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Ferra is a NPC in Moonstone Island. She is the local blacksmith and runs the Smithy. Ferra shares a house with Cleo directly south of the General Store. She is somewhere between 25 and 35 years old.


Ferra's schedule (and all NPC's schedules) stays the same throughout the seasons. Rain or shine, this is the path she will follow:

Time Action
06:30 Leaves her house
07:00 Enters her shop
17:00 Leaves her shop
17:40 Sips drink near waterfall
22:00 Gets up to leave
23:00 Enters her house
Time Action
07:00 Leaves her house
07:20 Spends time at the fountain
09:00 Leaves the fountain
12:20 Enters hot springs
16:50 Leaves hot springs
20:20 Sips drink on bridge
22:00 Leaves bridge
22:40 Enters her house
Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday
Time Action
06:30 Leaves her house
07:00 Enters her shop
17:00 Leaves her shop
17:30 Enters tavern
22:00 Leaves tavern
23:00 Enters her house
Time Action
06:30 Leaves her house
07:00 Enters her shop
17:00 Leaves her shop
17:30 Enters tavern
23:00 Leaves tavern
00:00 Enters her house
Time Action
06:30 Leaves Her House
07:20 Spends time at the fountain
11:20 Leaves the fountain
12:10 Enters Tavern
23:00 Leaves Tavern
00:00 Enters Her House


Ferra likes fluffy things and gifts that she can use in her forge. She dislikes round things.


(love) "Fluuuuuuffy."
(happy) "I love it! Thank you!"
Image Name Source
Bunnyfish Earth Island
Nimbus Plant Electric Island Spring
Sweater Plant Fire Island Winter


(happy) "A gift!! Thank you."
"And I had just run out of these. Thanks!"
Image Name Source
Coal Rocks
Copper Ore Mines
Iron Ore Mines
Copper Ingot Furnace
Iron Ingot Furnace
Moonstone Ingot Furnace
Copper Sheet Anvil
Iron Sheet Anvil
Moonstone Sheet Anvil
Sparks Spirit Resource
Steelfish Fire Island
Fire Flower Fire Island Spring
Colberry Fire Island Fall
Erdenleaf Poison Island Summer
Ruby Plant Fire Island Winter
Saplant Poison Island Winter


"Oh, neat. Thanks!"
All items not listed in other sections


(awkward) "Ahhhh no! Nooo no no no!"
"Ugh, ew, ew ew ew."
"Please don't give me this again!"
"I don't like round stuff... blehhh."
Image Name Source
Stonefruit Earth Island Spring
Spirit Bane Earth Island Spring
Wingfruit Dark Island Summer
Mossball Earth Island Summer
Eye Berry Psychic Storm Summer
Beach Peach Aquatic Summer
Fuzzball Aquatic Fall
Snowball Spirit Resource
Stonefruit Seeds Scythe Stonefruit


(awkward) "AHHH IT'S SO ROUND! I HATE IT!"
Image Name Source
Snow Flobes Aquatic Winter


You may ask her out on a date. On each date, you will have to make a choice between three options.

