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Tobin is a romanceable NPC in Moonstone Island. He works as a fisherman and is somewhere between 25 and 35 years old. He lives in the Lighthouse and runs the Fishing Shop. Many of his mannerisms are based on Newfoundland culture.


Time Action
22:40 Gets back to the Lighthouse


Tobin likes fish, especially the harder-to-catch ones (Quality does not matter; i.e., he will still love a bronze-quality Sparkstar). However, he hates receiving one fish in particular... Perhaps there's a reason for that.


(happy) "Holy mackerel! You caught this yerself?"
"Ye must be quite the fisher. These are tricky lads to catch!"
Image Name Source
Sparkstar Electric Island
Blobfish Poison Island
Cinderfish Fire Island


(happy) "Fish!"
(smile) "Thanks fer sharin' yer catch with me."
Image Name Source
Bunnyfish Earth Island
Fangfish Poison Island
Flyingfish Earth Island, Water Island
Jewelfish Earth Island
Lightning Eel Electric Island
Moonfish Earth Island
Old Boot Earth Island, Water Island
Pizzafish Earth Island, Water Island
Ringfish Earth Island, Water Island
Sisyphish Earth Island, Water Island
Spinefish Poison Island
Steelfish Fire Island
Tigerfish Fire Island
Joltfish Electric Island


(smile) "Fer me? Thanks!"
All items not listed in other sections


(frown) "Ohh, no. I can't stand the things. Gives me the creeps."
"I'll give this to Gaiana, if ye don't mind."
Image Name Source
Prickly Plant Dark Island Summer
Eye Berry Psychic Storm Summer
Skeleplant Dark Island Fall
Bloodroot Dark Island Spring
Spectre Flower Dark Island Fall
Ghostshroom Psychic Storm Fall
Snowman Plant Earth Island Winter
Mandrake Poison Island Spring


(sad) "Oh, it breaks my heart to see these out of the water."
"I never catch 'em if I can help it."
(neutral) "I'll put it to use, since ye've already caught it... but please don't bring me more."
Image Name Source
Zenfish Water Island, Earth Island


First Date - Beach 
"Y'know, they say ye shouldn't mix business and pleasure."
(happy) "But I love the beach, I do! Even if I spend every bleedin' day here!"
(smile) "Ye know... Yer the first person who's ever asked me on a date."
"Not like I don't have friends, but it never goes any further."
(neutral) "I mostly don't mind, ye know. But even I get lonely."
The player has a dialogue option
Their loss, my gain. (Best choice)
(laugh) "Oh! That's kind of ye to say."
(smile) "I know it's early, but... I'm glad you saw somethin' more in me."
(laugh) "No pressure, of course! Let's jus' take things slow."
(smile) "Would ye mind if I walked yet home?"
"I want ta make sure ye get back safe."
I think that went well!
Is there something wrong with you that I should know about? (Bad choice)
(laugh) "No! Of course not."
(neutral) "I just think, maybe, I'm more of a friend-type guy."
"It's alright if you think so, too."
(frown) "Ah... the weather's changin'. We should head back."
I think that could have gone better...
Why do you think that is? (Good choice)
"Good question. I'm not sure."
"On a sad day, I'd guess that no one thinks I'm... attractive."
(laugh) "On any other day, I'd say I'm just a bit too friendly, I s'pose."
(smile) "More of a brother-type, y'know?"
"But, ah, enough about me."
(happy) "Let's get you home, it's gettin' cold!"
I think that went okay.

