well!
Nothing important. (Good choice)
"Listen, I don't want to be mean, but..."
"I don't want to date people who have nothing to say."
"And I think you're more interesting than that."
"Or I wouldn't have said yes."
"So maybe, I don't know, try it next time."
"See ya."
I think that went okay.
*shrug* (Bad choice)
(frown) "Cool, so... this date is just me talking to myself, then."
"No thanks. I think I'll head home."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Beach 
"I realise I might have made you a bit nervous last time we were here."
"Well, I didn't really "realise"."
"Lina chewed me out when I told her how it went."
(sad) "I'm sorry. I know I can be kinda..."
The player has a dialogue option
Defensive? (Best choice)
(laugh) "Ha, yeah, I guess that's it."
(neutral) "I've always been like this. It drives a lot of people off."
"The ones who stick around, even after getting to know me..."
"They're the real ones."
(smile) "I'm not trying to test you, I promise."
"I think I'm gonna call it a night, but this time... "
"Maybe you could walk me home or whatever. If you insist."
I think that went well!
Scary? (Good choice)
(happy) "I'm scary? Really? Ha."
(neutral) "It's not my intention. Honestly."
"I'm just like this, I guess. But it's less work."
"I've just... never been the peppy kind. Sorry."
"Hey, so... I'm gonna call it a night, I think."
(smile) "But if you want, you can walk me home. I guess."
I think that went okay.
Mean? (Bad choice)
(frown) "I'm not mean. I'm just honest."
"I don't see the point in... pretending I'm having a good time, if I'm not."
"I'm just being myself."
(neutral) "..."
"I should head back home. Night."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Third Date - Beach 
"I can't believe Tobin just hangs out here, like... all day."
(laugh) "I love Tobin as a friend, but I always make him come to MY house to hang out."
(frown) "His place is just a bit too... fishy for my likes."
(laugh) "Don't worry, he knows how I feel!"
(neutral) "I just can't stand fish. Honestly."
"My grandpa made me go fishing with him one time."
(awkward) "He made me HOLD THE FISH."
"*shudder* So slimy and gross."
(sad) "I feel sorry for the things..."
(frown) "...but I also don't want them ANYWHERE NEAR ME."
"I don't trust anything that spends all its time at the bottom of the sea. Creepy."
The player has a dialogue option
That's fine. I hate spiders. (Best choice)
(happy) "Oh, really! I think they're kinda cute."
"Again, I don't want to TOUCH them, but they eat a lot of pests."
(laugh) "So they're good for my plants! I can't be mad at them!"
(happy) "Maybe you should just call me next time you've got a spider and I can take it off your hands..."
(smile) "Are you ready to head out? I'm starting to get cold."
I think that went well!
You feel sorry for fish? (Good choice)
(neutral) "Yeah, I mean... It's silly, but I feel like fishing is a bit cruel."
(sad) "They're just having a normal day and then suddenly they get RIPPED out of their homes."
(laugh) "I know I'd be really upset if someone did that to me."
"But, I guess in a way, that's kinda what you did, isn't it?"
"I mean, you CHOSE to move away. But you're like a fish that moved tanks."
"I wonder how long it'll take you to acclimatise."
(smile) "Anyway, are you ready to head out? I'm starting to get cold."
I think that went okay.
They make good fertiliser, though. (Bad choice)
(frown) "I absolutely do not want fish anywhere near my plants."
"I prefer manure as fertiliser, anyway."
"Nothing had to die for manure to exist."
(sad) "I don't like the thought of my flowerbeds being a graveyard..."
"I prefer nurturing life, not ending it."
(neutral) "Speaking of ending, I'm going to call it a night."
"Don't stay up too late."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Fourth Date - Beach 
"...We can't just sit here in silence the whole time."
"So... if you're not going to say anything... I will."
(frown) "Ugh, why is this so hard to say?!"
(neutral) "It's... been... hard for me, I guess. You probably noticed."
(smile) "But you've always stuck around, and that's surprisingly nice."
The player has a dialogue option
I'm glad you've warmed up to me. (Best choice)
(laugh) "I guess I have. Yeah."
(smile) "I don't know. I didn't... want to? I guess?"
(neutral) "It's way easier to not let anyone in."
(laugh) "But you're so persistent!! It's hard not to give in."
(happy) "Do you want to walk me back to my place?"
I think that went well!
