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Paolo is a romanceable NPC in Moonstone Island. They are a carpenter who run the Workshop in town and are in their 40s-50s age-wise.


Time Action
21:10 Will leave the Sauna
Time Action
21:10 Will leave the Sauna


Paolo likes gifts that have been crafted and dislikes berries and mushrooms.


(happy) "Did you make this yourself?"
"Look at that craftsmanship. It is beautiful!"
"Thank you!"
Image Name Source
Dining Table Decoration Station
Bedside Table Decoration Station
Coffee Table Decoration Station
Round Table Decoration Station
Chair Decoration Station
Cozy Chair Decoration Station
Cozy Couch Decoration Station
Bed Decoration Station
Library Decoration Station
Sink Decoration Station
Pantry Decoration Station
Counter Decoration Station
Loom Moonstone Enchanter


(smile) "You made this?"
"Thank you. That is very kind."
Image Name Source
Wood Window Decoration Station
Bridge Crafting
Wood Fence Crafting
Gate Crafting
Chest Crafting
Moonstone Enchanter Crafting
Decoration Station Crafting
Sell Crate Crafting
Wicker Chair Decoration Station
Wooden Path Crafting
Wood Trees


(smile) "A gift! Gracias!"
All items not listed in other sections (notably,
this does indeed include crafted items that
specifically mention Paolo in their item descriptions!)


"Ah... thank you.
(frown) "I must be honest... I am not a fan of berries or mushrooms."
"And this is that. My apologies."
Image Name Source
Umbrellashroom Poison Island Summer
Eye Berry Psychic Storm Summer
Ghostshroom Psychic Storm Fall
Spiky Plant Poison Island Fall
Magic Mushroom Psychic Storm Spring
Colberry Fire Island Fall
Willowisp Psychic Storm Fall
Chilly Berry Aquatic Winter
Bulbshroom Electric Island Winter
Popcorn Plant Electric Island Winter


(laugh) "Oh, no no no."
(smile) "I absolutely hate applums."
(laugh) "It is funny that you found the one thing I loathe!"
Image Name Source
Applum Earth Island Fall
Applum Seeds Scythe Applum