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Beach 
(smile) "See that dartin' silvery shape there? That's Bliss."
"She's my companion. When I come out here, she's always there."
"She's a Zenfish, y'know."
"I try not ta catch Zenfish if I can help it, in case it's 'er family."
(happy) "People don't think fish make good pets... I disagree. I know she remembers me!"
(smile) "Here, feed 'er this. Throw it in."
The player has a dialogue option
Maybe she's a human trapped in a fish body. (Best choice)
(laugh) "Y'know, I thought that too!"
(smile) "I mean, she's so friendly. And so different."
"I feel like she really listens to me, y'know? I know that sounds nuts."
(neutral) "It can get lonely out here. I'm glad I'm not jus' talkin' to meself."
(laugh) "Don't fear, yer better company than a fish. No offence, Bliss."
(smile) "Shall we head back now?"
I think that went well!
Doesn't she mind you catching her friends? (Good choice)
(laugh) "Ah... We don't talk about it, ta be honest!"
(smile) "I think... I think she knows I can get a little lonely out here."
"I think she's lonely, too. Maybe."
(laugh) "Or I'm just bein' a weirdo about a fish."
(smile) "Ah... we should head back. See ya, Bliss!"
I think that went okay.
That's like being a butcher who's friends with a cow. (Bad choice)
"Well... yes an' no."
(sad) "...List'n, I'm sorry if ye find it all a bit monstrous, the catchin' and eatin'."
"If that's the case, I don't know that we can really work t'gether."
"I totally understand if it's not yer bag. But this is me profession."
(neutral) "I think I should take ye home. C'mon."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Third Date - Beach 
"D'ye remember Bliss? Me fishy friend?"
(sad) "She's gone. And I don't know if I'll ever find out what 'appened."
"She could 'ave found someone, or she could be... gone."
"Haven't seen 'er in days. It's a lot lonelier without 'er."
"D'ye think I'm a silly old man fer bein' heartbroke over a fish?"
The player has a dialogue option
I think she was more than just a fish. (Best choice)
(sad) "Now, don't go thinkin' I had a crush on that fish!"
(neutral) "But yer right. She was company. And she cared."
"I s'pose I built 'er up to be somethin' more than she was, really."
(sad) "People don't pay much attention to me, usually."
(smile) "It was nice to 'ave someone... something... that noticed when I was around."
(laugh) "Ah, I'm gettin' choked up. Sorry."
(smile) "Let's do a date again some time where I'm not broke up over a fish, okay?"
I think that went well!
I think it's sweet. (Good choice)
"Aw, thanks."
(sad) "I genuinely am torn up about 'er, though."
"In all me years of fishin', I never 'ad one pay attention to me like 'er."
(neutral) "But... well. Maybe that's why she's gone, eh?"
(smile) "Because... because you're here. And you pay attention to me."
"Maybe she was waitin' for someone like you ta come along."
(laugh) "Ah, I'm gettin' choked up. Sorry."
(smile) "Let's do a date again some time where I'm not broke up over a fish, okay?"
I think that went okay.
I mean, yeah. (Bad Choice)
(sad) "I don't blame ye, I s'pose."
"She was somethin' special, though."
"Listen, I'm sorry, but... I think I need ta be alone, tonight."
"Sorry to cut the date short, but you don't wanna be around me like this."
(neutral) "Let's do this again some other time, okay?"
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Fourth Date - Beach 
(sad) "I'm sorry about before. All the stuff wi' Bliss."
"I realised, after ye left... I musta sounded like a right weirdo."
(neutral) "Listen, I promise I'm a normal guy. Sure, I talks to fish, but that's just me bein' silly."
(sad) "I really... I don't want ta scare ye off."
"This is why I don't tell people about the stuff I gets up ta!"
The player has a dialogue option
I like a man who's not afraid to be sensitive. (Good choice)
(smile) "Well, there's a relief!"
(neutral) "Ye really don't mind the whole... fish saga?"
"And ye promise yer not just bein' nice?"
(smile) "Good ta hear it. Genuinely."
(sad) "I was thinkin' I'd blown it with ye..."
"When I realised I was more afraid o' losin' you than Bliss, well..."
(laugh) "Heh, I'm just glad ye didn't swim off."
(smile) "C'mon, let's head home. I can smell the rain about to tip it down."
I think that went okay.
Are you still talking about that fish?! (Bad choice)
(sad) "Ah, sorry. I knew it'd bothered ye.:
"I won't talk about 'er again, I promise."
"It was just a silly little story from a weird, lonely fisherman."
"Pay me no mind."
(neutral) "I've got to head back now, but, ah... you feel free ta stay."
I think that could have gone better...
I like you. You don't need to change for me. (Best choice)
(smile) "Ye... ye do? Really?"
(laugh) "Maybe you're as weird as I am, then!"
(smile) "Not that I'm complainin'."
"Yer... yer a really good thing for the island.""
(happy) "And yer a good thing fer me, too."
(smile) "C'mon, let's head back. It's about ta rain!"
I think that went well!