You're cute when you're angry. (Good choice)
(laugh) "Oh, don't make me push you into the water."
"No one calls me cute."
(neutral) "Maybe you can get a pass though."
(laugh) "Okay, I know I just yelled at you, but it's really dark..."
(smile) "Are you still okay to walk me home?"
(laugh) "I won't yell at you for being nice!"
I think that went okay.
You don't seem like you're having fun. (Bad choice)
(frown) "I am having fun!"
(angry) "I say what I mean, even if... even if it doesn't look like it."
(frown) "I was hoping you'd know me a little better by now."
(sad) "...Forget I said anything. I need to go home."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

First Date - Tavern 
(angry) "I get... SO angry sometimes at the people who caused the cataclysm."
"They could have built paradise! But they chose... greed and convenience."
(sad) "But I guess that seems obvious after the fact."
"Maybe we would have done the same."
"It's too easy to make mistakes little by little."
"Like boiling a frog."
The player has a dialogue option
I want to leave the world better than it was before me. (Best choice)
(smile) "I wish everyone was like that."
(happy) "Imagine what we would be capable of!"
"I know violence isn't the answer, but..."
(angry) "Sometimes I just want to wring a few necks, you know?"
(frown) "Doing good only gets you so far."
(sad) "But stopping evil... that's so much harder."
(neutral) "I guess that's up to you though, huh?"
(smile) "No pressure."
"I need to get back home now. Sorry."
"Let's do this again."
I think that went well!
I think there must have been a good reason. (Good choice)
"I know."
"People don't usually do terrible, selfish things just... because."
"But some people's reasoning was just MONEY."
(frown) "Those people... I can't forgive them."
"I want to be a kind and loving person, but some people just do not deserve that."
(sad) "I just... hope we can be better."
(frown) "Ugh, sorry, I've spent the whole date being mad at my ancestors."
(neutral) "Let's just call it a night here."
"Maybe we can do this again. Or whatever."
I think that went okay.
Idealism is childish fantasy. (Bad choice)
(frown) "Maybe it is childish, but hope is one of the best things that humanity has!"
"No matter how dire the situation, we always have hope. Hope gets us through."
"So yeah, I'm idealistic, because I KNOW the world can be better."
"If that's childish, then fine. I don't care."
"Good night."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Tavern 
"Okay, I'm going to say something I've been wanting to say to you for a long time."
(happy) "Shots."
(laugh) "SHOTS!"
The player has a dialogue option
Shots! (Best choice)
(laugh) "SHOTS!!"
(smile) "Okay, one...two...three..."
(angry) "UGHHH it tastes so nasty. Blegh. Yuck."
(smile) "So... Maybe now both of us can loosen up a little bit."
"You can be more talkative. And I can maybe let my guard down a bit!"
(awkward) "Or... Or maybe I need to run to the bathroom."
I think that went well!
Shots? (Good choice)
"Well... yeah! I just figured that it would maybe help both of us."
"I always feel so tense, and you're always so QUIET."
"You know what helps loosen people up?"
(happy) "SHOTS! Let's goooo!"
(angry) "Bleeerggggh... that tastes awful."
(happy) "Ready for another?"
(awkward) "Or... Or maybe I need to run to the bathroom. NOW."
I think that went okay.
What are you, a teenager? (Bad choice)
(frown) "No! Why do people always think that fun things are immature?"
"I had a bad day. I want to enjoy the date."
"I'm just feeling... stressed."
"I thought it would be fun to unwind a little."
"Maybe I'll just unwind on my own instead."
(angry) "Don't bother walking me home."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Third Date - Tavern 
"I think I'm going to make this my last drink for the night."
"I'm getting quite tired."
(smile) "So, uh, I think it was your turn to ask me a question."
"I feel like I've been grilling you all night."
"Go on. Ask me anything."
(frown) "I mean, nothing weird."
The player has a dialogue option
Why did you choose to work with plants? (Best choice)
(happy) "Oh, good question."
(smile) "I've always been interested in nature, but the idea that nature could be helpful is FASCINATING."
"There's so much that plants can do for us."
"I don't have a specialty in medicine like Lina does, but I like to think I can still be useful in my trade."
(happy) "Plus, I've never been that creative. I guess I'm more into nurturing?"
(smile) "I like the way plants take a while to grow... like you have to coax them out of their shell."
(laugh) "I guess you and I have a lot in common, huh?"