First Date - Beach 
(happy)I'm so psyched about this date!"
(smile) "I know I can be pretty flirty, but I get SO shy about actually asking people out."
"So, I'm glad you took the initiative."
(happy) "Especially because you're CUTE. And new. That helps too."
(smile) "I've been looking forward to this all day."
"What should we do?"
The player has a dialogue option
Dig a really big hole? (Best Choice)
(happy) "You absolutely read my mind."
"I love digging big holes! I think there's something primal about it."
(laugh) "We just need to be careful not to dig all the way down... we'll fall out the bottom!"
(smile) "Okay, let's go find a good spot to dig..."
(happy) "Come on, I'll race you!"
I think that went well!
Hold hands? (Good choice)
(laugh) "You're such a flirt. Wow!"
(smile) "Maybe on the next date, yeah?"
(happy) "Let's get to know each other better first!"
(smile) "I know that I'm a big flirt, but I actually like to take things slow."
(smile) "How about we just walk down the beach for a bit?"
(happy) "Come on, I'll race you!"
I think that went okay.
Skinny dipping? (Bad choice)
(frown) "Uh... I think it's a bit soon for that."
"I'm no prude, but I prefer to know someone better first."
(neutral) "Let's just go for a walk instead..."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Beach 
(smile) "Smell that sea air. It's so refreshing."
(sad) "I wonder what it was like before the cataclysm. Just... sea as far as you can see."
"We must have lost so much when it happened. I can't even imagine..."
The player has a dialogue option
We're lucky. It's still so beautiful. (Best Choice)
"...I suppose that's true."
"I mean, we're lucky that part of the world survived..."
(love) "And we're lucky that we're here to see it, too."
"I guess it's hard to know how lucky you are without a point of comparison."
"But you're right. It's beautiful. Especially with you."
(laugh) "Okay, enough mushy stuff!"
(happy) "Let's head back into town. I'm getting cold."
I think that went well!
I bet it was beautiful. (Good choice)
"I can't even imagine it!"
"I wonder if they even appreciated what they had."
"Being able to climb mountains, swim in lakes..."
(laugh) "I guess we have *A* mountain and *A* lake. I don't want to take THEM for granted, either!"
(smile) "You know, that's more important than regretting what I don't have, isn't it?"
"Appreciating what we DO have."
(happy) "Like, each other!"
(happy) "Now, do you wanna walk me back home? I'm COLD."
I think that went okay.
I prefer sky to sea. (Bad choice)
(frown) "They had both, though!"
"Sure, they weren't as high up, but they had so much..."
(sad) "And they just took it all for granted."
"Sorry, I... I have to go."
"This stuff always makes me so sad."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Third Date - Beach 
"You know, I've always wanted to bring a metal detector to a beach."
(happy) "It sounds so fun! And you might get rich!"
"Cleo tells me about stuff she finds, sometimes."
"But without context, it's hard to know what some of it is. Or... was."
(sad) "We lost so much of our history when the cataclysm happened..."
The player has a dialogue option
Let's make our own history. (Best Choice)
(love) "Okay, that's REALLY cute."
""Make our own history". You're so cute."
(happy) "Page one: That time we stayed at the beach until the stars came out..."
"Page two: That time we held hands while the tide came in..."
"Page three: When you kissed me under a full moon..."
(laugh) "Not tonight, though. It's a work night! Also, not a full moon!"
(happy) "Come on, let's head back."
(love) "Page zero: A kiss at the door after a beach date..."
I think that went well!
We can make sure it never happens again. (Good choice)
"We can do what we can. The cataclysm already happened."
(smile) "But we can preserve what we have for future generations!"
(love) "I mean... If we have future generations... Not that I meant... um..."
(laugh) "You make me so nervous when you look at me like that!"
(love) "Can you walk me home?"
I think that went okay.
You know I'm an ALCHEMIST, not an archaeologist? (Bad choice)
(frown) "Yes, I know that!"
(neutral) "Everyone needs hobbies outside of their jobs."
"I'm not blacksmithing right now either, am I?"
"...Maybe I should be."
"I have some commissions to finish off, anyway."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Fourth Date - Beach 
"...I just had this weird flashback."
"When I was a little girl, I came here with my dad."
(smile) "We built a sandcastle. I put all my effort into it... it was amazing."
(neutral) "But the tide came in, and washed it away before we left."
(laugh) "I cried so much that my dad ended up taking me to the tavern for ice cream."
(sad) "But when I think of that day... it still makes me feel so sad."
"I don't know why."
The player has a dialogue option
You're afraid of losing things you love. (Best Choice)
(laugh) "Oh, wow. That's so serious!"
(neutral) "Maybe you're right, though. Everything dies. That's scary."
"Maybe that was the first moment I faced my own mortality."
"Honestly... I'm pretty scared of death."
(laugh) "I know, who isn't, right?"
(neutral) "But the thought of leaving nothing behind some day... that's scary."
(laugh) "Haha, sorry. Sometimes I go on a bit of a downer."
(smile) "Come on, let's go back inside where it's warm."
I think that went well!
It's sad to see your creative effort destroyed. (Good choice)
"Yeah, maybe."
(sad) "I'd be heartbroken if my blacksmithing works were destroyed."
(neutral) "But I guess one day, they will be gone, just like me, right?"
(sad) "I don't like thinking about it."
"I just feel like... like a little blip in the universe that no one even notices."
(laugh) "Blerrrrgh, sorry. What a downer I am today!"
(smile) "Come on, let's go for a walk before we end the date."
(happy) "I promise I'll talk about funner stuff."
I think that went okay.
You're a drama queen? (Bad choice)
(frown) "Mean."
"Well, maybe a bit true. But still mean."
(neutral) "We should head home. It's getting dark."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

