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Ossono is a romanceable NPC in Moonstone Island. She "technically" owns the Tavern in town and is somewhere between 25 and 35 years old.


After 12PM - Tavern

Before 12PM -- Park

Mondays - Near the termals or Science Center


Ossono likes to be gifted flowers and alcohol.


(happy) "For me? Seriously?"
"This will really help me get through the day! Thank you!"
Image Name Source
Beer Tavern
Wine Tavern
Time Dilation Potion Crafting
Speed Potion Crafting
Capacibee Spirit


(smile) "No way! I really like flowers!"
"These smell AMAZING. Thank you!"
Image Name Source
Flax Flower Earth Island Spring
Fire Flower Fire Island Spring
Pinwheel Flower Aquatic Summer
Stun Flower Electric Island Summer
Tiny Flower Psychic Storm Summer
Flag Flower Aquatic Fall
Spectre Flower Dark Island Fall
Flake Flower Poison Island Winter
Snowdrop Flower Psychic Storm Winter


"Oh, thanks for this!"
All items not listed in other sections


"Ooooh, nooo."
(awkward) "I'm sorry, but I can't stand the taste of these."
(neutral) "So, uh, no thanks!"
Image Name Source
Stonefruit Earth Island Spring
Beach Peach Aquatic Summer
Pizzafish Earth Island, Water Island
Grumpkin Poison Island Fall
Popcorn Plant Electric Island Winter
Blobfish Poison Island
Old Boot Earth Island, Water Island


(frown) "Why would you give me this? Is this a prank? This smells horrible."
Image Name Source
Mandrake Poison Island Spring


First Date - Beach 
(smile) "Thanks for asking me to go on a walk with you."
(awkward) "I love the way the beach feels at night..."
(neutral) "Sometimes it feels like the only time I can take a big, deep breath."
"This is a weird question, but... Do you enjoy your job?"
The player has a dialogue option
I love the variety! (Best choice)
(smile) "Yeah, that's what I was thinking!"
"You get to do so many different things."
(neutral) "Sometimes I feel like every day is the same at the tavern!"
(smile) "But... tonight was really nice. Thank you for the break."
I think that went well!
It's alright. (Good choice)
(smile) "I think it looks really fun."
(laugh) "Maybe we should swap jobs some day!"
(smile) "Don't worry, I'm not serious. I could never do what you do."
"I should go... it's getting late."
(happy) "Good night!"
I think that went okay.
Not really... (Bad choice)
"Oh. That's a shame."
(sad) "All that training, having to move away from home... And you don't even like it?"
(neutral) "Well... I should head home, it's pretty late."
"Good night."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Beach 
(happy) "I'm so glad you asked me to go to the beach again!"
(neutral) "It's one of my favourite places."
"I love that we have access to a beach and a mountain here. We're so lucky."
"Are the other islands like this? Or are they even more beautiful?"
(happy) "Maybe you could take me with you some time! I could help!"
The player has a dialogue option
Sure, but you don't need to help! (Good choice)
(happy) "Aw, but I want to! I'm sure there's something I can do."
(smile) "I'd still be happy to come along for the ride, though."
(laugh) "I'll probably end up helping whether you want me to or not!"
(neutral) "I need to head back to the tavern, but let's do this again some time, okay?"
I think that went okay.
I would love the help, actually. (Best choice)
(happy) "I'm so glad you said that! I love being useful."
(neutral) "I feel awkward if I'm just sitting around doing nothing, you know? I have to stay busy!"
(laugh) "Speaking of busy, I have to get back to the tavern. Sorry!"
(smile) "Thank you for another lovely date."
I think that went well!
No, it's too dangerous. (Bad choice)
(frown) "I can handle it."
"You don't have to treat me like I'm delicate, you know."
"Actually, I just remembered I have to be somewhere. I'll see you around."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Third Date - Beach 
(laugh) "...and my parents would have to stop me picking up every single interesting bit of seaweed!"
(neutral) "It's not my fault the ocean is so cool. Plus, a lot of seaweed is edible."
(smile) "Maybe some time you can try my kelp soup! It's... very salty."
(laugh) "Okay, tell me the honest truth: What do you think of my cooking?"
The player has a dialogue option
You should stick to beer. (Bad choice)
(sad) "Oh. Yeah, maybe you're right."
"I should stick to what I know."
"Trying new things... it doesn't always pay off."
(neutral) "I should get back before it gets too late. Bye."
I think that could have gone better...
It's... experimental. (Good choice)
(happy) "I guess you could say that!"
(smile) "I like trying different ideas, even if they don't all work."
"And I love finding new ingredients and techniques."
"It feels like I'm always learning, you know?"
"Maybe I'll try some more "normal" dishes in the future."
"I need to head home now, but thank you for another really lovely date."
(happy) "Bye!"
I think that went okay.
I love trying new things! (Best choice)
(happy) "Me too! The weirder the better."
"A lot of the other townsfolk aren't as brave as you and me!"
(awkward) "Oh, this is awkward, but..."
"I just had an incredible idea for a new dish."
(laugh) "I need to go write it down or I'll forget!"
(happy) "Sorry for cutting the date short, but let's do this again!"
I think that went well!

