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Cleo is a romanceable NPC in Moonstone Island. She is a historian and is somewhere between 25 and 35 years old. She shares a house with Ferra directly south of the General Store.


Cleo's schedule (and all NPCs' schedules) stays the same throughout the seasons. Rain or shine, this is the path she will follow:

Time Action
14:00 Leaves Her House
17:00 At Bridge North Of Hot Springs
19:00 Leaves Bridge
22:10 Starts Reading South Of Tavern
23:20 Stops Reading
00:50 Enters Her House
Time Action
14:00 Leaves Her House
17:00 At Bridge North of Hot Springs
19:00 Leaves Bridge
22:20 Starts Reading South Of Tavern
00:00 Stops Reading
00:50 Enters Her House
Time Action
15:00 Leaves Her House
15:30 At Bridge East of Tavern
17:00 Leaves Bridge
17:10 Enters Tavern
23:20 Leaves Tavern
23:50 Enters Her House
Time Action
09:00 Leaves Her House
11:30 Enters Hot Springs
15:20 Leaves Hot Springs
18:00 Enters Tavern
??:?? Leaves Tavern
??:?? Enters Her House
Time Action
09:00 Leaves Her House
09:50 Starts Reading South Of Tavern
Time Action
11:00 Leaves Her House
14:00 Enters deck north of Hot Springs
17:00 Leaves deck
18:30 Enters Hot Springs
23:20 Leaves Hot Springs
01:30 Enters Her House


Cleo works as a historian and appreciates being given things that have some years on them. This can be as simple as coal.


(happy) "Reading material!!!"
"I was just thinking I had run out of things to study, so thank you!"
Image Name Source
Stack of Books Decoration Station
Treasure Map (Cleared)


(smile) "This is so old!"
"I mean that in a good way! I love old things, so thank you!"
Image Name Source
Old Boot Earth Island, Water Island
Sea Glass Spirit Resource
Zenfish Water Island, Earth Island
Coal Rocks


"Thank you for the gift."
All items not listed in other sections


"Oh, no thank you."
"I have bad experiences with electricity."
Image Name Source
Lightning Eel Electric Island
Joltfish Electric Island
Electricone Electric Island Fall
Stun Flower Electric Island Summer
Zaplant Electric Island Summer
Bolt Electric Island Spring
Bulbshroom Electric Island Winter
Sparkstar Electric Island
Sparks Spirit Resource
Electric Spirit Egg Spirit Drop


(awkward) "Oh dear..."
(sad) "Sorry, I have terrible grass allergies..."
(awkward) "No thank you!"
Image Name Source
Fibre Grass
Flax Flower Earth Island Spring