First Date - Tavern 
"Well, I wanted to be a blacksmith because it seemed so COOL."
(happy) "Hammers! Fire! Metal! Getting really buff!"
(smile) "Plus, I won't lie... It helps identify people that aren't jerks."
(laugh) "The jerks assume they're stronger than me. Because of the way I look."
(happy) "I usually prove them wrong pretty quickly. POW."
The player has a dialogue option
Buff girls are my weakness. (Best Choice)
(happy) "Haha! Thank you!"
"I mean, you're right. Why wouldn't you want a girlfriend who could crush you?"
(smile) "If you ask me, people who are intimidated by buff gals are just insecure."
(frown) "And I don't date people who act like their insecurities are my fault."
(smile) "For the record, though... my type is more..."
"Well, let's just say I like people who are good with their hands."
(laugh) "Okay, now forget I just said that!"
(laugh) "Can you walk me home to make sure I don't fall off the edge of the island?"
I think that went well!
Can I... arm wrestle you? (Good choice)
(laugh) "Maybe another time."
(smile) "I'm three drinks in, babe."
"It's not a fair competition."
(happy) "Maybe when we're both sober!"
(smile) "Just as long as you're aware that I will DESTROY you."
(laugh) "Tell you what, I'll let you get the next round instead! Off you go!"
I think that went okay.
I bet I'm stronger than you. (Bad choice)
(frown) "Come on, don't be like that."
"Even as a joke."
"Sure, maybe you ARE stronger than me."
"But I'm tired of people taking my existence as a challenge to their ego."
"So yeah. Don't be a jerk."
"I think I'll just go home. Bye."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Tavern 
"You know, you're really quiet."
(laugh) "Not that it's a bad thing! I can talk enough for both of us."
(neutral) "But... are you okay?"
"Are you always like this?"
"Or are you just quiet around me?"
The player has a dialogue option
I like listening to you. (Best Choice)
(happy) "Awww, you charmer!"
"Well, I hope that's not too much pressure, or I'll clam up!"
(smile) "I do like talking to you, though."
"You don't say much, but you're always interesting."
(happy) "And it helps that you're not too bad to look at, either. Heh."
(smile) "But seriously, don't be afraid to tell me to shut up if you need to."
(happy) "Anyway, it's getting late... Let's walk home before it's too dark!"
I think that went well!
I'm just not that talkative! (Good choice)
(happy) "Fair enough! I'm used to everyone around me being an introvert."
(smile) "I've just never met someone as quiet as you!"
(laugh) "it makes me worry that I've done something wrong!"
(smile) "But I can learn to live with it."
(happy) "I need to head home now, but feel free to stay if you want another drink! It's on me!"
I think that went okay.
I'd talk more if you let me. (Bad choice)
(awkward) "Oh no, that's exactly what I was worried about..."
"Why didn't you say anything? I'm sorry!"
(sad) "I'm just... I can't help being so chatty..."
"I like talking to you."
"...I think I need to just... go home. I'm sorry."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Third Date - Tavern 
(love) "Heyyyy. *hic*"
"I've been here a while! I finished work earrrly."
"I maybe have had a one or two drinks."
(happy) "I'm not drunk!!!!! But the world is all wiggly."
(smile) "I jus... I jus gotta lie down."
The player has a dialogue option
We should get you home. (Best Choice)
(love) "You're sooo cute. SO CUTE."
"I wanna just squish your cute face into my face."
(happy) "I like you so muuuuuuuuuch!!"
(smile) "Let's have a million babies and live forever."
(happy) "Okayyy let's go to my house!!! WOOoooo!!!!!"
I think that went well!
Is everything okay? (Good choice)
(happy) "Yeahhh! I'm okay!"
(smile) "I just maybe forgot how much beer I could handle and Ossono didn't stop me."
(frown) "She's a baaaad influence."
(happy) "But I'm having a great time and now YOU'RE here!!! I like you."
(awkward) "Oh. I think I'm gonna... need to go home. Very now. *blork*"
I think that went okay.
You're drooling. (Bad choice)
(awkward) "Oh noooo no no no."
"I'm so MESSYYY. I just wanted to be less nervous around you!"
(sad) "And now I look like a stupid baby full of drool and beer."
"Please forget you saw anything tonight because I like you and I don't want you to unlike me."
(happy) "Also can you please walk me home so I don't fall off the edge. Thank you please."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Fourth Date - Tavern 
"So, I was chatting to Ofelia the other day."
(laugh) "She's sort of like a therapist-mom sometimes. She'd hate it if I called her that, though."
(smile) "Anyway, I told her about how I keep freaking out about mortality."
"And she says, get this..."
(frown) ""Life is worth something precisely BECAUSE it ends.""
(neutral) "I don't know if I agree."
"I mean, don't people dream of being immortal all the time?"
"What do you think?"
The player has a dialogue option
Death makes room for more life. (Best Choice)
"Hmmmmm. I suppose I never thought of it like that."
"Wanting to cling onto life is a bit selfish, isn't it?"
"We have to make way for someone else. SomeTHING else."
"And we just have to make sure that what we leave behind makes it better for them."
(smile) "Well, I hope when I die, I turn into stardust."
"That way, I can watch it all happen after I'm gone."
(happy) "I hope you get to be stardust with me!"
I think that went well!
We all have our time. Might as well face it willingly. (Good choice)
"I guess so."
(laugh) "It feels a bit like telling a kid to go to bed, though."
"I mean, I don't WANT to go! I like it here!"
(neutral) "Buuut you're right, as usual."
"No point in being terrified of something inevitable."
(smile) "So, here's to a dignified death."
"A death that comes after a life well-lived."
(happy) "Cheers!"
I think that went okay.
I'm pretty sure I'm never gonna die. (Bad choice)
(laugh) "Okay then."
(smile) "I mean, that sounds like you're in denial."
(neutral) "I mean, I get it. But... you're not... special, you know?"
"I mean, you're SPECIAL, but not THAT special."
"Maybe you should talk to Ofelia, too."
"Come on, I'm tired. Let's pay the tab."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