Your day ends after the date concludes.

First Date - Tavern 
"Y'might think me parents were what got me into fishin', but that's not so."
(laugh) "Me dad HATED fishin'. Hated fish, too."
(smile)He was more of a meat 'n' potatoes man."
"But I loved it. I'd go out on the water and all me cares would wash away."
"I likes bein' alone, see. I'm good at it."
The player has a dialogue option
You don't get lonely? (Good choice)
"Ah, sure. Everyone gets lonely."
"But I'm used to it. Been this way a long time."
(happy) "I talks to the fish, anyway! Keeps me from goin' mad."
(laugh) "I will concede that talkin' to fish might actually be a sign that I HAVE gone mad."
(smile) "Oh, here, lemme get the bill. I'll walk ye home, too!"
I think that went okay.
Wow, okay, I can take the hint. (Bad choice)
(awkward) "Ah, no! That's not what I meant..."
(sad) "Ah, fish sticks. I'm sorry."
"Like I said, I'm alone a lot. I ferget how to interact wi' people."
"Come on, I'll take ye home. I messed this one up..."
I think that could have gone better...
Have you ever fished WITH someone? (Best choice)
(laugh) "...Y'know, I don't think I ever have."
(smile) "I wonder if it'd be the same... the serenity, the comfort."
(happy) "Well, since yer a fisher too, yer always welcome to come wi' me!"
(smile) "We can just sit in companionable silence."
(awkward) "Oh fish sticks, look at the time. I gotta be up at dawn!"
(smile) "C'mon, I'll walk ye home."
I think that went well!