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Fourth Date - Beach 
"Oh, before I forget... I made you these."
(happy) "They're seaweed truffles."
(smile) "They're made with the seaweed I found last time we were here!"
"You should try one and tell me what you think."
The player has a dialogue option
Let's both try them! (Best choice)
(happy) "That's a great idea!"
(neutral) "*chomp*"
(happy) "They're actually really good!"
(smile) "The saltiness of the seaweed really brings out the sweetness of the chocolate."
(happy) "Thank you for being brave and letting me taste-test them with you!"
(smile) "I'll walk you home. Just in case the seaweed truffles have, um, side effects."
I think that went well!
Oh, yum... (Good choice)
(happy)What do you think?
(neutral)Oh, are you okay...?"
"Your face has gone a weird colour."
(smile) "...You like them?"
(happy) "That's so great!"
(laugh) "You're very brave to have tried something new."
(smile) "But the saltiness sort of complements the chocolate, don't you think?
{mood:love}"Thank you for trying them. You're really sweet."
(happy) "And as a thank you, let me walk you home!
I think that went okay.
Ew. No thanks. (Bad choice)
(sad) "They're not as bad as they sound."
"I tried one already, they're really nice."
(neutral) "I'm not going to force you though! It's fine!"
"I'll just take them back home with me. Maybe Gaiana will have one."
"Good night."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

First Date - Tavern 
(smile) "I'm glad you asked me out!"
"It feels a bit weird to be on the other side of the counter here..."
(laugh) "Maybe that means I should spend less time behind it!"
(neutral) "How do you keep yourself from working too much?"
The player has a dialogue option
I try to put myself first. (Best choice)
"I'm glad to hear it. You're no good to anyone if you're not taking care of yourself."
(smile) "If you ever need a break, you can just come to the tavern."
(happy) "I'm always happy to have company, and you're good company."
(frown) "Aw, heck. Sorry to cut this short... But I should head back to work."
(smile) "Thank you for the date!"
I think that went well!
I haven't figured that out yet! (Good choice)
(laugh) "Haha, me neither. It's so hard, isn't it?"
(smile) "Sometimes I take breaks but I end up getting fidgety, so I just work anyway!"
(laugh) "Speaking of work, I should get back to it."
(happy) "Thank you for the company!"
I think that went okay.
I don't. My work is too important. (Bad choice)
"Well, sure! But you're no good to anyone if you're burnt out."
"Not that you need to be good at your job to be valuable..."
"Well, I should get back to it. See ya!"
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Tavern 
"I find the smell of the tavern really... comforting."
(smile) "I know it smells like stale sweat and old beer, but in a weird way, it smells like... home."
(laugh) "I'm really sensitive to smells, in case you hadn't noticed!"
(smile) "But don't worry... I really like the way you smell."
(awkward) "I mean, not in a weird way! I just mean, uh..."
The player has a dialogue option
It's my natural musk! (Best choice)
"Your very own scent."
(laugh) "Maybe you could make it and sell it in your own shop!"
(neutral) "As long as you don't put me out of business, of course."
(laugh) "What? I have to work really hard to keep this place afloat! LITERALLY!"
(neutral) "Speaking of selling things...I should get back to work."
"You can stay here if you want!"
(laugh) "But you won't get free drinks!"
I think that went well!
You need to work on your compliments. (Bad choice)
'(sad) "Yeah, you're right."
"I'm sorry."
"I just get really awkward when, um... Never mind."
(laugh) "I should get back to work!"
(neutral) "I'm sorry for, well... you know."
I think that could have gone better...
I like the way you smell too. (Good choice)
(laugh) "Thanks."
(neutral) "I shouldn't say weird stuff like that, though."
"I was worried you'd react badly."
"I'll work on my compliments for next time."
(awkward) "I mean, if there is a next time."
"I don't want to assume!"
(laugh) "Uhhhh... I should get back to work."
I think that went okay.