First Date - Hot Spring 
(happy) "I looooove the hot spring."
"So toasty and floaty. This was a great idea for a date!"
(awkward) "Oh! There's a little bug in the water! I think it's drowning!"
(frown) "Hold on, little bug! I'll save you!"
(happy) "Hup! There you go! Dry off over there!"
The player has a dialogue option
I'm all out of tiny towels! (Best Choice)
(laugh) "Oh no!!"
(happy) "I think he'll be okay without, though."
(love) "Thank you for not making fun of me."
(smile) "I don't LOVE bugs... But I don't want them to suffer, you know?"
"I'm gonna get out now."
(laugh) "Don't step on the bug!!"
I think that went well!
I didn't know you liked bugs! (Good choice)
(laugh) "Oh, I don't. They're scary."
(smile) "But the little guys need our help sometimes."
"And they're more scared of us, apparently."
(happy) "I can put my fear aside to help those less fortunate!"
(smile) "Are you ready to get out?"
"I'm getting a bit warm, so I think I'll head home."
I think that went okay.
It's just a bug. (Bad choice)
(frown) "I can't just sit there and let a bug drown when I can easily help."
"He's helpless! And maybe he has a family!"
"...I'm going to get out and take him somewhere else."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Hot Spring 
"The hot spring at night is SO beautiful."
"Especially when your eyes adjust to the dark..."
(smile) "And then you can see all the stars."
"Zed told me that the stars are so far away that we're seeing their past selves."
(neutral) "I think that's romantic. And tragic."
"Some of them could have exploded, and we wouldn't know for years."
(sad) "They just died out there, all alone. Unmourned."
(laugh) "Do you think I'm being melodramatic?"
The player has a dialogue option
No! It's poetic! (Best Choice)
(laugh) "Oh, I'm glad you think so."
(smile) "We don't really have any wordsy creatives on Moonstone Island."
(happy) "Although I like to think blacksmithing is a bit like poetry!"
(smile) "The music in the hammer strikes, the rhythm of the shaping..."
"It's like a song."
(happy) "Sometimes, I make up lyrics, too."
(smile) "In other news, I'm too cold on the top and too warm on the bottom."
"Let's get out and dry off!"
I think that went well!
Yes, and it's cute. (Good choice)
(laugh) "Ha, you think so?"
(happy) "Works for me. I've always wanted someone who appreciated my weird stuff."
(smile) "You know, we don't have a lot of wordsy folk on Moonstone Island."
"Cleo does a lot of academic writing, but honestly, it's a bit dry."
(happy) "And sometimes I make up songs in the workshop! Although that doesn't really count."
(smile) "Anyway, I'm getting too cold. And too warm."
"Let's get out and dry off!"
I think that went okay.
I think you need a therapist. (Bad choice)
"Eh, maybe."
"But I'm just being honest."
"I'm alone a lot of the time. I think about stuff like this."
"Now you're here, I'm just sharing it with you."
"It's getting a bit cold, though."
"Let's get out and dry off."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Third Date - Hot Spring 
"There are so many islands out there. Ones I've never even seen."
"Doesn't it make you feel so... insignificant?"
"We're just tiny, tiny blips of life in this massive universe."