First Date - Beach 
"I cannot believe that of all the people in town..."
(laugh) " want to go on a date with ME."
(happy) "I thought those days were long over for me!"
"All the same... I cannot say that I am not glad."
(laugh) "You do not think I am too old?”
The player has a dialogue option
I prefer lovers with experience. (Best choice)
(laugh) "Ha ha! You know what you want, eh?"
(smile) "I admire that."
"But I must warn you: I don't think I'm that experienced."
(laugh) "I have learned very little in my many decades!"
(smile) "But it's true that I am much more laid back than in my younger years."
"Now, come, let me walk you home.
I think that went well!
Youths are hard work. (Good choice)
(laugh) "Ha! You are not wrong."
(smile) "A lot of younger people, they are not fully formed."
"In some ways, this is good. You can shape them, like clay."
(laugh) "I am beyond shaping. I am an antique vase."
(happy) "But perhaps some people prefer antique vases, eh?"
(smile) "Let us walk home before it gets too dark.”
I think that went okay.
Let's just only do dates in the dark. (Bad choice)
(laugh) "Oh, I am wounded!"
(frown) "I'm not that wrinkly, am I? I take care of my skin!"
(neutral) "Well... perhaps this is a sign that this is not meant to be."
"I think I shall go home, now.”
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Beach 
"When I was younger, we would take Gaiana here on weekends."
(laugh) "Lina and I, we were so young! Too young."
(smile) "Gaiana loved the ocean, though."
(happy) "She liked to drape herself in seaweed and pretend to be a monster."
"You have talked to Gaiana, yes? What do you think?”
The player has a dialogue option
I'd like to get to know her better. (Best choice)
(laugh) "That is a very diplomatic answer."
(smile) "I know she can be intimidating, trust me."
"She did not handle the divorce very well, I think."
"But she will come around. She just puts up walls to protect herself."
"Show her you are not going anywhere, and she will warm up."
(laugh) "Speaking of warming up, I am getting a little cold."
(smile) "Let us head back inside.”
I think that went well!
She's... a bit scary. (Good choice)
(laugh) “Ah, you are honest!"
(neutral) "Ay, she has been that way for a long time. Since the divorce."
"She was a very sensitive child. It really shook her."
(smile) "But she's much better off without Lina and I being together, even if she didn't feel it at the time."
"She will warm up to you. It might take a while."
(laugh) "Speaking of warming up, I am getting a little cold."
(smile) "Let us head back inside.”
I think that went okay.
What did you do to make her so mean? (Bad choice)
(sad) "Ah... it was the divorce."
"She was a very sensitive child. It shook her badly."
"It was for the best, but children do not know that."
(frown) "But she is not mean. She is just... cautious."
"Please be kind to her. She is everything to me."
"I need to go home now. Goodnight.”
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Third Date - Beach 
"I was not entirely sure that you would want to come back here."
"Not the beach, I mean... the date."
(laugh) "No, no, do not worry! I am not about to get introspective."
(smile) "I bet you get a lot of that, eh? People telling you all their feelings."
"I would say it is because you are a good listener..."
(laugh) "But I think it is because everyone here knows each other too well."
(happy) "Well, I am glad you asked me out again, anyway. I am having fun.”
The player has a dialogue option
I know, this has been great! (Best choice)
(happy) "I am so glad you agree!"
(smile) "It has been a nice change of pace for me."
"You know, sometimes it feels like every day is the same on Moonstone."
"You have made things a little more colourful."
"Shall we head home? I'm getting cold!
I think that went well!
Aw, thanks. (Good choice)
(happy) "You are welcome!"
(smile) "But seriously, it has been nice to do something different."
"On Moonstone, sometimes it feels like time is standing still."
(laugh) "The most interesting thing that normally happens is a new shape of cloud!"
(smile) "Shall I walk you home?”
I think that went okay.
I'm just doing senior citizen service. (Bad choice)
(frown) "I am only in my 40s, you know."
(neutral) "But, still, I am the oldest inhabitant of Moonstone."
"Trust me, I have enough worries about standing out. Or running out of time."
(awkward) "Ah! I am just doing what everyone else does, and dumping feelings on you."
(neutral) "I am sorry."
"I think I shall head home. Ciao.”
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Fourth Date - Beach 
(smile) "I wanted to come to the beach tonight to show you something."
”Do you see that glow? Far off in the distance?"
(sad) "I have never left this island."
(neutral) "But that glow has always been there, as long as I have lived."
"I have often wondered what it is."
(smile) "But perhaps... perhaps the joy is in not knowing."
"Do you know what I mean?”
The player has a dialogue option
What do you think it is? (Best choice)
(smile) "My thoughts change day to day."
"Sometimes, I am convinced it is a long-lost beacon from an ancient civilisation."
(happy) "Other times, I think perhaps it is a fallen star."
(sad) "I often wonder if it is meant for someone else. Someone who will never see it."
"A message, falling on deaf ears."
(smile) "A sad story, but a beautiful one nonetheless."
"Perhaps one day you can find out what it is."
(laugh) "But promise never to tell me!”
I think that went well!
Nah, I'm too curious. (Good choice)
(laugh) "Oh, I used to be more curious, it is true."
(smile) "But the more I learn, the less I know."
"I have learned to give in to my ignorance. To see it as a blessing."
(happy) "There are so many things to discover."
(love) "The world is a beautiful place."
"I am glad to share it with you.”
I think that went okay.
It's just a Moonstone. (Bad choice)
(sad) "Ah. You are right, probably."
(neutral) "After all, you have left this island, and seen many things."
"You know many of the answers to the mysteries of this world."
"Sometimes, I regret not going on adventures."
(smile) "Other times, I am glad to have so many questions unanswered."
"In short... I do not envy you. I like a little mystery."
"Shall we head back?”
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

