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In Moonstone Island, there are a number of different skills you can unlock that enhance elements of your gameplay. These skills fall into one of 6 categories, being "Spirits", "Combat", "Archeology", "Agriculture", "Foraging", and "Social". Each category also has 2 more specific sub-categories so you can focus into specific things. Certain skill choices will also lock you out of other skill choices.


Description: Earn points by taming, feeding and hatching spirits.

The Spirits category is split up into the "Spiritmancy" and "Spirit Keeping" subsections. Experience in this category is gained by taming, leveling, and hatching spirits, as well as feeding them fibre and crops. Spiritmancy mostly reflects the level of spirits you can tame while Spirit Keeping is about hatching spirits from eggs and rewards you gain when spirits are defeated.

Skill Description Prerequisite Mutually Exclusive with
Tame Adept Improve chance of successfully taming spirits.
Beginner Spiritmancer Can tame spirits up to level 10. Tame Adept
Novice Spiritmancer Can tame spirits up to level 20. Beginner Spiritmancer
Tame Pro Further improve chance of successfully taming spirits. Novice Spiritmancer
Intermediate Spiritmancer Can tame spirits up to level 30. Tame Pro
Expert Spiritmancer Can tame spirits up to level 40. Intermediate Spiritmancer
Master Spiritmancer Can tame spirits of any level. Expert Spiritmancer
Tame Wizard Greatly improve chance of successfully taming spirits. Expert Spiritmancer Spirit Walker
Spirit Keeping
Skill Description Prerequisite Mutually Exclusive with
Spirit Farmer Increases chance of Spirits dropping eggs or resources.
Spirit Bond Spirits will stay one day longer in Spirit Barn before running away if not fed. Spirit Farmer
Spirit Nester Spirits in Spirit Barn sometimes drop eggs. Spirit Bond
Spirit Eggs Increase chance that Spirits drop eggs after combat. Spirit Nester
Spirit Hatcher Spirit eggs hatch 1 day earlier. Spirit Nester
Spirit Walker Spirits gain XP while following you. Spirit Nester Tame Wizard


Description: Earn points by feeding Talismans to your Spirits and by banishing wild Spirits.

The Combat category is split up into the ""Cartomancy" and "Banishment" subsections. Skills from this section largely affect how you will perform in combat situations. Experience in this category is gained by feeding talismans to spirits and by banishing wild spirits. Cartomancy will affect how likely you are to see higher rarity cards and whether or not they will come upgraded on level ups, while Banishment is about direct buffs to your abilities in combat. Banishment skills can range from increasing your starting energy to potentially avoiding attacks completely.

Skill Description Prerequisite Mutually Exclusive with
Beginner Cartomancer Increase chance of Uncommon cards appearing during level up.
Intermediate Cartomancer Increase chance of Rare cards appearing during level up Beginner Cartomancer
Expert Cartomancer** Increase chance of Secret cards appearing during level up. Intermediate Cartomancer Close Call
Trader 10% Chance to upgrade cards when adding them to a Spirit's deck.
Transformer 20% Chance to upgrade cards when adding them to a Spirit's deck. Trader
Transmogrifier 30% Chance to upgrade cards when adding them to a Spirit's deck. Transformer Critical Hits
Skill Description
Close Call 5% chance incoming attacks do 0 damage. Expert Cartomancer
Peaceful Presence 50% more likely to succeed when fleeing from combat.
Fleet Foot 100% likely to succeed when fleeing from battle. Peaceful Presence
Critical Hits 5% chance your Spirit's attacks deal double damage. Fleet Foot Transmogrifier
One Step Ahead Draw an additional card at the start of combat.
Energy Boost Start combat with 1 extra Energy. One Step Ahead


Description: Earn points by looting mines and dungeons, defeating dungeon Guardians, and activating Ando Trees.

The Archeology category is split up into the "Dungeons" and "Mines" subsections. Experience in this category is gained by entering dungeons and mines, activating Ando Trees, opening chests in dungeons and mines, as well as banishing bosses. The Dungeons subsection will affect how you perform in dungeons such as increasing your movement speed in dungeons, while the Mines subsection will increase ore gain and other such benefits while in mines.

Skill Description Prerequisite Mutually Exclusive with
Dungeon Dasher Move faster in dungeons.
Dungeon Master Spirits gain 10% more XP in Dungeons. Dungeon Dasher
Powerful Presence Dungeon Bosses start combat with 20% less health. Dungeon Master Rock Smash
Weak Link Dungeon Bosses start combat with 2 less Armor.
Ando Acolyte Activating Ando Trees grants more Stamina. Weak Link
Artful Archeologist In dungeons, start combat with 1 extra Energy. Ando Acolyte Treasure Trove
Skill Description Prerequisite Mutually Exclusive with
Rock Smack 10% chance to destroy adjacent rocks in mines.
Rock Smash** 15% chance to destroy adjacent rocks in mines. Rock Smack Powerful Presence
Extra Shiny Ore sells for 10% more.
Ideal Ingots Ingots sell for 10% more. Extra Shiny
Treasure Trove Additional treasure chests appear in mines. Ideal Ingots Artful Archeologist
Ore Galore Rocks drop 10% more ore in mines. Extra Shiny


Description: Earn points by selling crops. (Note: The game doesn't mention that points can also be earned by planting and harvesting)

The Agriculture category is split up into the "Herbology" and "Farming" subsections. Experience in this category is gained by harvesting planted crops. Experience gained is based on the crop's sell price. Skills in the Herbology section are centered around being able to craft Fertilizer, while skills in the Farming section are more about growth speeds of crops, sell prices of crops, and crops dropping seeds when harvested.