(sad) "In the noise of it all... we just don't matter."
The player has a dialogue option
You matter to me. (Best Choice)
(love) "And you matter to me, too."
"I suppose... That's the point, isn't it?"
"To find connection in the brief time we have."
"To find someone who makes life worth living."
"Someone who makes you matter."
(laugh) "Uh, anyway, it's late. I have work tomorrow! Let's head back."
I think that went well!
Who cares what the universe thinks? (Good choice)
(laugh) "Ha, I guess so."
(smile) "I'm just a people-pleaser at heart. I want everyone to like me."
"But there's a whole universe of people, creatures, whatever!"
(laugh) "How can I make them like me when they don't even know I exist?!"
(smile) "You like me though, right? That's more important."
(happy) "And more important than THAT, I like you too!"
(smile) "I'm gonna get out now, I think."
"Wanna walk home together?"
I think that went okay.
Wow. Deep. (Bad choice)
(frown) "Oh, sorry for getting all DEEP while standing in the AWE-INSPIRING MAJESTY OF NATURE."
"I'm getting out."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Fourth Date - Hot Spring 
"Maybe this is gonna be a downer, but I want to talk about it."
"So, the reason I moved here was because I lost someone."
"My mentor. My best friend."
"Her name was Ash. Ash taught me everything I know about blacksmithing."
"She wasn't even that old. It was a congenital heart thing."
"I couldn't... save her. Or help her."
(awkward) "One day she was there, and then... she was..."
(sad) "Then she would never be there again."
"Some days I forget it happened, and I still... expect to see her there."
The player has a dialogue option
Tell me about Ash. (Best Choice)
"She was so beautiful. And TALL."
(laugh) "With these massive biceps."
(smile) "She could break logs in half with her bare hands."
"I was always a little bit in love with her, but only kinda."
(laugh) "Oh, and she kept trying to make me like spiders. By putting them in my hair."
(smile) "I should show you my maker's mark, some time. It's her initials intertwined with mine."
"So there's a bit of her in everything I make."
"I miss her so much... but talking about her brings her back a little bit."
"Thank you for asking me about her."
(laugh) "Would you mind walking me home? I need to have a big old cry, I think."
I think that went well!
I think she'd be proud of you. (Good choice)
(smile) "Oh, don't, you'll make me cry."
"I think she would, too."
"I don't know if you've seen my maker's mark, but..."
(neutral) "Here, give me your hand. I'll draw it."
"This is her initials... intertwined with mine."
"So there's a bit of her in everything I make."
(smile) "I think she'd like that. Or call me a sentimental dork."
(laugh) "Do you mind if we call it a night? I need to go home and have a big old cry, I think."
I think that went okay.
You have a knack for making dates depressing. (Bad choice)
(sad) "I know. It's why I didn't tell you earlier."
"I just... being with you reminds me of her."
(neutral) "You have a lot in common. You're both brave, and strong."
"You would have liked her, I think."
(sad) "If you don't mind, I'm gonna call it a night."
"I think I need a big therapeutic cry, now. Sorry."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