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Tavern 
"-this massive wave, the size of me house twice over..."
(laugh) "CRASH! Down on the hull. Near ripped me boat in two, it did."
(smile) "Thought I was done fer."
(smile) "Lucky fer me, I washed up on the shore a few hours later..."
"And d'ye know what the last thing I'd thought of was?"
The player has a dialogue option
The location of your lifeboat? (Best Choice)
(laugh) "Ha ha, no! Good guess, though."
(smile) "It was me laundry. How boring is that?!"
"I realised that I had to start livin' a life that was worth losin'."
(grin) "And, well, as chance would have it... that was shortly before you turned up."
(laugh) "Enough soppy stuff! I've gotta get back."
"As chance would have it... I've got another load of laundry to hang up!"
I think that went well!
Your family? (Good Choice)
(laugh) "Oh, I wish. No!"
(smile) "It was me laundry. How boring is that?!"
"I realised that I had to start livin' a life that was worth losin'."
(grin) "And, well, as chance would have it... that was shortly before you turned up."
(laugh) "Enough soppy stuff! I've gotta get back."
"As chance would have it... I've got another load of laundry to hang up!"
I think that went okay.
How boring this story would be? (Bad choice)
(angry) "Well now! I was only tellin' ye the story to get to a point."
(frown) "The point being', I decided in that moment ta change my life."
(frown) "Didn't want the last thing I thought before I died to be "I need to dry me washin'."
(frown) "But I can see I'm borin' ye."
(frown) "Let's just call it a day there, shall we?"
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Third Date - Tavern 
"Have I telled ye about me penpal?"
"Her name's Wyatt. She lives over yonder on another island."
"We used ta be real-life pals, but she moved away wi' her wife a few years back."
"I tells 'er about me day, about what she's missin'."
"She's the only person I really keep in touch with from the old days."
(grin) "You must have tons of people from your hometown like that."
The player has a dialogue option
Yeah. Honestly, it was scary to leave them behind. (Best Choice)
(grin) "Ye don't say? I don't blame ye."
(smile) "I appreciate the honesty. I've never moved so far away."
"I can't even imagine how hard it must be."
"Ye leave it all behind, start afresh, on yer own..."
"Yer pretty brave. I hope ye can find or build a home here, too."
(laugh) "I'd certainly miss ye if you went away!"
(blush) "Say... let's walk back home the slow way tonight."
I think that went well!
I miss them, but I'm glad to be here. (Good choice)
"Of course ye do!"
(laugh) "I'd be suspicious if ye didn't!"
"I've never done anythin' like that. Never left this island, really."
"Wyatt asked me ta come with 'er, but I didn't."
"I don't regret it. I love it here. But I do wonder..."
*ding ding ding*
(grin) "...It's last call. We should wrap up."
I think that went okay.
Nah. They all sucked. (Bad choice)
(frown) "Oh! Well, I can't say I blame ye for movin' then."
"But I got the impression ye came from a bigger island."
"Was there really no one ye felt close to?"
"No, no, that's... that's not that weird, no. It's just..."
*ding ding ding*
"Ah... It's last call. We should wrap up."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Fourth Date - Tavern 
"List'n... I know yer new here. Well, newISH."
"And I know we 'aven't been on a ton of dates."
"So... I hope this isn't too forward to ask, but..."
"Have ye, erm... Have ye been on dates with anyone... else?"
(laugh) "Ye don't 'ave ta answer."
(laugh) "Actually, jus' ignore me. None o' my business..."
The player has a dialogue option
You don't have to worry. (Best Choice)
"I don't?"
(smile) "Well... I'll take yer word fer it."
(smile) "List'n, I know it ain't partic'larly modern, but..."
(smile) "Is'pose I jus' like ta know that I mean somethin' to someone."
(laugh) "Plus, well... I 'aven't really dated much before. Or... at all."
(laugh) "Please don't think there's somethin' wrong wi' me!"
"I'm jus'... it jus' ain't happ'nd fer me before."
"An' I want it ta be real."
(laugh) "Well, I reck'n I've 'ad enough ta drink, now!"
(smile) "Let's go home before I spill all me secrets."
I did, to begin with. (Good choice)
"I, uh... I s'pose that makes sense."
"I jus' didn't realise there were... others"
"I'm somewhat old-fashioned, I s'pose."
"Especially since... well, since you're... my... first."
"I might, uh... I might need ta think this through a bit."
(smile) "It's alright, I'm not endin' this, I promise."
"I jus' have ta... sort me feelings out, Like I said... it's all new ta me."
"Sorry. I'll see y'around."
I think that went okay.
Yeah, I'm playing the field. (Bad choice)
(frown) "Oh."
(awkward) "...Ah, I know I shouldn't..."
(awkward) "..."
(frown) "Look, it's just... I'm old-fashioned. When it comes ta... love."
(frown) "Sorry. I know it ain't ideal. Or modern."
(frown) "But I... I don't think I'd 'ave taken it this far, if... if I knew there'd be others."
"... I'm sorry, I think I'm gonna need some time ta meself."
"I think I needs ta figure out how I feel about all this."
(frown) "I s'pose I shouldn't 'ave assumed I was special."
"G'night, fer now."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