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Third Date - Tavern 
(sad) "Hey... I hope you don't mind, but I've had a bit of a rough day."
"Can we just sit here for a bit?"
(neutral) "...Thank you."
The player has a dialogue option
I don't mind. (Good choice)
(sad) "I hate that you're seeing this side of me on a date."
"But sometimes it's just so exhausting to keep up the facade, you know?"
"Especially on a long and tough day like today."
(neutral) "I think I should head off to bed. Sleep it off."
(smile) "Thanks for another great date."
I think that went okay.
This isn't much of a date... (Bad choice)
(frown) "You don't have to be a jerk about it."
"You could have just said no."
"Forget this, I need sleep."
"Good night."
I think that could have gone better...
Is everything okay? (Best choice)
"Yeah, I just needed a tiny breather. I'm okay."
(smile) "Honestly, just having you here... it helps."
(awkward) "I know I'm usually bubbly and fun, sorry!"
(laugh) "I'll pick up the tab on the next date as an apology."
(smile) "Let's just... stay here a little while longer, okay?"
I think that went well!

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Fourth Date - Tavern 
"I think, if resurrection is real, I'd like to come back as a snail."
(happy) "I mean, you can travel anywhere you want! Just... really slowly!"
"And when you get tired, you can just SMOOOSH yourself inside your shell!"
(smile) "I have always liked the idea of going travelling, too. It sounds really freeing."
"It's hard to leave the island without a vehicle, though."
"What about you?"
The player has a dialogue option
Death is final, and snails are stupid. (Bad choice)
(frown) "Have you ever heard of "yes, and"?"
"It's more fun to keep a conversation going, you know."
"You don't have to make me feel like a weirdo for trying to have fun."
"You know, you could be a wasp. Because you're a buzzkill."
"I'm going upstairs. Bye."
I think that could have gone better...
If you're a snail, I'm a snail. (Best choice)
(laugh) "Well, aren't you sweet! Alright then."
(smile) "We'll go snail-travelling together. We'll hold hands. Snail-hands. Snands."
"Or whatever it is that snails have. Eye stalks? Eww."
(laugh) "I'm sure it's more romantic when you're a snail!"
(awkward) "Oh noooo, look at the time!"
(laugh) "I have to finish tidying the place before tomorrow."
"I bet snails don't have to deal with things like tidying!"
I think that went well!
I'd be a bird. (Good choice)
(awkward) "Noooo! Birds eat snails!"
(neutral) "I can't believe you'd want to be my natural enemy."
(laugh) "Wait, are you trying to kill me in this life, too? Do I look like a tasty snail?!"
(happy) "I'm probably very poisonous from being around beer all day, so don't even try it."
(awkward) "Oh nooooo, look at the time!"
(laugh) "I have to finish tidying the place before tomorrow."
"I bet birds don't have to deal with this!"
I think that went okay.

Your day ends after the date concludes.

