Moonstone Enchanter

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Moonstone Enchanter

The Moonstone Enchanter can be used to craft magical items.

To craft a Moonstone Enchanter, use the Crafting menu. You will need 1 Moonstone Ingot, 3 Copper Ingots, and 3 Iron Ingots. There is no crafting time, and the item is made instantly. It can be placed anywhere and can be moved by picking it similar to other furniture items.

Magical Items
Image Name Description Materials Needed Sale Price Recipe Source
Broom Great for hopping between islands. Kinda slow. 5 Wood, 2 Moonstones N/A Craft a Balloon Quest
Glider The main mode of transportation for any certified Alchemist. Way faster than a broom. 50 Wood, 3 Iron Ingots, 3 Moonstone Ingots N/A Craft a New Broom Quest
Beacon Used to mark locations. 10 Stone, 1 Moonstone 550 Matchmaker: Zed Quest
Spirit Stall A stall that can house one spirit. Food should be placed in the stall once per day. Can be placed in the Spirit Barn. 30 Wood, 3 Cloth 170 Moonstone Enchanter
Spirit Nest Used to hatch an egg. Place in an empty stall. 1 Wood, 1 Fibre 20 Moonstone Enchanter
Moongrass Spirit Stall Moongrass grows without needing to be watered. Any Spirit assigned to this stall is fed automatically each day. Can be placed in the Spirit Barn. 1 Spirit Stall, 3 Cloth, 1 Moonstone 770 Taming Spirits: 101 Quest
Spirit Barn A pocket dimension used to store Spirits. 100 Wood, 100 Stone, 3 Iron Ingots, 1 Moonstone Ingot 4000 Taming Spirits: 101 Quest
Alchemist Tent A tent containing a pocket-dimension that can be turned into a home. 50 Wood, 50 Stone, 1 Moonstone Ingot 2400 Day 2, Moonstone Enchanter
Alchemist Cabin A cozy cabin containing a pocket-dimension that can be turned into a home. 100 Wood, 100 Stone, 2 Moonstone Ingots 3500
Science Center Home A house modeled after Zed's place containing a pocket-dimension that can be turned into a home. 100 Wood, 200 Stone, 3 Moonstone Ingot 5000 Spirit Research: Extra Credit quest
Tree Fort A home in a tree containing a pocket-dimension that can be turned into a home. 200 Wood, 100 Stone, 3 Moonstone Ingot 5000
Alchemist Tower A towering abode for a budding alchemist containing a pocket-dimension that can be turned into a home. 100 Wood, 300 Stone, 3 Moonstone Ingots 5000
Haunted House A spooky home containing a pocket-dimension that can be turned into a home. 150 Wood, 150 Stone, 5 Moonstone Ingots 5000
Lighthouse A nautical dwelling containing a pocket-dimension that can be turned into a home. 50 Wood, 250 Stone, 3 Moonstone Ingots 5000
Greenhouse A pocket dimension in which crops and flowers from any season can be grown. 100 Wood, 3 Iron Ingots, 3 Moonstone Ingots, 10 Sea Glass 5000
Sigil Chalk Used to mark sigils onto the ground. 1 Clay, 1 Moonstone 55
Moonstone Bracelet A traditional bracelet given to symbolize commitment to someone. 3 Moonstone, 1 Iron Ingot 1000
Grass Bracelet A traditional bracelet given to symbolize the end of a commitment to someone. 1 Moonstone, 1 Fibre 100
Loom Used to craft custom floor tiles and wallpaper. 1 Moonstone, 10 Wood, 3 Cloth 10
Mirror of Introspection Used to view the Skill Tree. 1 Moonstone, 1 Iron Ingot, 1 Copper Ingot 500
Moonstone Machine A machine that produces one Moonstone per day. 3 Moonstone 1000

DLC Items

Delightful Little Comforts DLC Pack
Image Name Description Materials Needed Sale Price
Fancy Alchemist House A fancy house containing a pocket-dimension that can be turned into a home. 150 Wood, 150 Stone, 3 Moonstone Ingot 5000
Eerie Items DLC Pack
Image Name Description Materials Needed Sale Price
Carved Pumpkin House Pumpkin Spice Lodging containing a pocket-dimension that can be turned into a home. 100 Wood, 100 Stone, 4 Moonstone Ingot 100