(smile) "We both grow things, we both raise things. It's cool."
(happy) "Come on, let's walk back before it gets too dark."
I think that went well!
Why are you so grumpy all the time? (Good choice)
(sad) "...*sigh*"
"Yeah, I guess that's fair."
"Look... There's part of me that wants to be upset that you asked me that."
(neutral) "But you're right. I've been... unfriendly to you."
(sad) "I don't know why. I'm sorry."
"Maybe I'm just like this?"
(neutral) "I hope you'll be patient with me while I figure it out, because... I really am trying to figure it out."
(smile) "It's been a long time since I've wanted to let someone in. I guess that's a good thing?"
(laugh) "I... don't go on a whole lot of dates, so this is pretty new to me."
(smile) "So... shall we walk back before it gets too dark?"
(laugh) "Or before we get too drunk?"
I think that went okay.
What colour underwear do you have on? (Bad choice)
(angry) "Are you serious?!"
(frown) "I mean, you know that's exactly the kind of weird question I meant, right?"
(frown) "Ossono, cancel that last order. I'm going home."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Fourth Date - Tavern 
"There's something I wanted to say to you, and..."
"I don't know if I have the courage to just... come out with it."
"...Can I be, uh, honest with you?"
"Okay, I need to not look at you when I say this."
(frown) "I... don't know why you keep being nice to me."
"I mean... I'm not nice to YOU."
The player has a dialogue option
Prickly plants bloom slowly. (Best choice)
(laugh) "Okay, that's adorable."
"It's not even true!!"
(smile) "But... I appreciate the horticultural analogy."
"I guess I do take longer to warm up to people..."
(laugh) "I don't know why. I'm not a therapist."
(smile) "But I'm really glad that you don't give up easily."
(frown) "Don't tell anyone about my soft side or I'll... I'll..."
(laugh) "Sorry. Gotta get out of the habit of threatening people, huh."
(smile) "I think Ossono's closing up. We should head out."
I think that went well!
I like you. (Good choice)
(awkward) "But why?! I don't understand!"
(sad) "I'm difficult, and sarcastic, and cold. I know I am."
"I can guess what people say about me behind my back."
"I can't even be nice around people I WANT to be nice to."
"I just... I get scared. Of letting people in."
(frown) "I know it's stupid."
(sad) "But... everyone makes it look so easy. And it's not. At least, it's not for me."
"...Please don't... give up on me. I'm trying. I promise."
(neutral) "Oh... I think Ossono's closing up. We should head out."
I think that went okay.
Treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen. (Bad choice)
(frown) "I'm not mean because I want people to like me."
"I've always hated when people say that!"
"Like, what are women supposed to do to make people leave them alone?!"
"If we're nice, we're leading people on."
"If we're mean, we're ALSO leading people on."
(angry) "Ugh!! I'm leaving."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

First Date - Hot Spring 
"I asked Lina what she would do if she was dating someone as... quiet as you."
"She said that I shouldn't be afraid to fill the silence."
"But... I'm not used to that? I'm pretty quiet, too."
"So, uh... yeah..."
(frown) "(Why is this so hard, Gaiana?)"
"(Just talk to the cute Alchemist. Idiot.)"
(neutral) "Uh, so... being an Alchemist. Must be cool."
The player has a dialogue option
It's amazing! I'm so glad I took the risk. (Best choice)
"Huh, I never thought of it as a risk, but I guess it is."
"I mean, you have to leave home and find a new island that you know nothing about."
"And you have to go out into the wilderness, facing danger..."
(laugh) "I guess my job seems tame in comparison to all that."
(smile) "Honestly, I thought you were a bit of a dweeb when you first got here."
(laugh) "I mean... no offense, but those clothes are really... something."
(smile) "But you're kinda cool, Alchemist."
"Who knew."
"Anyway. I've got to go."
"See ya."
I think that went well!
It's pretty cool. (Good choice)
"I don't think I could do it."
"I prefer my day to be a lot more chill. Just me and the plants."
(smile) "But, y'know. I still think it's cool."
"Getting to see all that biodiversity. Or whatever."
"Don't forget to bring back some of those seeds for me and Lina, yeah?"
"There's no way either of us are going out there ourselves."
"I don't know why you're okay with putting yourself in danger, but hey. If it helps, it helps."
(neutral) "I just hope you can figure out how to fix the mess we're in."
