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Quill is a romanceable NPC in Moonstone Island. He is a painter and is somewhere between 25 and 35 years old.


Stays in house - Goes to bridge - Works at tavern - Goes home


Quill likes gifts that are warm and dislikes gifts that are cold.


(happy) "A Fire Spirit egg? That's so thoughtful of you!"
(love) "I hope this one hatches so I can have a pet of my own..."
Image Name Source
Fire Spirit Egg Spirit Drop


(smile) "Oh wow, I like these! So warm."
(happy) "Thanks!"
Image Name Source
Hot Pepper Fire Island Spring
Fire Flower Fire Island Spring
Hot Air Fruit Fire Island Summer
Flameroot Fire Island Summer
Heat Plant Fire Island Fall
Colberry Fire Island Fall
Plantern Electric Island Fall
Sweater Plant Fire Island Winter
Cinderfish Fire Island
Fireball Spirit Resource
Lantern Decoration Station
Furnace Crafting


All items not listed in other sections


(frown) "Ahhh this is so COLLLLDDDD!"
(awkward) "Oh, no. I dropped it. Uh... oops."
"Sorry! I just... I don't like cold things..."
Image Name Source
Popsiplant Earth Island Summer
Ghostshroom Psychic Storm Fall
Snowman Plant Earth Island Winter
Ice Spirit Egg Spirit Drop
Water Spirit Egg Spirit Drop
Steelfish Fire Island
Blobfish Poison Island
Fridge Crafting
Anvil Decoration Station
Snowball Spirit Resource
Sea Glass Spirit Resource
Clay Spirit Resource
Copper Ore Mines
Iron Ore Mines
Copper Ingot Furnace
Iron Ingot Furnace
Copper Sheet Anvil
Iron Sheet Anvil
Stone Rocks
Icicle Root Seeds Scythe Icicle Root
Snowdrop Flower Seeds Scythe Snowdrop Flower
Flake Flower Seeds Scythe Flake Flower
Saplant Seeds Scythe Saplant
Chilly Berry Seeds Scythe Chilly Berry
Snow Flobes Seeds Scythe Snow Flobes


(frown) "You shouldn't give these to me!"
"They're useful! You need them!"
"Don't waste them on me!!"
Image Name Source
Moonstone Ingot Furnace
Moonstone Sheet Anvil