First Date - Hot Spring 
(happy) "Thanks for inviting me to the hot spring!"
(smile) "I'm always looking for excuses to come here."
(neutral) "I usually come here alone, because, well..."
(awkward) "I... I feel a little awkward. I don't like being so... exposed."
The player has a dialogue option
I think you look great. (Best choice)
(smile) "You really think so?"
"Um, thank you. You didn't have to say that."
(happy) "You're really nice, you know."
(smile) "I think... I think I'd like to come here with you again some time."
(laugh) "But for now, let's just close our eyes and relax!"
(smile) "Just like this......."
I think that went well.
I can close my eyes if you want! (Good choice)
(laugh) "Haha, don't be silly."
(smile) "It's alright!"
(love) "In fact, I feel more comfortable with you than I thought I would."
"So, um, I'll just try to relax a little more."
(laugh) "That's what a hot spring's for, after all!"
(smile) "Let's close our eyes and relax together..."
I think that went okay!
You should dress like this more often. (Bad choice)
(awkward) "Oh, um, well, it's not really... my style."
"I mean, um, revealing stuff. It's not... Um..."
"I should go. Could you... Could you not look at me as I get out?"
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Hot Spring 
"I reeeeeeeally needed this today."
(smile) "I can feel my angry muscles getting all melty in the heat."
(laugh) "Cleo says I've been carrying too much stress in my shoulders."
(smile) "What do you do when you're stressed?"
The player has a dialogue option
I fly around. (Good choice)
(laugh)Oh, I'm so envious of you!"
(smile) "Flying looks so freeing."
"Sometimes I like to sit outside on a windy day, close my eyes, and pretend I'm flying."
(laugh) "I think that's maybe the closest to flying I'm willing to get for now!"
(smile) "But maybe one day I'll be brave enough to go out with you."
"Speaking of going out, I'm going to get out now."
(laugh) "If my muscles melt any more, I'll be a puddle!"
I think that went okay.
Stress is a sign of weakness. (Bad choice)
(frown) "You don't seriously believe that, do you?"
"Stress isn't good, but it's natural."
"Maybe I shouldn't ask you for advice if you're going to be mean."
"I need to get out. My fingers are all pruney anyway."
I think that could have gone better...
I find you. (Best choice)
(laugh) "Seriously?! You are too much!"
(smile) "I never really thought of myself as someone who can be a de-stresser."
(love) "I'm glad I can help. I feel like... maybe you do the same for me."
"I'm still getting used to all this..."
"Thank you for being patient with me."
(happy) "Are you ready to get out now?"
(laugh) "If my muscles melt any more, I'll be a puddle!"
I think that went well!

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Third Date - Hot Spring 
"Listen, we've been on a few dates now, and I have to ask..."
"When we talk, how do you know what to say?"
(smile) "I mean, I just say whatever's in my head... but you're not like that."
"You don't say much, I know."
(love) "But when you do, it always makes a difference."
The player has a dialogue option
I pick from three options. (Good choice)
(happy) "...Really? I mean, you come up with three options every time?"
"That sounds like a lot of work."
(neutral) "Wait, what were your three options just then??"
(laugh) "Don't answer that! I don't want to know!"
(love) "I like that we're different like that."
"You're thoughtful, I'm spontaneous."
"We make a good match."
(laugh) "I can't imagine having to choose from three options every single time I spoke!"
(smile) "Are you ready to dry off and head home?"
(laugh) "Yes, no, or in a bit?"
I think that went okay.
Maybe you talk too much. (Bad choice)
(frown) "If you think I talk too much, why do you keep asking me on dates?"
"Well, I guess I'll just talk less... by leaving."
I think that could have gone better...
I follow my heart. (Best choice)
(happy) "That's very sweet."
(smile) "I suppose it's working, so far."
(laugh) "Maybe I should follow my heart a little more, and not overthink everything..."
(love) "If I followed my heart right now, then..."
(laugh) "...then I'd probably say something really embarrassing!"
(love) "So, um, let's just sit here together, in silence, for a little bit."
(happy) "Sometimes I say things best when I say nothing at all."
I think that went well!