Skill Description Prerequisite Mutually Exclusive with
Hearty Herbologist Unlock Stamina Fertilizer crafting recipe.
Healthy Herbologist Unlock Healing Fertilizer crafting recipe.
Hefty Herbologist Unlock Power Fertilizer crafting recipe.
Hospitable Herbologist Unlock Tame Fertilizer crafting recipe.
Hurried Herbologist Unlock Speed Fertilizer crafting recipe.
Historic Herbologist Unlock Experience Fertilizer crafting recipe.
Skill Description Prerequisite Mutually Exclusive with
Fine Produce Crops sell for 10% more.
Quality Produce Crops sell for 20% more. Fine Produce
Best Produce Crops sell for 30% more. Quality Produce
Propogator Crops have a 25% chance to drop 3 seeds when cut down with scythe.
Green Thumb Crops grow 1 day faster. Propogator
Lucky Landscaper Crops have a 50% chance to drop seeds when harvested. Propogator

NOTE: There are no mutually exclusive skills in Agriculture. Rejoice in your ability to obtain every Agriculture Skill!


Description: Earn points by chopping down trees, smashing rocks, and catching fish.

The Foraging category is split up into the "Fishing" and "Scavenging" subsections. Experience in this category is gained by catching fish, logging, and mining. Perfectly timing fishing rod casts increases foraging experience even more than fish quality alone does. Skills in the Fishing section increase the chances of catching higher quality fish as well as the chances of treasure chests appearing while fishing. Skills in the Scavenging section do a number of things, from increasing the amount of wood and stone gained from cutting down trees and breaking rocks to increasing the radius of your light during night time.

Skill Description Prerequisite Mutually Exclusive with
Scallywag 5% chance to catch a treasure chest.
Plunderer 10% chance to catch a treasure chest. Scallywag
Pirate 15% chance to catch a treasure chest. Plunderer Wood Thumb
Beginner Angler More likely to catch Silver quality fish.
Intermediate Angler More likely to catch Gold quality fish. Beginner Angler
Expert Angler More likely to catch Moonstone quality fish. Intermediate Angler Stone Thumb
Skill Description Prerequisite Mutually Exclusive with
Intimidating Presence Spirits that are lower than your average Spirit level run away from you.
Luminous Increase light radius by 50%.
Link to the Grass 50% chance that crops drop coins when cut down.
Wood Thumb Trees drop 20% more wood. Link to the Grass Pirate
Stone Thumb Rocks drop 20% more stone. Link to the Grass Expert Angler
Moonstone-minded Chests have a +5% chance of dropping Moonstone. Link to the Grass
Moonstonemancer Chests have a +10% chance of dropping Moonstone. Moonstone-minded


Description: Earn points by talking, giving gifts, and going on dates.

The Social category is split up into the "Home" and "Relationships" subsections. Experience in this category is gained by opening the menus of NPCs, chatting/joking/flirting, gifting based on gift sale price, setting up dates, attending dates, and starting a Moonstone Bracelet relationship. Skills in the Home category will either increase the chances of waking up an hour early or increase the chances of waking up with bonus stamina. Skills in the Relationships section will do things like increase the likelihood of successfully chatting/joking/flirting with NPCs, increasing the number of gifts you can give NPCs each week, or increasing the number of times you can speak with villagers. The Relationships section is also how you unlock the recipe for the Moonstone Bracelet.

Skill Description Prerequisite Mutually Exclusive with
Morning Person 10% chance of waking up one hour early.
Bright and Early 20% chance of waking up one hour early. Morning Person
Early Riser 30% chance of waking up one hour early. Bright and Early
Rise and Shine 10% chance to wake up with extra Stamina.
Good Night's Sleep 20% chance to wake up with extra Stamina. Rise and Shine
Smell the Coffee 30% chance to wake up with extra Stamina. Good Night's Sleep
Skill Description Prerequisite Mutually Exclusive with
Great Listener Gain Relationship points 5% faster.
Caring Person Gain Relationship points 10% faster. Great Listener
Nice Person Gain Relationship points 15% faster. Caring Person
More than a Crush Unlock Moonstone Bracelet crafting recipe. Nice Person
Chatty Increases chances of successfully chatting by 10%. Fast Talker
Fast Talker Can talk to villagers one extra time per day. Chatty
Funny Increases chances of successfully joking by 10%. Generous
Generous Can give 1 additional gift per week. Funny
Flirty Increases chances of successfully flirting by 10%. Forgivable
Forgivable Missing dates doesn't reduce Friendship. Flirty