First Date - Beach 
"I wasn't sure how to, um, prepare for a date."
(happy) "So I did what I usually do... and researched!"
(smile) "Apparently, dating is a great cure for loneliness."
(laugh) "I suppose I didn't need a study to tell me that."
"Sorry. I didn't have time to study small talk as well..."
The player has a dialogue option
What else did you learn? (Best choice)
(happy) "Well, I got quite off-topic."
(smile) "I began reading about the psychological effects of loneliness..."
"...and then I read a case study about rats raised in isolation!"
"And from there, I started reading about how rats are able to make friends..."
"...and then I wondered if I could source a rat from one of the bigger islands..."
"...and then..."
I think that went well!
We can talk about the weather! (Good choice)
(smile) "Oh, good call"
"The weather today was... quite typical for an island at this latitude."
"Perhaps a touch colder than usual."
"Is that... good small talk?"
(happy) "I hope our next date has more interesting meteorological phenomena to discuss!"
I think that went okay.
Are you always this nervous? (Bad choice)
"Oh no. I'm not nervous."
(smile) "I'm simply trying to ensure there are no awkward silences."
"I've read that those are unpleasant."
(neutral) "But I think I need to do a bit more research."
(smile) "Thank you for this date. Good night."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Beach 
"-and we can actually trace back the location of the islands that way."
(smile) "All you need to do is find a soil sample."
(happy) "Or better yet, a fossil! Those are incredibly valuable."
(smile) "This island, for example, used to be on the south coast of a tropical land."
"But, of course, the flora and fauna have evolved since then."
(happy) "Oh, you must have seen so many creatures on your adventures!"
"I'm so envious!"
The player has a dialogue option
I collect the ones I think look cool. (Best choice)
"That is exactly what I would do as well."
(smile) "Although I suppose you don't study them."
(awkward) "Or dissect them!"
(smile) "Well, I have to be off."
"Tomorrow I need to re-alphabetise my library. Good night!"
I think that went well!
I've only seen a few! (Good choice)
(smile) "Then you will have to keep exploring."
"I believe Zed would love to hear from you about what you've discovered."
(happy) "But my interests in spirits are more... biological."
"Zed wishes to catalogue them. I wish to know them."
"But that's all I have time for tonight."
"I must be off. Good night!"
I think that went okay.
Do you ever stop talking? (Bad choice)
"I don't get to talk about my interests much! So, no!"
(neutral) "But that wasn't very polite of you."
"I think I'll just go back to my work, then."
"Books will never let you down."
"Good night!"
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Third Date - Beach 
"-so everyone thinks Zed and I should be best friends."
"But to be honest, we don't have much in common."
"Zed is interested in the mechanics and logic of science."
(smile) "I am much more interested in the anthropology and the natural side of things."
(laugh) "Anyway, I find astronomy terribly dull."
(happy) "All that dust and gas is nothing compared to the wonders of biology."
"I find I prefer to look inwards, not outwards!"
The player has a dialogue option
What else are you into? (Best Choice)
"Oh, all sorts, really."
(smile) "Psychology, zoology, botany, paleontology, neurobiology, anatomy..."
"History, geography, philosophy, anthropology..."
"Sociology, archaeology, mycology, entomology AND etymology..."
(happy) "Honestly, most things ending in "ology", "atomy", "sophy", or "graphy"."
(smile) "Oh, and pens. I really like fountain pens."
"And making my own ink, and collecting different types of paper, and..."
I think that went well!
I agree! Animals are way more interesting! (Good Choice)
"Yes, see?"
(smile) "Even just the psychology of your answer just then is fascinating."
"Perhaps you're trying to impress me, or perhaps you truly agree."
(happy) "I can never know for sure! Maybe you don't even know!"
(neutral) "Because the differences of our experiences make it impossible to ever truly know one another, and that means..."
I think that went okay.
Logic is the only true science. (Bad Choice)
(frown) "Well, I disagree."
"You sound just like Zed, trying to get a rise out of me."
"He does like to try to get on my nerves, just to start a debate!"
(neutral) "Logic has its place in the world, but it is nothing without the study of PEOPLE."
"After all, it was people that invented logic to begin with."
"As the philosopher Kant would say..."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Fourth Date - Beach 
"Ofelia told me something after our last date."
(laugh) "Apparently, most people on beach dates don't talk about topics like natural philosophy and life sciences."
(smile) "So.. um... what do you want to talk about?"
The player has a dialogue option
Ignore Ofelia, I like hearing about that stuff! (Best choice)
(happy) "Oh, phew!"
(smile) "Sometimes I don't realise how much I talk until..."
(sad) "Well, until it's too late."
(smile) "But I'm glad you don't mind. That's quite a relief."
"Would you be interested in walking along the beach before we bid each other adieu?"
I think that went well!
What are you into apart from books? (Good choice)
"Apart from books?"
(laugh) "I'm just going to assume you're including things like papers, theses, and encyclopedias too."
(smile) "Let's see... I like making my own clothes."
"And I enjoy..."
(frown) "...I don't know that I can think of anything else."
(happy) "I guess maybe I need help finding hobbies outside of books!"
I think that went okay.
Oh, now you want to hear from me? (Bad choice)
(sad) "Has it really been that unenjoyable for you to spend time with me?"
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"Especially since I've really been enjoying these dates."
(neutral) "I shall take myself home, and practice being more perspicacious for the future."
"Good night."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