First Date - Beach 
”So, um... I have a question.”
(laugh) "I'm sorry if it's a stupid question!”
”What exactly.... IS an alchemist?”
”We never had one before. At least, not while I've been here.”
”And everyone seemed really excited when you got here, so I figure it's something good.”
(laugh) "But I'd never even heard of alchemists before!”
The player has a dialogue option
I make potions. (Best Choice)
(smile) "Oh, cool! Wowww. That's such a cool job.”
(happy) "I never really have much need for potions 'cus I'm always super healthy, but it's still cool!”
(laugh) "Sometimes I feel like my job is silly. It's just... painting.”
(neutral) "People need doctors and stuff, not artists.”
(happy) "But I make a good boyfriend. Just sayin'.”
(smile) "Can I walk you home? I just wanna make sure you get back okay.”
I think that went well!
Like a pharmacist. Or a chemist. (Good choice)
(laugh) "Yeah, I don't know what they do either!”
(smile) "Ah well, not important.{break}We've never really had a sort of... farmery doctor kind of person.”
(happy) "I think it's nice to have you around.”
(smile) "Things on the island have been the same for ages, until you came along.”
(happy) "So whatever you are, thank you!”
(smile) "Can I walk you home? I just wanna make sure you get back okay.”
I think that went okay.
You seriously don’t know? (Bad choice)
(frown) “Hey, it takes a lot of bravery to admit to not knowing things.”
”Besides, we've never had an alchemist before.”
”You don't need to be mean about it.”
(sad) "Sorry, I'm just... defensive about being made to feel stupid.”
(neutral) "I think maybe we should end the date here.”
”I'll walk you home, though. It can be scary in the dark.”
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Beach 
”I can't believe you left home and came here just to help us.”
(smile) "You're really brave. I think that's so cool.”
”Did you have a lot of artists where you're from?”
(happy) "On an island this small, we can only afford to have one.”
”I mostly don't mind, but I wish I had more art friends.”
(happy) "But I guess artists aren't, like, the most important thing to have!”
The player has a dialogue option
Art is one of the *most* important things! (Best Choice)
(happy) "Yeah, you're right!”
(neutral) "I often feel like I should be more... helpful in some way, you know?”
”Like how Paolo makes furniture and Ofelia grows plants.”
(smile) "But art is good. Art helps.”
”My mentor once told me that art is important for society just like doctors are.”
”She said it was a way of looking inside ourselves. And that's just as important as looking outside.”
”Well, I hope that's true.”
(happy) "And I hope some day I get to meet the artists from your home town!”
(smile) "Hey, on the walk home, can you tell me about some of them...?”
I think that went well!
We had a few artists, but none like you. (Good choice)
(happy) "Wow, that's really nice of you. Thank you.”
(laugh) "I don't think I've ever had someone from out of town compliment my work!”
”You better not be saying that just to get a free painting!”
(neutral) "But yeah... It's a bit lonely sometimes, being the only artist here.”
(smile) "Maybe I can show you more of my work some time.”
(happy) "But for now, I gotta go to bed. I'm so sleepy!”
I think that went okay.
We had *actual* artists. (Bad choice)
(frown) "Hey, that's not nice.”
”I know I'm not in museums or anything, but I'm still a real artist.”
(neutral) "Look, I'm sorry if you felt like you had no choice to move here.”
”I bet it was really hard and lonely.”
”But I hope you learn to love it on Moonstone Island, too.”
”Just don't take it out on us, okay?”
”Come on, I'll walk you home.”