"With the Spirits all messed up and angry, I mean."
(happy) "No pressure."
(smile) "Anyway, I've got to go."
"See ya."
I think that went okay.
You know I can hear you talking to yourself, right? (Bad choice)
(awkward) "I.... n... no I didn't!"
(angry) "You didn't hear ANYTHING."
(frown) "That was just the wind."
(angry) "Shut up! I'm not blushing!"
(frown) "I... I have to go."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Hot Spring 
(smile) "Ossono came over last night and cooked an ENTIRE meal out of plants from my garden."
"It was incredible! She's so good at cooking."
(laugh) "Meanwhile, I can't butter bread without breaking a plate."
(smile) "I wonder if I can hire her as my personal chef..."
The player has a dialogue option
Is that what you're looking for in a partner? (Best choice)
(laugh) "Oh, wow, are you a little jealous?"
"Don't worry! Ossono and I... no. Nuh uh."
(smile) "She's too chaotic. Not my type at all."
(laugh) "I love her, but noooo."
(love) "Maybe I have my eyes on someone else, anyway."
(laugh) "Oh, wow, look at the time."
(smile) "Way past my bedtime! Time to go!"
I think that went well!
I'll cook for you sometime. (Good choice)
(laugh) "Do I detect a little jealousy, perhaps?"
(smile) "Yeah, I would like that."
"We'd have to wait for all the plants to grow back, though."
"I mean, Ossono took EVERYTHING I'd grown."
(laugh) "Ask me again in a month, maybe!"
(smile) "Come on, it's getting late. Let's get out before it gets too dark."
(smile) "Oh, and don't worry..."
(happy) "Ossono's not my type."
I think that went okay.
Why don't you just MARRY her? (Bad choice)
(frown) "Jealousy doesn't suit you, you know."
"And I don't find it attractive."
"If you're going to be weird about me hanging out with friends... forget it."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Third Date - Hot Spring 
(smile) "Yeah, I remember the first time I fell in love with plants."
"I was about...ten, maybe? And I wanted to make a birthday present for my mom."
"I went through the garden and picked all the pretty flowers, and turned them into perfume."
(laugh) "Well... "perfume". It was more like "week-old flowers in water"."
"It smelled AWFUL, and it didn't look that good, either."
The player has a dialogue option
What did your mom think? (Best choice)
(laugh) "Oh, she pretended to LOVE it."
(smile) "She even tried wearing it to work."
(laugh) "It took a week for anyone to tell her she smelled like a compost heap!"
(smile) "She's great."
"Speaking of mom, she's waiting up for me, so I should head out."
"Walk with me?"
I think that went well!
That's really cute, though! (Good choice)
(happy) "I know, right?"
"And I was the CUTEST kid, too. Massive eyes. Tiny ponytails."
(laugh) "I got away with EVERYTHING."
(smile) "They were good parents, though."
(happy) "It would be hard to live here if they weren't!"
(smile) "Speaking of mom, I said I'd stay at hers tonight, so I should head out."
"Walk with me?"
I think that went okay.
I hope my kids don't turn out like that. (Bad choice)
(frown) "Wow, okay, that's mean."
"It was cute. She thought it was funny."
"Kids do stupid things. You're supposed to love them anyway."
"I hope my kids aren't afraid to be themselves. Or make mistakes."
"I need to go home now. Goodnight."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Fourth Date - Hot Spring 
"I've been... feeling bad lately. About the way I've treated you."
"I try to be friendly, but... it's hard. I've been this way for so long."
(smile) "It means a lot to me that you stuck around."
"It's going to take me time to warm up, but I hope you'll be patient."
(sad) "I'm just... terrified of having my heart broken again. I'm sorry."
The player has a dialogue option
Take all the time you need. (Best choice)
(sad) "...*sigh*"
(neutral) "That was really hard to say. And it's taken me SO long to say it. I'm sorry."
"I'm going to need more time."
(smile) "You really don't have to stick around... but I'm glad you have so far."
"You're honest, patient, and respectful."
(laugh) "Well, most of the time."
(love) "Would you... walk me home?"
I think that went well!
I will never hurt you. (Good choice)
"...I appreciate that. But I don't think that's realistic."
"Sometimes hurt happens. It's not always on purpose."
"I want to be strong enough and wise enough to work through it."
"I can't just expect the world to be soft for me."