First Date - Tavern 
"You know, you being an alchemist is part of a long tradition."
"In the Ancient Times, alchemists were the central pillar of a community."
"They taught us how to live with spirits, and respect their power."
(sad) "But we haven't had an alchemist in living memory."
"And I've tried to find out more information on them... but all the records are missing..."
The player has a dialogue option
There was an Alchemist before me? (Best choice)
(smile) "There was! But that's about all I know so far."
(frown) "It's almost like someone destroyed all the records..."
(laugh) "But why would they do that?"
(happy) "I think I've been reading too many mystery novels."
(smile) "Anyway... I should get back to it."
(laugh) "I know it's late, but I get my best work done in the quiet of night!"
I think that went well!
How long ago was that? (Good choice)
"Oooh, good question. Like I said, not in living memory..."
(happy) "So, before Paolo and Ofelia were born, at least. 50 years or so?"
"But there's seriously nothing else to go on."
(frown) "I haven't found anything else, and I've tried!"
(smile) "Anyway... I should get back to it."
(laugh) "I know it's late, but I get my best work done in the quiet of night!"
I think that went okay.
It's probably not important. (Bad choice)
(frown) "I disagree. History is always important, because we can learn from it."
(neutral) "I feel like the last Alchemist... something happened. Something bad."
"And I think it would be good to know what it was. So we can avoid it."
(smile) "I think I'm going to call it a night. The research calls!"
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Tavern 
(smile) "So, I've been reading about the Cataclysm lately. It's really interesting!"
(neutral) "Before the Cataclysm, things were dire."
"Lush forests were razed to make room for pastures."
"Jungles were tainted by toxic rains from nearby factories."
"Valleys were flooded by vicious electrical storms."
(sad) "The earth was dying."
(neutral) "Sorry, do you want me to stop?"
The player has a dialogue option
Please carry on! I'm hooked! (Best choice)
(happy) "So... Multiple rifts opened during the Cataclysm."
"Malevolent forces made their way through the rifts and corrupted everything they touch."
"We call them... the Creeping Dark."
(sad) "Towns, villages, people, Spirits... None are safe."
(neutral) "The current scholarly theory is that closing the rifts can halt the spread of the Creeping Dark."
(sad) "But for now... it's just a theory. We don't know for sure."
(laugh) "Sorry, I'm tired... let's pick this up next time!"
I think that went well!
Sorry, what is the Cataclysm? (Good choice)
(awkward) "Wait... Don't they teach you this where you're from?"
(smile) "Well then!"
(neutral) "The Cataclysm was a catastrophic natural event that ripped all the islands up and threw them into the sky."
"Some researchers believe it was caused by the state of the Earth. Others think it was random."
"But during the Cataclysm, rifts opened in the sky, and let Dark Spirits into our world."
"The current scholarly theory is that closing the rifts can calm them down again."
(sad) "But for now... it's just a theory. We don't know for sure."
(laugh) "Sorry, I'm tired... let's pick this up next time!"
I think that went okay.
Yeah, let's talk about something else. (Bad choice)
(sad) "Oh, sorry."
"I get carried away sometimes."
(neutral) "So, um... what do you normally talk about on dates?"
(laugh) "I don't really know how to do small talk!"
(smile) "Tell you what... I might need to research dates a little bit more."
(happy) "Let's do this again when I'm better prepared!"
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Third Date - Tavern 