First Date - Tavern 
(neutral) "So, it is... like a coffee cup that is alive?"
(awkward) "With a face?"
"That is truly horrifying."
(laugh) "Okay, I feel as though I have asked you enough questions."
(smile) "What would you like to know about me in return?
The player has a dialogue option
What is your favourite thing to carve? (Best choice)
(laugh) "Ah, you show interest in my work!"
(happy) "They say the way to the heart of someone is through food, eh?"
(laugh) "The way to Paolo's heart is through wood!"
(smile) "I like making things that are simple and practical, you know?"
"A cup, a table, a spoon for cooking..."
"When you really connect with the material, and its purpose."
(laugh) "There, now you know I am a person who is a little too obsessed with wood."
(happy) "Let us have one more drink, and then I should get to bed!"
I think that went well!
How did you know you were non-binary? (Good choice)
(smile) "I think in some way I have always known."
"I just... feel it. Deep within me."
"It is just a fundamental truth about me. Like, I am alive. I am here with you."
(happy) "And I am non-binary!"
(smile) "The world is full of people. So many different ones."
"We are in charge of only ourselves, but we can love other people for who they are."
(happy) "I hope that makes sense."
"Now, let us have one more drink before we leave!"
I think that went okay.
Why did you and Lina break up? (Bad choice)
(awkward) "Ay, that might be a bit of a personal question for a date so early."
(neutral) "Perhaps I will tell you some day, but not now."
(sad) "The wounds are still a little fresh."
"I am sorry. You did not know."
(smile) "Enough about that, though! Shall we have one more drink before we go?"
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Tavern 
(happy) "Hey, look at that! You were almost on time this time."
(laugh) "Don't worry, I am just pulling your leg."
(smile) "So! Serious decisions to make, now."
"Ossono has two new beers. One is a 12% stout, made with Mossballs."
"The other one is a 6.5% ale, made with Lightning Eels."
(happy) "Let us try them both. Which one do you want?"
The player has a dialogue option
The ale, please! (Best choice)
(happy) "Excellent choice! I am getting the stout."
(smile) "We can share, if you are willing."
"I am glad you are feeling adventurous like me!"
"I am almost certain that both these drinks will be awful."
(happy) "But if you never try, you never know!"
(smile) "And for the record, I am glad I took the scary option of saying yes to a date with you."
(laugh) "Not that you are scary, of course!"
(smile) "But the potential of dates going wrong, with a population size like this? That can be scary."
(happy) "Stay here, and I shall go and order. Paolo, away!"
I think that went well!
The stout, please! (Good choice)
(laugh) "A beer drinker after my own heart! I am also getting the stout."
(smile) "Although, honestly, I was hoping you would choose the ale. We could have shared..."
(happy) "But perhaps it is better to have the same experience, together."
(smile) "And thank you for agreeing to be... adventurous with me."
"I am almost certain that these beers will be terrible."
"But sticking to the safe path was never my idea of fun."
(happy) "Stay here, and I shall order the drinks! Paolo, away!"
I think that went okay.
I'll just stick to water. (Bad choice)
(sad) "Ah, that is no fun."
(neutral) "You are not adventurous, then?"
"I would have thought that an actual adventurer like you would be always looking to try new things."
(happy) "As for Paolo, I say, fortune favours the bold!"
(happy) "I shall order BOTH drinks for myself. And a glass of water for my companion."
"Stay here, and I shall be back with the drinks!"
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Third Date - Tavern 
(sad) "...and since that day, I cannot stand Applums."
(laugh) "I suppose I should not have eaten them all."
(smile) "Ah, you are so easy to talk to."
(laugh) "But look at the time! We have been here for three hours."
"So, enough about me."
(smile) "I have seen you give gifts to people almost every day."
"But what is your favourite gift to receive?"
The player has a dialogue option
I like handmade things. (Best choice)
(smile) "Ah, a great choice!"
(laugh) "I would say that, though. I am a carpenter! I make things!"
(smile) "But a handmade gift... it is a part of the gift giver's soul."
"A precious thing that they are sharing with you."
"There is nothing like it in the world."
(laugh) "I still have all of Gaiana's childhood artwork, somewhere!"
(smile) "You are so wonderful, you know."
"But I must call it a night, or I will never leave."::"Allow me to walk you home."
I think that went well!
I like seeds and plants. (Good choice)
(laugh) "Of course! You are a farmer, among other things."
(smile) "I suppose it is my lot in life to fall for horticulturists."
(happy) "Not that I am complaining. It is an honorable hobby."
(smile) "To nurture and care for a growing thing... that is beautiful."
(laugh) "I have never had the skill, myself... other than Gaiana, I suppose!"
(smile) "Now, I must call it a night, or I shall never leave."
"Allow me to walk you home."
I think that went okay.
Money. (Bad choice)
"...Well, I suppose you are honest, at least."
"I have always found money to be a little lacking as a gift."
"It is always appreciated, but gifts are about showing that you know someone."
"I could spend nothing on something I have made, and that does not mean it is less valuable."
(laugh) "We shall have to agree to disagree on this!"
(smile) "Now, it is late, and I need to return home."
"Allow me to walk you back to yours, also."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Fourth Date - Tavern 
"I think I have discovered something about you."
"I have watched you with other people, observed how you go about your day."
(laugh) "Do not worry, I am not stalking you!"
(smile) "It is hard not to see these things on an island so small."
"I hope you do not mind me saying this, but..."
(neutral) " are very hard-working. Perhaps... TOO hard-working."
"Do you think you are the kind of person who values hard work above all else?"
The player has a dialogue option
I feel like I'm the only one who can fix things. (Best choice)
(sad) "Ay, mi amor."
(neutral) "Perhaps we have become too complacent here."
(smile) "It takes someone new to shake things up again, and I am glad you have."
"You have made a world of difference. To Moonstone Island, and to me."
(neutral) "But we need YOU. Not the things you can do."
"Take care of yourself. No one else can do that for you."
"And if you ever need a break... you can always come to me."
(smile) "Now, let's get you home. You look like you have had a long day!"
I think that went well!
I know I work too hard. (Good choice)
"Ay, then perhaps it is time for a break?"
"I see you running around on errands, working hard to help the spirits..."
(smile) "But, mi amor, the world can wait for a day or two."
(laugh) "I worry about you almost as much as I worry about Gaiana!"
(smile) "But, en serio, if you need a rest, come to my shop."
"Just sit for a while. Do nothing."
(neutral) "And although I am enjoying this date..."
(laugh) "I think we should get you home. You look exhausted!"
I think that went okay.
Maybe I just work harder than YOU. (Bad choice)
(angry) "How dare you!"
"I was simply trying to say that you deserve a break."
(frown) "But you come for my work? That is inexcusable."
"I take great pride in my work."
"You need to learn that the world does not revolve around you."
"I am leaving."
"Do not ask me out again if you only want to insult me."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