First Date - Hot Spring 
"All the time I spends out on the water..."
(laugh) "I almost never get ta actually be IN it. It's alright!"
(smile) "And, ah, since we're alone... I gots a question."
(smile) "Alright. So be honest wi' me..."
(smile) "What d'ye see in me?"
The player has a dialogue option
Everything. (Best choice)
(laugh) "Well, heck. I don't know what ta say ta that."
(grin) "No one's ever said anythin' like that ta me before."
(laugh) "Is the water gettin' to yer brain?"
(smile) "Sorry, that's me tryin' ta deflect sincerity with humour. Shut up, Tobin."
(smile) "What I means ta say is... yer somethin' special."
(laugh) "Now, not ta ruin the moment, but I think I'm voilin' like a lobster 'ere."
(smile) "Shall we get out and dry off?"
I think that went well!
Your accent is really cute. (Good choice)
(laugh) "Ha ha ha! Ye don't say!"
(grin) "Well, that's a relief. Can't do much about changin' it, can I?"
(smile) "But genuinely... whatever it is ye see in me, I'm glad ye see it."
(smile) "I would love ta see meself the way you see me."
(grin) "Now, not ta ruin the moment, but I think I'm voilin' like a lobster 'ere."
(smile) "Mind if I get out and dry off?"
I think that went okay.
Beats me, babe. (Bad choice)
(frown) "I s'pose that makes sense."
(grin) "I mean, if I can't tell what me good points are, how can you?"
(frown) "Heh."
"I think I might get out now. Quite warm."
"I'll walk ye home, if ye want ta get out too?"
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Hot Spring 
"D'ye remember what I asked ye last time we were 'ere?"
(smile) "I asked ye what ye liked most about me."
(smile) "And, well... the truth is, I also want ta ask ye..."
(frown) "What's me worst quality? The most offputtin' bit?"
The player has a dialogue option
Your insecurity. (Best choice)
(laugh) "Ooof, right ta the bone."
"Y'know, yer right. I'm pretty insecure."
"I feel like I do a good job of hidin' it fer most people."
(frown) "But wi' you, it's... harder."
(smile) "But I'd like ta learn how ta trust ye more."
(smile) "Ye keep comin' back fer more, after all. I'm hopin' it's 'cause ye see somethin' in me."
(smile) "I know nobody wants to be bombarded with someone's insecurities all the time."
(smile) "I'll keep workin' on it."
(laugh) "Now, how 'bout we get out? I'm sweatin' like a lavafish!"
I think that went well!
The hat. The hat that you were everywhere. Including here. (Good choice)
(awkward) "Oh my giddy aunt, ye didn't tell me I was wearin' the hat."
(laugh) "I ferget it's on me head! It's so comfy."
(smile) "But if that's me biggest flaw, then I think I'll keep it on.."
(grin) "After all, it's drawin' the attention away from all me other flaws!"
(smile) "Speakin' of flaws, one of mine is that I can't stand the heat fer too long."
(smile) "Let's get out before I melt, eh?"
I think that went okay.
Your stupid accent. (Bad choice)
(laugh) "Oh, ouch."
"Well, I s'pose... suppose... it could be somethin' worse."
(smile) "But, well... I likes me accent. Reminds me of me dad."
(smile) "He was from away, ye see. An island where they all sound like this."
(smile) "Picked it up from him, really."
"Still each ta their own."
"I'm goin' ta head back. This heat makes me sleepy."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.


When talked to for the first time, he will give you the quest Mythical Fish, asking you to fish 3 Moonstone quality fishes: a Blobfish, a Sparkstar and a Cinderfish. Selling him any of them will unlock the option to buy an upgrade to the Fishing Rod (Reinforced for the first one, Greater for the second and Moonstone for the final one).
On Spring 21 of Year 1, he will send you a letter that will initiate the Matchmaker: Tobin quest. He asks for a "fishy spirit" with a snorkel. Doing so will unlock a new Hook to buy in the Fishing Shop.

Spoiler to the correct spirit 
The correct spirit is Snorcko.


"Ah, you're the come-from-away, aren'tcha? Welcome, welcome! We've been waitin' such a long time. I'd offer ta make ya tea, but me kettle's broke. Oh, where's my manners? I'm Tobin. T-O-B-I-N. I'se the b'y who catches the fish, as they say! Lovely ta meet ye. Oh, I've got a little request here fer ya. I heard ye've been helpin' people out all over! See, I've heard tales of rare fish livin' on the most distant islands. I'd love ta see them some day! If ye catch any... could ye sell them to me? I'll put 'em all in me trophy case, fer all to see!"


- Tobin is based on a Newfoundlander, and makes several references to Newfoundland culture and mannerisms. Example include:

- The word "b'y" (often spelled "bhy")
- Being a fisherman
- "Come from away", being the name of a Newfoundland musical as well as a common newfoundland saying
- Offering to make you tea
- His general accent and speech patterns (such as ye've, bleedin', and livin')
- Being friendly and welcoming