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Fourth Date - Hot Spring 
"Listen... There aren't many places on Moonstone Island that are this... secluded."
(sad) "So... I need to be honest with you."
"Because I trust you. And I need help."
"I'm so exhausted, all the time."
(sad) "I feel like I've spent all my energy on trying to make people happy."
"And it doesn't make ME happy any more."
"I don't know what to do. I can't keep going on like this!"
The player has a dialogue option
Don't set yourself on fire to keep others warm. (Best choice)
"...I guess that is what I'm doing, isn't it?"
(sad) "I just want people to like me. And I figure it doesn't matter if I'm tired. As long as they like me."
"But I'm not being kind to myself."
"It's like... I don't count as someone to be nice to."
(smile) "I'm glad I have you to remind me that I'm worth looking after, too."
(love) "Do you want to stay here and cuddle for a bit?"
I think that went well!
You need self-care. (Good choice)
"You're right, but... I don't know how."
"The relaxation stuff only works for a little while, and then I'm just back to feeling like this..."
"I'm sorry. I know you're not a therapist. I just thought... maybe..."
"Don't worry about it. I think I need to sleep it off."
I think that went okay.
You're being a bit dramatic, don't you think? (Bad choice)
(frown) "Hey, I was trying to open up to you!"
(angry) "Do you even know how hard that is for me?"
"I spend all day listening to OTHER people. I just wanted one person to listen to me!"
(frown) "Thanks for making me feel worse. Jerk."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