First Date - Home 
"So, what's it like to fly? I'm so jealous."
(happy) "I think I'd be really good at flying."
(neutral) "...Sometimes I do feel a little trapped on this island."
"There's so much I want to do... and so little time."
(sad) "What if I never get to see the other islands?"
"What if I'm stuck here forever?"
The player has a dialogue option
I'll take you flying! (Best Choice)
(happy) "No way, really? I would love that."
(smile) "Is it scary up there? No, wait, don't tell me."
(happy) "If it's scary, I'll just have to hold on tight!"
(love) "Maybe I'll hold on tight anyway. Hehe."
(laugh) "As long as you're sure there's enough room for the both of us."
"I don't think either of us would enjoy it if I fell to my death."
(smile) "Hey, do you wanna sleep over?"
(happy) "I promise I won't steal all the covers!"
I think that went well!
I'm sure you'll get to travel some day. (Good choice)
"Yeah... I guess."
"It's just a matter of time, and transport, and planning for the dangers out there."
(smile) "It sounds exciting... but also really scary."
(laugh) "I guess you'll have to come with me!"
(smile) "Alright, I'm getting really tired."
"Buuuuut I don't want you to go."
"Do you want to stay the night?"
I think that went okay.
We have everything we need right here. (Bad choice)
(frown) "I know you're trying to be cute, but I disagree."
"I'm not the kind of person who's content to settle down forever."
"I want to find a partner who shares my sense of adventure."
"...I just remembered I have work to do. I'll walk you home."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Home 
(love) "Thank you for cooking tonight."
"I had such a hard day at work, so I really needed the time to relax."
(happy) "And it was SO GOOD, too! What's your secret?"
The player has a dialogue option
Love. (Best Choice)
(laugh) "Ha, you're such a flirt!"
(smile) "I won't lie, I'm glad that you're corny like me."
"There are a lot of people here that are SO bad at feelings."
"Like Gaiana. Seeing her crack a smile is like gold dust."
(happy) "Not me! I'm just overflowing with flirt energy."
(love) "So I'm happy to have someone to aim it at."
(smile) "Oh, I made up the bed if you wanna stay over, by the way!"
(happy) "I even found a spare pair of slipper socks, if you want!"
I think that went well!
Fresh vegetables. (Good choice)
(happy) "Ooooh, no way! Don't I feel special."
(smile) "So, you picked them yourself?"
(happy) "Wait, did you GROW them? You're so cool."
(smile) "You can definitely taste the difference."
"It's probably because you found the seeds while adventuring. They taste like ADVENTURE."
(happy) "You're so brave to go out there on your own, even if it is your job."
(awkward) "Just... promise me you'll be safe, okay?"
(love) "Also... you're staying over tonight, right?"
(happy) "I found a spare pair of slipper socks juuuust for you!"
I think that went okay.
Fishbo meat. (Bad choice)
(awkward) "Oh my god. You're kidding, right?"
"I... I think I'm going to be sick."
"Can you see yourself out?"
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Third Date - Home 
"You know, my old mentor, Ash, used to say that I was a nightmare to teach."
(laugh) "I'm very easily distracted. And wiggly. Can't sit still."
(smile) "It makes me a good blacksmith, but a terrible student."
(love) "But with you... I feel... still. Calm. Maybe for the first time."
"It's like the sun coming through the clouds after the storm."
"Like everything slows down, so it's just you and me."
The player has a dialogue option
*kiss her* (Best Choice)
(smile) "See, I said you were like the weather after a storm..."
(laugh) "But I think you just gave me a static shock. Ow!!"
(love) "Or maybe that was just the electricity of our chemistry."
(laugh) "Yeah, don't worry, I heard how corny that was, too."
(smile) "I think you'll have to kiss me again to make up for zapping me."