(smile) "So... just promise you'll be honest, patient, and respectful. That's what I want."
"Would you... walk home with me?"
I think that went okay.
That's it? (Bad choice)
(frown) "What do you mean, that's it?"
"Yeah, that's it."
"Maybe it's not a big deal to you, but it is to me."
"Sorry I don't have some awful traumatic backstory to make all these dates worth it."
"I'm going home."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

First Date - Home 
"I haven't actually... had a date over to my house before."
"So, uh... please don't break anything."
"And try not to touch stuff too much."
(frown) "And don't sit on my bed. Or go in my closet. Or the-"
The player has a dialogue option
Hey. It's okay. It's just me. (Best choice)
(sad) "*sigh* Yep. Yeah. Sorry. I'm getting all wound up."
(awkward) "It's just scary! This is my safe space, you know?"
(sad) "I'm sharing this part of me that feels very... private, and intimate."
(neutral) "But you're right. It's just you. Everything is okay."
"And I'm glad you're here."
"And... I trust you."
(smile) "Do you wanna... watch a movie, maybe?"
"Ferra found this old tape in a cave, and Zed helped me fix it up. I hope it works."
(laugh) "I hope it's not awful, too."
(smile) "Hold on, I'll get the lights..."
I think that went well!
That's a lot of rules! (Good choice)
(sad) "I know. I'm sorry."
"I guess I'm just feeling uncomfortable."
"I think maybe this is going faster than I was ready for."
(neutral) "But maybe... we could watch a movie, instead?"
"I don't want you to go."
"We just might have to take it slow. I hope that's okay."
(smile) "But, if you like... maybe we can cuddle up while we watch the movie?"
(happy) "I'll get the lights!"
I think that went okay.
*touch stuff* (Bad choice)
(angry) "Hey! Stop that! I just said don't touch stuff!"
"What are you, five?!"
(frown) "Maybe we're moving too fast. I don't think I'm ready for this."
"Can you just... leave, please?"
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Home 
(smile) "Okay, admit it... You've guessed who my mom is, haven't you?"
(happy) "It's Lina. Although you probably know her as Ofelia."
(laugh) "I don't call her "mom"!"
(smile) "She had me quite young, so she wanted to be, like, a COOL mom."
"First names only."
(smile) "Buuuut I bet you don't know who my other parent is, do you?"
The player has a dialogue option
Paolo! They talk about you a lot. (Best choice)
(happy) "Of course they do. How embarrassing."
(smile) "I guess Paolo is the only other person who's old enough to be my parent, anyway."
(smile) "And yes, if you're wondering, they prefer first names too."
(laugh) "So I call both my parents by their first names! I guess that's weird!"
(neutral) "I don't talk about Paolo as much as Lina, but that's only because I don't work with Paolo."
(laugh) "Also, as you know by now, I'm shy about giving out my life story!"
(smile) "I love them both. And I hope they like you."
(love) "Because...I really like you."
(laugh) "Want to turn this night into a sleepover?"
I think that went well!
Zed? (Good choice)
(laugh) "No!! Oh my god, can you imagine."
"I think Zed's younger than I am."
(smile) "No, my other parent is Paolo. They run the carpentry shop."
"I call them by their first name, too. They prefer it that way, and so do I!"
(neutral) "I don't talk about Paolo as much as Lina, but that's only because I don't work with Paolo."
(smile) "I love them both. And I hope they like you."
(love) "Because...I really like you."
(happy) "Want to turn this night into a sleepover?"
I think that went okay.
I don't know or care. (Bad choice)
(frown) "Fine. You're no fun."
(neutral) "It's Paolo. My other parent is Paolo."
"I call them by their first name, just like Lina."
"They prefer it to "dad" or "parent"."
(sad) "I was hoping to maybe have them over some time to meet you as my partner, but... maybe that's too much."
(neutral) "*yawn* I'm getting sleepy."
"Do you mind seeing yourself home?"
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Third Date - Home 
"I tried to count how many dates we've been on."
(laugh) "Math's never been my strong point. It's somewhere between one and fifty."
(smile) "I guess it doesn't matter, really, but... well..."
"I thought, that, uh... maybe... I could..."
"There's this thing I wanted to tell you, and..."
(laugh) "I mean... what I'm trying to say, is..."
(neutral) "...I..."
(frown) "...I looooooo..."
(angry) "EYELUHEWE."