First Date - Home 
"So, what do you do after a day's work?"
"When I'm finished at the tavern, I usually grab a small drink and relax."
(laugh) "But lately, I've been spending a lot of that time with you!"
The player has a dialogue option
I usually think about you. (Best choice)
(awkward) "You charmer!!"
(smile) "I don't know whether to be flattered or horrified."
"Nah, don't worry. I..."
(love) "I think about you a lot too."
(laugh) "And with that... I'm going to bed."
(love) "You can, um... come with me if you'd like."
I think that went well!
I put things in chests and go to sleep immediately. (Good choice)
(laugh) "Wow, really?"
(neutral) "You must be like me. Zero free time."
(frown) "Not that it's a good thing to have no time to yourself."
(smile) "I'm just glad you find time to do these dates with me."
"So, thank you for another lovely date."
(love) "But, um, you don't have to go just yet. If you don't want to."
I think that went okay.
I'd love to spend it alone. (Bad choice)
(frown) "Huh. Well, sorry for ruining your evening, I guess."
"I think you should go be alone somewhere else."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Home 
"So, what do you do after a day's work?"
"When I'm finished at the tavern, I usually grab a small drink and relax."
(laugh) "But lately, I've been spending a lot of that time with you!"
The player has a dialogue option
I broke my very important broom the second I got here, actually. (Best choice)
(laugh) "You what?! Like, you crash landed? You poor thing!"
(smile) "Okay, that's made me feel a little better, knowing you aren't totally perfect."
(laugh) "Although I probably break stuff at the tavern every week or so!"
(happy) "Maybe I should switch to paper plates."
(love) "I'm glad I got to know you better, though."
"I'm not envious of you any more. I like you too much."
"Do you want to stay over tonight?"
I think that went well!
You don't hate me now... right? (Good choice)
(laugh) "No, you're alright."
(smile) "I've enjoyed these dates a lot, actually."
"It's been... nice to open up to someone."
(sad) "I mean, I have... I HAD Waldo, but he's gone."
(smile) "So now I have you."
(love) "Do you maybe want to stay over tonight?"
I think that went okay.
You need to get over yourself. (Bad choice)
(sad) "Yeah, I mean... I know it's not cool to judge people so quickly."
"And no one wants to be with someone who's insecure."
(neutral) "...It's late. We should... call it a night."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Third Date - Home 
"You know, they say the tavern is haunted."
(laugh) "No, really! They say it's haunted by the ghost of an old tavern keeper."
(neutral) "They say..."
"...he stepped on a rake..."
"...and cracked his head open..."
"Blood and brains EVERYWHERE. I'm glad I didn't have to clean up."
"You know, on quiet nights, they say you can hear him singing..."
The player has a dialogue option
I've heard the singing, and definitely not a ghost. (Best choice)
(laugh) "Okay, yes, sometimes I sing when I'm alone in the tavern!"
(smile) "Can you blame me? It's really boring sometimes!"
"We only have a handful of people living here, and when they're all busy, I like to sing."
(happy) "Maybe you should join me for a karaoke session some time."
(smile) "Before it gets too late, are you staying over?"
(love) "I would really like it if you did."
I think that went well!
Who is "they" in this story? (Good choice)
(happy) "You know. They."
"The people who tell ghost stories."
(smile) "The people who want more visitors to come to the tavern more often."
(happy) "Maybe the people who have a vested interest in increased customers."
(laugh) "Them. That's who "they" is."
(smile) "By the way, are you staying over tonight?"
(happy) "I tidied my room and everything!"
I think that went okay.
Ghosts aren't real. (Bad choice)
"Booooo. You're no fun."
"Even if ghosts aren't real, you're supposed to go along with it."
"You should go home, before the ghosts turn up.""
"Maybe they'll go along with my jokes."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Fourth Date - Home 
"I used to think, when I was little, that I'd be settled down by now."
(laugh) "I spent ages planning elaborate weddings for my dolls."
(neutral) "I don't even know if that's what I wanted. I just thought I did."
"Now I'm older... There's part of me that feels like I let that little girl down."
"I spend all day, every day in the tavern."
"If I'm not working, I'm sleeping. And that's it."
(sad) "What if I'm not what she expected? Or what she wanted?"
"I spent so long focusing on work at the expense of everything else..."
"What if it's too late?"
The player has a dialogue option
You have to live for you, not her. (Best choice)
"...I guess you're right."
"I mean, she is me. I am her."
"And what I want now is far more important, and relevant."
"And if I'm honest... I love working."
(smile) "Although I can definitely afford to take more breaks."
(love) "Especially if those breaks involve time with you."
(laugh) "You're so damn wise, you know. It's infuriating."
(love) "But maybe... maybe I'm finally finding the person I could envision that life with."
"I love you."
I think that went well!
I think she'd be proud. (Good choice)
(smile) "I hope so."
(happy) "On paper, I agree. I mean, I'm a business owner!"
(neutral) "Still, that little girl with the doll wedding obsession? I know what she'd say."
(laugh) "But then again, when have I ever listened to the opinions of children?"
(smile) "I think I'm pretty happy with what I have."
(love) "Like... what WE have."
"I love you."
I think that went okay.
Marriage is a scam. (Bad choice)
(frown)Do you really think that? I mean, being against marriage, sure..."
(neutral) "But you're not even... curious? You think it's a scam?"
"I don't agree. I think it's a way to express love and commitment."
(sad) "Maybe you just don't want that. Or you just don't want that... with me."
"...I think you should go."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Missed Date 
(angry) "Hey, if you're going to make plans, at least show up for them."
(frown) "My time is just as valuable as yours."
The player has a dialogue option
I'm so sorry!
*Give an excuse*
(frown) "Just don't do it again."
"I might look cute, but I can be scary when I want."


When talked to for the first time, she will give you the quest Stones for Ossono and the recipe for a Sell Crate. You need to sell her 20 stones to finish the quest.
In Issue 1 of Ossono's Newsletter in Spring 3, you will receive the quest Meet the Locals, where she asks you to introduce yourself to every other NPC living on the Island.
If you haven't finished the dungeon (activated the Ando Tree inside) near the Hot Spring by Spring 9, you will receive the Issue 3 of Ossono's Newsletter that will give you the quest Explore the Dungeon.
On Summer 21 of Year 1, she will send you a letter that will initiate the Matchmaker: Ossono quest. She asks for a Capacibee. Doing so will give you one free coffee at the Tavern each day.
After finishing all 30 dungeons scattered around the map, she will send you a letter giving you the quest Under the Hatch, asking you to enter her basement. This will give you access to the Infinidungeon.


"Most people hate Wednesdays, but I think they're alright."