First Date - Hot Spring 
(smile) "This is a great date location. I have not been here in years!"
"In fact... I think the last time was when Gaiana was a kid."
(laugh) "It seems so strange to not have visited in so long!"
(happy) "It brings back good memories."
(laugh) "And it makes me feel like a kid, too!"
The player has a dialogue option
I would have brought you here sooner if I'd known! (Best choice)
(laugh) "Let us ask Zed to build us a time machine."
(happy) "We can just pause time, and come here, and relax."
(smile) "Oh, man, if I had a time machine... Can you imagine?"
"I think I would want to stay in this moment for days."
(sad) "Alas, time is always moving on. And it is getting late."
(happy) "I shall walk you home, like the brave Paolo I am!"
I think that went well!
*splash Paolo* (Good choice)
(awkward) "Ah! Perfidy!"
(laugh) "You have ruined my carefully-coiffed hair."
(sad) "But no! I cannot splash you in revenge!"
(neutral) "I am too noble."
(happy) "Buuuuut... now I have to go home and take a shower."
(laugh) "I was not entirely joking about my hair!"
I think that went okay.
Aren't you a bit old for that? (Bad choice)
(frown) "You are only as old as you feel."
(awkward) "Is the age difference between us an issue?"
(neutral) "I had hoped that it was not."
"I mean... it had not seemed to matter before."
(sad) "Unless you have just been waiting to say something."
"...I am sorry if I have misread the signals."
"I shall go."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Hot Spring 
"I have heard that there are hot springs like this one on other islands."
(happy) "Such a luxury! A hot spring all to yourself."
(sad) "It is hard to get time to oneself on an island so small."
(neutral) "Sometimes I go up to the mountain, or to the beach, but always there is someone there."
(smile) "But it is strange... with you, I feel as if I am with a part of myself."
"As if I am alone, but... not alone. In a good way."
(awkward) "Am I making sense?"
The player has a dialogue option
You can be yourself with me? (Best choice)
(happy) "Yes! That is precisely it!"
(smile) "I feel as though I can be myself around you."
"You make it so easy to feel relaxed, to feel at home."
"It has been such a long time since I have felt that with anyone."
(laugh) "I think that is a good sign for our relationship!"
(awkward) "Oh no. Did you just feel a raindrop?"
(laugh) "Come, let me walk you home before it starts to pour!"
I think that went well!
I'm easy to hang out with? (Good choice)
"Ah, yes, but that is not quite it."
(smile) "You are easy to hang out with, as you say."
"But it is more than that. You are... like..."
(sad) "I do not know. I am not good with words."
(love) "Perhaps I can show you how I feel... in some other way?"
(laugh) "Ah, I am not good with flirting either!"
(smile) "Come, let me walk you home. I believe it is starting to rain!"
I think that went okay.
I'm like a ghost? (Bad choice)
(laugh) "Ha, no! I do not mean like that."
(neutral) "But I am sorry that I cannot make my meaning clear."
"I would love to tell you how I feel, how you make me feel."
(sad) "Ah, well. There is always next time."
(neutral) "We should get out, I think. I believe it is starting to rain..."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Third Date - Hot Spring 
"I am exhausted after that hike."
(smile) "But the hot spring is the perfect place to end."
"I feel as though all the pain is melting away..."
(laugh) "And let me tell you, at my age, the pains are many!"
(happy) "What was your favourite part of the hike?"
The player has a dialogue option
Holding hands the whole time. (Best choice)
(love) "Ah, that was my favourite part, too."
(laugh) "Even though it made some of the climbing very difficult."
(love) "To find someone whose company is more enjoyable than a beautiful sunset..."