(smile) "You've been doing a great job with the Spirits, by the sounds of it."
"I hope it hasn't been too hard on you, going out there all the time."
(neutral) "But you're not the only one out there... are you?"
"I guess by now you've heard of Waldo, right?"
The player has a dialogue option
Yeah, he's great! (Best choice)
(happy) "Oh, you've met him! That's wonderful."
(neutral) "I hope he's doing okay out there."
(sad) "He had such an awful time... think he tried to close one of the rifts himself."
"It broke him, and then he broke his mind."
(frown) "I've discovered some evidence that maybe..."
(neutral) "No... never mind. I need to do more research before I talk about it."
(smile) "Maybe next date, when I've done more reading. I'll tell you what I found!"
I think that went well!
I've met him. (Good choice)
(smile) "Oh, you have?"
(happy) "That's wonderful. I hope he's doing okay out there."
(sad) "He had such an awful time... think he tried to close one of the rifts himself."
"It broke him, and then he broke his mind."
(frown) "I've discovered some evidence that maybe..."
(neutral) "No... never mind. I need to do more research before I talk about it."
(smile) "Maybe next date, when I've done more reading. I'll tell you what I found!"
I think that went okay.
Oh, that weirdo? (Bad choice)
(sad) "Oh, that's not nice. He's had a hard time."
"I think he may have tried to close one of the rifts... and it broke him."
(neutral) "In fact, I recently read something interesting...."
"...No, no, I shouldn't speculate until my research is more thorough."
"Maybe next time I can tell you more about what I found..."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Fourth Date - Tavern 
(awkward) "Sorry about being late! I was reading something fascinating."
(smile) "You know I said there were zero records of the last Alchemist?"
(happy) "I FOUND SOME."
(neutral) "And I was right. Someone destroyed the records... on purpose."
The player has a dialogue option
Tell me EVERYTHING. (Best choice)
(frown) "The Alchemist destroyed the records... to hide what they did."
"They were experimenting with risky rituals, and they opened a rift by accident."
(sad) "Instead of fixing it, they destroyed the evidence, and fled."
"I don't know what happened to them. It was a long time ago."
(neutral) "But one bad Alchemist doesn't mean you're all bad. I believe in you."
(smile) "I know you can fix it! And if you want help... just ask!"
(smile) "Let's walk home before it gets too late."
I think that went well!
This sounds dangerous... (Good choice)
"It's been such a long time since then. Besides, these records are important."
(frown) "I discovered that the last Alchemist actually CAUSED the rift closest to us."
"They did risky rituals and misused their powers, and accidentally opened a rift."
(sad) "And then they destroyed all records and fled Moonstone Island."
(neutral) "Well, almost all the records. I managed to find one that told me all this."
(happy) "Don't worry. Nothing bad will happen. I promise!"
(smile) "Let's walk home before it gets too late."
I think that went okay.
Let's keep it that way. (Bad choice)
(frown) "Records are for reading! If we bury history, we run the risk of forgetting it."
(neutral) "And what I discovered... is a big deal."
(sad) "The last Alchemist actually CAUSED the rift closest to us."
(frown) "They went against Alchemist's Guild guidelines and did some risky ritual which opened a rift."
"And then they destroyed all records and fled Moonstone Island."
(smile) "Oh, don't worry! We trust you. I trust you. You've been nothing but good."
(happy) "And I think... you can fix what they did."
(smile) "Come, let's walk home before it gets too late."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