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Third Date - Beach 
(laugh) "...I mean, can you imagine me as a doctor?”
(happy) "I'm way too forgetful. I'd leave scalpels inside people.”
(smile) "Nah, I'm happy as an artist. I'm good at it, and I like feeling good at things.”
”School was all about being good at exams and essays. That's just not me!”
(laugh) "Maybe I'm too stupid to do anything except painting, haha!”
The player has a dialogue option
Not being good at essays doesn't mean you're stupid. (Best Choice)
”Oh, I know.”
”But I did spend, like... 16 years thinking I was bad at everything.”
(laugh) "Turns out I'm just bad at SCHOOL.”
”And school doesn't really tell you that there are other things to be good at, you know?”
”Especially when you're surrounded by kids who seem to get things that you don't.”
(smile) "But it's cool! I'm good at a lot of other things.”
(happy) "Art, cooking, making friends, kissing…”
(laugh) "I'm bad at flirting, though!”
(smile) "Come on, I'll walk you home.”
I think that went well!
The world needs more art, less essays! (Good choice)
”Actually, it's "fewer". Fewer essays.”
(laugh) "Sorry, that's literally the only grammar rule I remember.”
(smile) "I do wish that school taught you to be good at other stuff more.”
”It's hard to be surrounded by kids who get rewarded for good spelling and test results.”
”School woulda been easier if there was other ways of doing well.”
(happy) "Maybe you're right and we do need more art.”
(laugh) "As long as we still have scientists and doctors!”
(love) "But if I ever have a kid... I'll let them be whatever they want.”
(smile) "It's getting cold, wanna head home?”
I think that went okay.
Are you still going on about this? (Bad choice)
(sad) "Aw, no need to be mean.”
(neutral) "I guess it's just been on my mind lately.”
(sad) "Ah, forget it. I've made myself look like an idiot.”
”I'm gonna head home.”
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Fourth Date - Beach 
”Ossono's been teaching me a bit about foraging.”
(happy) "It's really cool. You get free food from nature!”
(smile) "Like... see this here?”
(laugh) "That's a, um, coconut jellyfish. I think.”
(happy) "I'm pretty sure it's edible. Like, 85% sure.”
The player has a dialogue option
I think we should find something you're 100% sure about. (Best Choice)
(laugh) "Oh, yeah, I agree!”
”I wasn't going to eat it!”
(happy) "I'm not that adventurous, to be honest.”
(smile) "I like the simple things, you know?”
(love) "Freshly-baked bread, the smell of a new can of paint…”
(happy) "...And you, I guess!”
(awkward) "I mean, not that I'm saying you're simple. I mean, like, you're easy to hang out with.”
(happy) "So, if you want... we should do this again.”
(laugh) "But let's go somewhere where we're 200% sure about the food next time!”
I think that went well!
I'll eat it. (Good choice)
(awkward) "Hey, wait, no!”
”Don't just eat stuff because I said it was PROBABLY not poison!”
(laugh) "You're gonna give me a heart attack.”
(smile) "I appreciate your trust in me, but you gotta be careful.”
”There's actual poisonous stuff around here!”
(sad) "I'd be really sad if you got hurt, okay?”
(happy) "Come on, let's get you home before you eat a handful of sand.”
(laugh) "I'M KIDDING. Mostly.”
I think that went okay.
Prove it. I dare you. (Bad choice)
(awkward) "Uh, well, with a 25% chance that I'm wrong…”
(laugh) "I think I'll pass, thanks.”
(frown) "Wait, not 25%. It's 15%. Numbers aren't my strong point.”
(neutral) "Anyway, I hope you're not trying to kill me!”
”I should probably ask Ossono for more lessons…”
(laugh) "And maybe next date let's go somewhere with DEFINITELY edible food.”
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