"That is truly rare."
"Thank you, my love."
(smile) "Now, I think I am just about done relaxing."
"Do you think your legs can carry you home after all that walking?"
(laugh) "Or am I going to have to carry you myself?"
I think that went well!
Almost falling off the edge. (Good choice)
(laugh) "Ah, you are such a thrillseeker!"
(smile) "In that case, my favourite part was when you did NOT fall off the edge."
(happy) "If you died, I would be very angry at you."
(smile) "I think I am almost done relaxing."::"Do you think your legs can carry you home after all that walking?"
(laugh) "Or am I going to have to carry you myself?"
I think that went okay.
I don't really like hiking. Sorry. (Bad choice)
(sad) "Oh. That is a shame."
(neutral) "Why did you not say anything sooner?"
"Perhaps you did not know."::"Next time, we shall do something different, then."
(sad) "I am disappointed, though. I have been looking forward to this date."
(neutral) "Ah well. Shall we dry off?"
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Fourth Date - Hot Spring 
"I promised you a long time ago that I would tell you about Lina and I."
"Well, I think it is time."
"Are you sure you want to know all the details?"
The player has a dialogue option
As long as you're ready to tell me. (Best choice)
(smile) "I appreciate that."
(neutral) "Well, here goes."
"When Gaiana was younger, I think, Lina and I were having difficulties."
"She wanted to try new things, go to new places... but I wanted to settle down."
(sad) "We just could not agree."
"She felt tied down."
"I felt that she wanted to throw away all that we had worked so hard to build."
(neutral) "Ah, it is not that simple, of course."
"We were both right, we were both wrong."
(sad) "She moved out, very suddenly."
"And for years, I felt... I felt like I was not enough. My very best self was not enough."
(neutral) "It was hard. But it got better eventually. It had to."
(smile) "In a town this small, you have to learn to sit down and work things out."
(laugh) "Well, there is my life story. And now, let us get you home!"
I think that went well!
Yes! (Good choice)
"Well, that is good. It is a bit of a long one."
"When Gaiana was younger, I think, Lina and I were having difficulties."
"She wanted to try new things, go to new places... but I wanted to settle down."
(sad) "We just could not agree."
"She felt tied down. I felt that she wanted to throw away all that we had worked so hard to build."
(neutral) "Ah, it is not that simple, of course."
"We were both right, we were both wrong."
(sad) "She moved out, very suddenly."
"And for years, I felt... I felt like I was not enough. My very best self was not enough."
(neutral) "It was hard. But it got better eventually. It had to."
(smile) "In a town this small, you have to learn to sit down and work things out."
(laugh) "Well, there is my life story. And now, let us get you home!"
I think that went okay.
I'm hoping for some juicy gossip. (Bad choice)
(frown) "No, no no no. My life is not gossip."
"I know it is a joke, but promise me you will not talk about this with people."
(neutral) "Yes? Okay. Here is the story, then."
"Lina and I disagreed on a few things."
"But the worst argument we kept having was about where we wanted to live."
"Lina wanted to travel, I wanted to stay here and settle down."
(sad) "One day she moved out without telling me."
"And for a few years, it was ugly between us."
(neutral) "And then... we worked it out. We had to. The town is too small for all that."
"That is it. I have skipped over some of the details..."
(frown) "...I suppose I am a little wary that you will treat this as gossip."
(sad) "Please. For Gaiana's sake, at least. Keep this to yourself."
(neutral) "I think I will go home now."
"I can walk you home, if you want to get out too."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