(love) "And maybe you want to... stay the night?"
I think that went well!
I can't imagine you being a nightmare in any way! (Good choice)
(laugh) "Oh, you have no idea."
(smile) "See this scar on my hand? Wasn't paying attention. Dropped coal on it."
"And this here? Leaned on a hot anvil."
"This one on my ear is because I tried to tuck a hot poker back there like a pencil."
(laugh) "I have more scars, but they're a little more... revealing."
(love) "Unless... you'd like to see...?"
I think that went okay.
I have that effect on people. (Bad choice)
(frown) "Does that means you're... seeing other people?"
"This is a really small island. That would be... uncool. And awkward."
(sad) "Plus... I thought we were... closer than that."
"I don't invite just anyone back to my house, you know."
"...I think you should go."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Fourth Date - Home 
"I've been psyching myself up for this date all day."
"And I'm still so nervous."
(laugh) "Maybe even more nervous, now you're here."
(neutral) "The thing is..."
"Listen, I know I can be flirty. And for a lot of people, it's too much."
(smile) "But... I genuinely love love."
(frown) "I'm not flirting for attention or to make people like me more."
(neutral) "It's just fun! Making people feel good... makes me feel good."
(smile) "But I want to assure you... you are the only one for me."
(neutral) "If you want me to stop, I'll stop."
The player has a dialogue option
I would never ask you to change. (Best Choice)
(laugh) "Well, you've got me. Warts and all."
(happy) "Not literally. I don't have any warts."
"I do have a big birthmark on my bum shaped like a whale, but you've seen that."
(love) "I mean, what I mean to say is... I love you."
"Even if I flirt a lot, you're the only one I love."
(laugh) "Now, let's find out if YOU have any birthmarks..."
"Juuuust kidding."
(smile) "But I do want you to stay over tonight, because..."
I think that went well!
It does make me feel a bit insecure. (Good choice)
"Then I'll stop flirting with other people."
"At the end of the day, you matter to me the most."
(happy) "I mean, I'll still compliment people, just... platonically!"
(love) "But I'll have all this stored-up flirt power..."
"I'll just have to use it all on you."
(laugh) "You lucky thing."
(love) "But seriously... I love you. I'd do anything for you."
(happy) "Now, it's time to get in PJs, because guess what?"
I think that went okay.
It's fine, I'm dating multiple people too. (Bad choice)
"You are?"
(sad) "Oh, I didn't... realise."
"Well, I guess that's... fair..."
"I just thought that you and I, you know..."
(frown) "I want to be exclusive with you, if it wasn't already clear."
"For me, you are it. You're the one."
(sad) "At least... I thought you were."
"So... if you actually want to be exclusive, then... just... let me know."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Missed Date 
(angry) "You stood me up, jerk!"
(frown) "I'll forgive you, but only because you're cute."
The player has a dialogue option
I'm sorry!
Wow, it's that easy to get forgiven?
(frown) "Don't do it again."
"Or I'll date your favourite Spirit as revenge."


When talked to for the first time, or in a letter on Spring 8, she will give you the quest Furnace for a Friend, where she asks you to gather 10 copper ore and sell them to her. She will give you the recipe for the Furnace.
After Furnace for a Friend has been completed, talking to her again will trigger the quest Getting into Metal, where she ask you to craft a furnace and smelt 3 iron ingots and sell them to her. She will give you the recipe for the Anvil.
On Fall 7 of Year 1, she will send you a letter that will initiate the Matchmaker: Ferra quest. She asks for a Beardini, and she says she might die if she doesn't have one.


"It's cold, even inside. Wanna cuddle?"

"Nice butt."


Ferra at Hot Springs date