First Date - Tavern 
”I love birthdays. Mine and everyone else's, too!”
”It's a day that's all about that one person. Just one day where they get to feel special.”
(smile) "My absolute FAVOURITE thing to do with people I like is to swap homemade gifts.”
(neutral) "But not a lot of people here are crafty types, you know?”
(laugh) "I guess I could swap for, like... a fish and a pint.”
(happy) "What would your homemade thing be?”
The player has a dialogue option
One of my potions! (Best Choice)
(love) "Oh, that would be SO cool.”
(laugh) "As long as it's not a poison!”
(happy) "We should totally do a swap some time!”
(smile) "What kind of potions do you make?”
(happy) "No, wait, don't tell me! Let it be a surprise.”
(smile) "And I'd be honoured to have my art in your home.”
”Speaking of home... I need to get back.”
(happy) "Early start tomorrow!”
I think that went well!
Something I grew! (Good choice)
(smile) "Oh yeah! I forgot you did farming too.”
”Yeah, that would be cool!”
”We do have a lot of fresh veg here in town, though.”
”We get pretty regular deliveries. And Ofelia and Gaiana grow stuff, too.”
(happy) "I'm sure yours tastes extra good, though!”
(smile) "And I love having loads of vegetables. I mush them up into protein smoothies.”
”Oh, it's getting late.”
”I need to head home... want to walk with me for a bit?”
I think that went okay.
I don't really do gifts... (Bad choice)
”Oh, sorry."
"I shouldn't have assumed."
(laugh) "I didn't mean to force my art on you!"
(neutral) "Should we... get the bill?"
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Tavern 
”...and lately, well... I don't know."
"It feels a bit like Ossono is making fun of me."
"She's always pulling pranks on me that make me feel a bit..."
(sad) "...stupid."
"...I don't think she's trying to be mean, but... it makes me feel bad sometimes."
(neutral) "What should I do?
The player has a dialogue option
A real friend doesn't take advantage of you like that. (Best Choice)
(sad) "...you think she's not my friend?"
"I don't know. I guess..."
"Maybe I should just talk this over with her."
(neutral) "I think I need to go and think about this... alone."
(sad) "I'm sorry.”
I think that went well!
Tell her you don't like it. She'll understand. (Good choice)
(sad) "But... I'd rather be the butt of jokes than not have her as a friend."
"I'm worried that she won't like it if I stand up for myself."
"But... maybe you're right."
"I think I need to be alone for a bit. Sorry.”
I think that went okay.
You have to stop being so gullible. (Bad choice)
(frown) “I can't help it. I've tried."
(sad) "But I don't want to lose her as a friend."
"I want to trust her. But she's making it hard..."
"I think I should go and talk to her. I'll see you later.”
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Third Date - Tavern 
(smile) “So, I wanted to say thank you."
"I talked to Ossono. I said she was making me feel stupid."
"She said she didn't mean it."
"She was kinda busy so we didn't really get to talk about it, but that's okay."
(laugh) "Anyway, I mean, it's my fault for being so gullible, right?”
The player has a dialogue option
No. You deserve better than that. (Best Choice)
”I do?"
(frown) "Yeah. Yeah! I do!"
"You're right. I wouldn't let one of MY friends get kicked around like this!"
(neutral) "If I get the chance to talk to her again today, I'm gonna tell her how I feel."
(neutral) "Ossono can be really nice, but she's really smart, and I think she uses that to feel superior."
(sad) "I know it's probably because people made her feel bad in the past too."
(neutral) "Oh, there she is... You think I should go talk to her now?"
(smile) "Okay! Wish me luck!”
I think that went well!
That doesn't sound like an apology... (Good choice)
(awkward) "Wait, you think I should still be upset with her?"
(neutral) "But... she's my friend. She's not trying to hurt me."
"So I should tell her... that she should treat her friends better?"
"...Well, I can try."
(sad) "The thing is... I know Ossono is only being like that because she's been hurt in the past, too."
(frown) "Not that that makes it okay to treat people badly!"
(sad) "I just want to be understanding."
(neutral) "Oh, there she is now..."
"You think I should talk to her now? Okay!"
(smile) "I'll see you later. Wish me luck!”
I think that went okay.
Yeah, her pranks were really obvious! (Bad choice)
”Yeah, I guess they were..."
(sad) "Maybe I really am stupid."
"I think I'm going to head back now. I'm... tired.”
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Fourth Date - Tavern 
”Me and Ossono talked it out properly, by the way."
(smile) "It was so scary! But it went well. She apologised properly and we hugged it out."
(sad) "I guess I was scared that I would ruin the friendship. And that would ruin *everything*."
(neutral) "But... I'm glad I stood up for myself."
"It could have ended badly, and that's why I was scared to say something."
"But... Ossono's a good person. I had to trust that she would understand."
(love) "Still, I don't think I would have done it if you hadn't made me see my own worth."
"Thank you.”
The player has a dialogue option
I love how kind you are. (Best Choice)
(happy) “Thank you! That means a lot to me."
(smile) "I mean, I'm nothing special, I just want to treat people nicely."
(love) "But... you make me feel like I'm special."
"I think you're pretty special, too."
(smile) "Oh, and that whole Ossono thing..."
(laugh) "It turns out she has, like, 50 brothers or something."
"Apparently teasing is how they show affection."
(neutral) "And honestly, I don't really mind it now that I know it's how she tells me she cares about me."
(happy) "It's getting dark, though! We should get to bed. Race you!”
I think that went well!
Friends who make you feel worthless aren't your friends. (Good choice)
”Yeah, you're right."
(smile) "But I promise Ossono and I have worked it out. Properly."
(neutral) "I think she didn't realise how mean she was being, and how it hurt."
(awkward) "It turns out she has LOADS of brothers, and that's how they showed affection."
(laugh) "Don't worry! I didn't let her off the hook."
(happy) "I said she was allowed to prank me, but she had to give me her tips for the day in return."
(smile) "And she said she'd make it up to me, too."
(happy) "...She's going to clean my brushes for a month! And all my tavern drinks are free!"
(happy) "Oh, it's getting late. Let me walk you home as a thank you for your advice!”
I think that went okay.
Are all our dates going to be about Ossono? (Bad choice)
(awkward) "Oh... I'm sorry!"
"I didn't mean to... I..."
(sad) "I've been a terrible date, haven't I?"
"I've been talking about how Ossono didn't realise how I felt and I was doing the same to you."
"I'm sorry."
"I'm just gonna... go. Sorry.”
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