First Date - Home 
(laugh) "It has been a while since I have entertained a guest at casa mia."
(happy) "Usually it is just me, myself, and Paolo."
(smile) "Gaiana prefers her place, and I do not mind visiting her."
(happy) "But tonight, it felt right to bring you here after our dinner."
(smile) "How did you find the meal?"
The player has a dialogue option
I enjoyed the company. (Best choice)
(love) "As did I. As did I."
(smile) "But that food was incredible!"
"I had no idea Ossono could cook so well."
(laugh) "Normally, the tavern serves things like Stonefruit Fries and Pickled Fire Flower."
(happy) "Everything battered and fried. Not that I am complaining."
(smile) "But the things she had foraged were delicious."
(happy) "Perhaps we should hire her out for dates more often!"
(laugh) "If I can afford it, that is!"
(love) "The night is still young... Perhaps you would like to stay for a drink?"
I think that went well!
The food was incredible. (Good choice)
(happy) "Who knew Ossono could cook like that?!"
(smile) "The sautéed Cat Tails were incredible... and that Stonefruit dip?"
(laugh) "I will be thinking about this night for a long time."
(smile) "But the night is still young..."
(love) "Perhaps you would like to stay for a drink?"
I think that went okay.
I think I'm allergic to whatever that was. (Bad choice)
(awkward) "En serio?!"
"You have to say something sooner if you are hurt!"
(frown) "Ay, come, let us get you to Lina."
"I cannot believe you just kept quiet..."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Home 
(smile) "Thank you for painting my nails, mi amor."
(happy) "I cannot believe you made this colour yourself. It is beautiful."
(smile) "In fact, I have a gift for you too."
"I am a skilled carpenter and carver, but whittling is... new to me."
(love) "I wanted to make you something... fresh. Something new."
"I want to give you a part of me that no one else has had."
(happy) "Do you see? It is the two of us, at the tavern!"
The player has a dialogue option
The sentiment is as beautiful as the gift. (Best choice)
(love) "Thank you for saying that, mi amor."
"Perhaps I have already told you, but..."
(happy) "This is the reason I love crafted gifts so much."
(smile) "Often, the thought process is part of the creation."
(laugh) "I admit, I know it looks a little... rough."
(love) "But like our relationship... I would like to improve on my whittling skills every day."
"There is nothing more beautiful and inspiring than a work-in-progress."
"Do you want to stay the night, mi amor?"
I think that went well!
Paolo, it's lovely! (Good choice)
(happy) "Ah, I am relieved."
(laugh) "You should have seen the ones I threw away."
(happy) "In my defense, your hair is hard to get right!"
(smile) "Anyway... this is just the first gift of many, mi amor."
(love) "I can make you so many beautiful things."
"In fact... perhaps you would like to stay the night in my, ah, handmade bed?"
I think that went okay.
It looks like two ducks pooping. (Bad choice)
(awkward) "Oh... it does. You are right."
(sad) "Ay, like I said, whittling is new to me."
"I am sorry. I shall take it back."
"Perhaps I can try again. In fact..."
(neutral) "I think I shall try again tonight."
"I shall walk you home on the way to my workshop."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Third Date - Home 
"Can I show you something... embarrassing?"
"Under here is... my collection of fantasy fiction."
(happy) "That in itself is not embarrassing."
(neutral) "What is embarrassing... is my particular field of interest."
"Some people enjoy swords, magic, dragons... I enjoy, ah..."
(happy) "...Trains."
(smile) "They are so fascinating! And we have hardly any records of how they worked!"
"They appear to have been fuelled by coal, or by electricity..."
"But how?!"
(laugh) "Ay, my apologies... I am becoming like Zed."
(smile) "It is just that I never get to talk about trains with anyone..."
The player has a dialogue option
Don't apologise! I love trains!! (Best choice)
