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A magical stone that emits energy. Glows at night.


An active Moonstone Detector on the left, indicated by the blue ring glowing.

At the start of the game, every island has 1 Moonstone which can be seen easily in dark conditions. Between seasons, an island's moonstone has a chance to respawn.

The day after completing the quest "Spirit Research: Advanced Spiritology" for Zed, you will receive a Moonstone Detector which will change the inner ring around your mini-map to light blue when a moonstone is nearby.

Moonstones can also be found in Dungeon/Mine chests, obtained as combat rewards, and one a day can be received from the Moonstone Machine after completing the quest "Close the Rift".


The Foraging Skills "Moonstone-minded" and "Moonstonemancer" increase chest's moonstone drop-rate by 5% each.


Moonstones are used in many different crafting recipes, are half of the final offering in all Seasonal Temples, and three can be smelted into one Moonstone Ingot.

Moonstones can be sold int the Sell Crate for 500 gold, and to Ferra for 750 gold.

Moonstone Enchanter Recipes

Image Name Description Materials Needed Sale Price
Broom Great for hopping between islands. Kinda slow. 5 Wood, 2 Moonstones
Beacon Used to mark locations. 10 Stone, 1 Moonstone 550
Moongrass Spirit Stall Moongrass grows without needing to be watered. Any Spirit assigned to this stall is fed automatically each day. Can be placed in the Spirit Barn. 1 Spirit Stall, 3 Cloth, 1 Moonstone 770
Sigil Chalk Used to mark sigils onto the ground. 1 Clay, 1 Moonstone 55
Moonstone Bracelet A traditional bracelet given to symbolize commitment to someone. 3 Moonstone, 1 Iron Ingot 1000
Grass Bracelet A traditional bracelet given to symbolize the end of a commitment to someone. 1 Moonstone, 1 Fibre 100
Loom Used to craft custom floor tiles and wallpaper. 1 Moonstone, 10 Wood, 3 Cloth 10
Mirror of Introspection Used to view the Skill Tree. 1 Moonstone, 1 Iron Ingot, 1 Copper Ingot 500
Moonstone Machine A machine that produces one Moonstone per day. 3 Moonstone 1000

Cauldron Recipes

Image Name Description Materials Sale Price
Light Potion Increases light radius for one day. 1 Moonstone, 1 Sea Glass, 1 Glass Bottle 200
Poison Gain Potion Regain Stamina from Poison hazards for one day. 1 Moonstone, 1 Poison, 1 Glass Bottle 200
Electric Gain Potion Regain Stamina from Electric hazards for one day. 1 Moonstone, 1 Sparks, 1 Glass Bottle 200
Fire Gain Potion Regain Stamina from Fire hazards for one day. 1 Moonstone, 1 Fireball, 1 Glass Bottle 200
Time Dilation Potion Time doesn't move forwards while inside your home. Lasts one day 1 Moonstone Ingot, 1 Dark Matter, 1 Glass Bottle 200
Luck Potion Increases the amount of gold found in chests by 100% for one day. 1 Moonstone, 100 Gold, 1 Glass Bottle 200


NPC Preferences
Love None
Like Magic Man
Neutral All not listed NPCs
Dislike FerraZed
Hate Quill