First Date - Hot Spring 
"The very first post-Cataclysm Alchemist was a woman named Dhriti"
"She was multi-talented - she could carve a chair from scrath, sew a beautiful gown, forge a sword..."
(smile) "And she even knew a bit of magic."
(neutral) "One day, a ruler of another island kidnapped her, hoping to force her to make him a powerful weapon."
"She refused, but she could not escape."
"So she asked him for permission to grow her own garden..."
(smile) "And in that garden, she grew a tree infused with magic."
"She used that tree to craft a flying broom, and flew away from the island."
(happy) "That's why you learn farming and flying just as she did all those years ago!"
The player has a dialogue option
What happened to her after that? (Best choice)
"She lived for a while on another island, helping to heal people and Spirits."
"But one day, she took to her broom in the early morning and flew beneath the clouds."
"No one knew why, or where she went."
"She was never seen again."
(smile) "Are you ready to get out? I think I am."
I think that went well!
What was the powerful weapon? (Good choice)
"It's been such a long time since then. Besides, these records are important."
"Actually... I don't think I ever read what the weapon was."
"She never made it, after all."
(frown) "But it is for the best that we don't know that the weapon was."
"If we did, someone might try to recreate it."
"After the Cataclysm, I hope the people of the islands understand that we can never let it happen again."
(smile) "I think that's enough about history for one day, though."
"Are you ready to get out? I think I am."
I think that went okay.
I have to farm because of one random lady? (Bad choice)
(frown) "She was no random lady!"
(neutral) "Her alchemical discoveries were hugely important in the development of island societies."
"She is, in my opinion, the underappreciated founder of our way of life."
(angry) "You should have more respect, since you are following in her footsteps."
(neutral) "I think I'm ready to get out now. Are you?"
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Hot Spring 
"Have you found the rift yet?"
"I can potentially help out if not."
"There have been a few scholars and scientists who claim to have seen it from afar."
"Descriptions tend to agree that it is a source of light, but not much else."
(sad) "And you're the only one who can close it, I'm afraid."
The player has a dialogue option
What happens if I can't fix things? (Best choice)
(Sad) "I don't know."
"We can speculate, of course..."
"But the outcomes are almost unanimously catastrophic."
"The Creeping Dark is a disease. It corrupts living beings."
(intense) " We have to destroy it. We HAVE to save our way of life."
"And for what it's worth... I believe in you."
(smile) "You are strong, and brave, and capable. I know you can do it."
"I am just happy to have had the chance to discover how powerful you are for myself."
I think that went well!
I'll sort it out (Good choice)
"That's very confident of you."
"I hope you're right."
(sad) "It's a threat to our way of life. And a threat to our life in general."
(smile) "But having gotten to know you... I think you can do it."
"I KNOW you can do it. You're incredibly capable."
"And I'm happy to have had the chance to discover that for myself."
I think that went okay.
Why do *I* have to fix it all? (Bad choice)
(sad) "Because... That's just the way of it."
"It's not some grand hero's quest. It's just that you're the only one with the skills needed."
"You turned up at the right time, in the right place."
"All we can ask is that you use those skills to help us all."
"I hope you choose to do so."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Third Date - Hot Springs 
"-my tutor tried to help, but what could she do?"
(sad) "So I ended up doing the group project on my own."
"I would have relished the help, but it just wasn't possible."
(sad) "I'll still never understand what I did to make the others dislike me."
(sad) "At university, I tried so very hard to be less chatty."
(sad) "I suppose it wasn't enough."
The player has a dialogue option
Can I hug you? (Best Choice)
(smile) "Oh!"
"I would like that."
"I don't get a lot of hugs, you know."
"Which is a shame, because I really enjoy them."
"The shared intimacy is one thing, of course."
"But did you know that an embrace can also increase oxytocin production, and..."
(laugh) "You know what? I think I'll just shut up and enjoy this hug."
I think that went well!
Screw those jerks! (Good Choice)
(laugh) "Oh, don't worry."
"I have long since realsied that I cannot be everyone's cup of tea."
(frown) "I just wish that people would just TELL you if they don't like you."
(frown) "I have never understood this "ghosting" phenomenon."
(frown) "It seems like a waste of time, and it's not particularly proactive.
(smile) "But yes. As you said."
(grin) "Screw those jerks!"
You're still a bit too chatty. (Bad Choice)
(offended) "Oh..."
(sad) "I'm talking too much again, aren't I."
(sad) "My apologies."
"But the problem is, what's a girl to do with so many thoughts running through her head?"
"My thoughts are constant whether I speak them or not."
"So I end up saying whatever's in my head, and then I just talk forever, and..."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Fourth Date - Hot Springs 
"I was talking to Ossono about you the other day."
"I said we had been seeing one another, and she asked if we had done anything romantic."
(embarrassed) "And I realised... this whole time, I've just been telling you about my work!"
(sad) "I am so sorry. I've had a wonderful time with you..."
"... but I really don't know how to be romantic."
The player has a dialogue option
Romance is listening to you be passionate about history. (Best Choice)
(laugh) "That's very flattering."
(smile) "And also what Ossono said you might say."
"Or rather, she said that the right person would think that."
"She said the person who deserved me would WANT to hear me talk."
"And that you'll know they're the right one when you would do the same for them."
(happy blush) "No one's ever listened to me the way you do. I like it."
(happy blush) "But still... I would like to be more romantic... with you."
(happy blush) "Maybe we can try it some time."
I think that went well!
Romance is sitting in a hot spring with you. (Good choice)
"Oh, so... we've been doing romance this whole time?"
(smile) "That's reassuring to hear!"
"In books it's always rose petals and waltzing. Lots of deep kisses. And getting out of lakes in slow-motion."
(awkward) "I mean, not that I read THAT kind of book... Um..."
(laugh "Oh, look at the time! It's late. We should get out."
I think that went okay.
Romance is overrated. (Bad choice)
(frown) "You really think so?"
(frown) "I'm not sure I agree."
(frown) "I know I seem like I just talk and talk and talk, but..."
(frown) "I enjoy intimacy. I enjoy holding hands and whispering kind thoughts."
(laugh) "Sure, I may be thinking about the biological and historial implications of feeling butterflies, but..."
(blush) "Well, I want to FEEL it, too."
(blush) "So, I would like to try harder to find more romance."
(blush) "I would like to be romantic... with you."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.


On Fall 14 of Year 1, she will send you a letter that will initiate the Matchmaker: Cleo quest. She asks if a wolf-looking Dark spirit exists (and if she could have one).

Spoiler to the correct spirit 
The correct spirit is Wolfbane.


Cleo During Hot Springs Date

cleo kawai

cleo rindo

Cleo's Letter for her Matchmaker quest