(happy) "Truly? You are not just saying that to please me?"
(love) "Ay, you are wonderful."
(smile) "I would have liked to take a train with you."
(happy) "Some say there were trains that went across mountains and even oceans!"
"Trains that ran overnight... some for days!"
(love) "We could have watched the landscape roll past us..."
(sad) "But I suppose it is not to be."
(love) "Still... I cannot help but love the life we have."
"Trains, or no."
(happy) "But perhaps you will take the overnight train tonight? It's the Paolo Express!"
I think that went well!
It's alright, I like listening to you. (Good choice)
(laugh) "Ah, your indulgence is a treat."
(smile) "Thank you, mi amor."
"You are easy to talk to, and a joy to know."
(neutral) "I am sad that we can never take a train together..."
(happy) "...But this life we have, it is not bad."
(smile) "Perhaps I shall invite you on the Paolo Express overnight train, instead."
(happy) "The view is not the prettiest, but the beds are comfy!"
I think that went okay.
I wonder why. (Bad choice)
(sad) "Ay... you are right..."
"It is a boring subject, I know."
"Sometimes Zed will indulge me, but even he has his limits."
"I wish I had someone to talk to about my passions."
(neutral) "But we cannot have everything. And at least we have each other."
(smile) "And now you know my dark secret."
"And with that... I shall call it a night."
"Buenas noches, mi amor!"
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Fourth Date - Home 
"This week, I have been... reflecting on our relationship so far."
"And, well... Lina and I were special, but..."
(love) "Mi amor... what we have is... something else."
(neutral) "I am not saying that my past is unimportant. I will always love Lina in some way."
"But when we broke up, I thought I would never find love like that again."
(smile) "It turns out that love is not a one-time thing, though."
(love) "It is something that changes each time."
"Like a sunset. Never the same colour twice."
"Thank you... for teaching me to love again."
The player has a dialogue option
Eres mi amanecer y atardecer. (Best choice)
(love) "And you are my dawn and dusk too, mi amor."
"The reason I get up, and the last thing I think about each day."
"I am so lucky to have found such a love in my life."
(smile) "And I hope that Gaiana can learn the same thing..."
"That loving after losing is hard."
"You are placing your mended heart into someone's hands and hoping they do not break it."
"But it is worth it all the same."
(love) "Te amo, mi amor."
I think that went well!
You did all the hard work, Paolo. (Good choice)
(laugh) "It is not hard at all!"
(smile) "You are too easy to love."
"But thank you. You are right, it takes strength to love again."
"I hope I can teach Gaiana what I have learned."
"That it is so much better to bear your heart and trust someone to treat it gently..."
"...rather than to never have love in your life again."
"Te amo, mi amor."
I think that went okay.
Sunsets are pretty much always orange and pink. (Bad choice)
(sad) "I... do not think you understand me."
(neutral) "They are subtly different, mi amor."
"Like wood, then. No two logs are the same."
"I could make the same chair a hundred times, and the grain would make them all unique."
"I have learned that love is like that."
(smile) "And it is beautiful for it. It is always new. Always surprising."
(happy) "Can I walk you home one more time, mi amor?"
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Missed Date 
(frown) "Did you forget that we had a date?"
"I am very serious about turning up for events on time.”
The player has a dialogue option
It was an honest mistake.
I'm really forgetful. Sorry.
(frown) “I will let you off, but I am hurt all the same."
"Please do not forget next time."


On Spring 14 of Year 1, they will send you a letter that will initiate the Matchmaker: Paolo quest. They ask for a tree-shaped spirit with "Oak" in the name. Doing so will give you the Loom recipe.

Spoiler to the correct spirit 
The correct spirit is Oaken.