The player has a dialogue option
I love you too. (Best choice)
(laugh) "I... wow."
(smile) "Look, honestly, I don't think I can say it back."
(awkward) "Not because I don't... you know..."
(sad) "I've just never actually said it to anyone."
"Not even Paolo and Lina."
(neutral) "Don't feel sad for me, though. We show our affection in other ways!"
"And they know how I feel, and I know how they feel."
(laugh) "We're just not WORDS people. Especially me."
(love) "But for the first time, I want to say it... to you."
"Because... I do. Feel that way."
(laugh) "I think I need to practice more before I'm ready, though."
(smile) "Let's just cuddle and watch a movie, okay?"
I think that went well!
That's not a word, sweetie. (Good choice)
(laugh) "I knowwwww, aaaaah!"
(neutral) "It's just... I haven't really... said it before."
"Lina and Paolo and I, we show our affection differently."
"We make each other gifts, help each other out."
"I've never been a words kind of person."
"Ossono says it to me sometimes, but she knows I don't reciprocate."
(sad) "At this point, it feels too awkward to start now."
(smile) "Look, I'll try practicing more. For you."
(love) "Because I actually WANT to say it to you."
"For now... let's just cuddle and watch another movie."
I think that went okay.
Commitment phobia isn't cute, you know. (Bad choice)
(sad) "Uuuugh, I KNOW."
"But I can't help it!"
(frown) "It's scary! Falling in... you-know-what is scary."
(sad) "I really hoped you'd be more patient, like I asked."
"But I'm trying. Within my own stupid comfort zone."
(neutral) "Look... I've never actually SAID it to anyone before."
"Not even Paolo and Lina."
"We show affection in different ways."
(frown) "But I WANT to say it to you. For the first time."
(smile) "I'll get there, okay?"
(sad) "But I think, for now... I think you should go."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Fourth Date - Home 
(love) "Mmm, you're good at kissing."
"Your lips are so soft."
(laugh) "I would have thought they'd be all dry from being outside all day!"
(love) "You're a surprise in a lot of ways. Good ways."
(smile) "And guess what? I have good news."
"Okay. Here goes."
(happy) "I LOVE YOU!"
The player has a dialogue option
I'm so proud of you! I love you! (Best choice)
(happy) "Thank you! That means a lot."
"So, actually... I told Paolo and Lina I loved them, too."
(laugh) "Paolo laughed, and Lina cried. It was weird."
(smile) "But they both said it back, even though it felt awkward."
"And, I don't know... it was like some seal in me just broke."
(happy) "So, I'm sorry you're not the FIRST person I've said it to."
(love) "But... with you, it's something entirely different."
"So, I love you. So much."
"Thank you for sticking around through everything."
(happy) "Now, for doing all that hard work, I think I deserve another smooching session, don't you think?"
I think that went well!
I love you too! How did you figure it out? (Good choice)
(laugh) "I did a test run on Paolo and Lina."
(smile) "It was so weird, like breaking a really old seal."
(happy) "And now I can say it to everyone!"
(laugh) "So, I guess you're not the first person I've said it to. But you're only the third!"
(love) "And I want you to know... I mean it."
"I think I've probably loved you for ages... so thank you for being patient."
(happy) "Now, for doing all that hard work, I think I deserve another smooching session, don't you think?"
I think that went okay.
Thanks. (Bad choice)
(frown) "Wait, seriously? That's it?"
"Do you know how hard that was for me?"
(sad) "I can't even be angry about it. And I'm always angry."
"I even got up the courage to say it to Paolo and Lina..."
"...I guess I thought you'd be a lot easier to say it to."
"I guess I thought you'd say it back."
"I think you should go."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Missed Date 
(angry) "Do you think it's funny to stand people up?
(frown) "You wasted my time. Thanks a lot."
The player has a dialogue option
I'm sorry.
I won't do it again...
(frown) "Maybe I shouldn't have said yes in the first place."


On Summer 7 of Year 1, she will send you a letter that will initiate the Matchmaker: Gaiana quest. She asks for a Poison-type spirit that has "a smililar hairstyle" to hers.

Spoiler to the correct spirit 
The correct spirit is Emoshroom.


"Hm. Weird outfit. You must be the new alchemist. I'm Gaiana. I work in the Conservatory. If you don't mind, I have somewhere I need to be."

"Lina? Oh. You're not Lina."