First Date - Hot Spring 
(smile) “I loveeeee being in the heat like this."
"If I could, I'd be slightly too warm all the time. I take hot showers every day!"
(laugh) "I can't stand things that are cold! Snow, ice, fish... no thanks."
(smile) "Are you a hot or a cold kinda person?”
The player has a dialogue option
If my skin isn't melting, it's not hot enough. (Best Choice)
(happy) "Yes!!! You get it!"
(smile) "It's like... if the water's super hot, my brain can only think about that, and not work or sad stuff."
(happy) "Well, that and... you."
(laugh) "Haha, sorry. That was so cheesy."
(happy) "I just mean, like... it's nice to have my brain feel empty for a bit."
"I find it kinda hard to relax a lot of the time!"
(smile) "But spending time with you helps, too. You're like... a hot spring for my heart."
(laugh) "Haha, shut up, Quill. Time to get out!”
I think that went well!
I like both! Hot summers, cold winters. (Good choice)
”My family is like that. They love the cold."
"Me, I find it a bit boring. I prefer plants to snow."
(laugh) "I guess I should learn to love the winter, since it's gonna keep happening!"
(smile) "Luckily for me, I look reaaaally good in sweaters. And mittens."
(happy) "Maybe I can show you some time."
"Wanna walk home together?”
I think that went okay.
I can't stand the heat. I don't even know why I asked you here. (Bad choice)
(laugh) "Wait, really?"
(neutral) "That's a shame."
"Okay, next time we'll go somewhere cooler."
(sad) "Better get out then, I guess…”
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Hot Spring 
”I used to be so scrawny as a kid."
"Other kids would pick on me. I didn't mind, really."
"If they're mean to me, I can take it. It's okay."
(frown) "But then they started picking on my sister. And that's NOT okay."
(laugh) "So, I started swimming. And lifting weights. And I got BUFF."
(happy) "They didn't pick on her after that... or me, either."
"They left both of us alone.”
The player has a dialogue option
Weren't you lonely? (Best Choice)
(sad) “I... guess. But I can deal with it."
(neutral) "I can keep to myself though. I'm really easygoing."
(smile) "My sister would tell me that I deserve friends and love... but I had her!"
"Besides... I'd rather find someone who likes me for me. And I guess that takes time."
(happy) "Anyway, then I moved here, and everyone was super nice to me!"
"So it totally all worked out in the end."
(smile) "Anyway, it's late! I'll walk you home.”
I think that went well!
You were okay with getting bullied? (Good choice)
”I didn't like it, but I'd rather people picked on ME than someone else."
"I'm easygoing. I can take it."
"Sure, it was lonely... but... at least it wasn't someone else suffering."
(frown) "I draw the line at anyone hurting people I love."
(sad) "I wish everyone was kind, but I guess that's not realistic, so I try my hardest to protect people instead."
(smile) "Luckily, that's not been such a problem here!"
"Should we get out and head home? Yeah, let's go.”
I think that went okay.
Your sister could have stood up for herself. (Bad choice)
(frown) “She was just a kid."
"I don't want to act like I need to be the knight in shiny armour, but she needed my help."
(neutral) "So I helped her. I know she didn't ask me to, but she didn't have to."
"She's my sister. I'd do anything for her."
"Look, I'm happy for you if you've never been in that situation, but it's not easy."
"So... yeah. I'm proud that I did what I did."
"Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I'm going to go home early.”
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Third Date - Hot Spring 
"Can I ask you something?"
"So... lately, I've been feeling like maybe I let people take advantage of me."
(smile) "I'm proud of who I am, and that I am kind."
(smile) "My parents taught me to always be the best version of myself."
"And I always treat people as if they're trying to be their best selves, too."
(neutral) "But lately it feels like... some people want to walk all over me."
(sad) "And I don't know what to do."
"How do you stand up for yourself AND be kind?
The player has a dialogue option
Standing up for yourself counts as being kind to YOU. (Best Choice)
"Huh. I'd never really thought about that."
(smile) ""Be kind to everyone"... that includes me, doesn't it?"
(laugh) "That must be that "self-care" thing I've been hearing about!"
(love) "Like going to the hot springs with someone that makes you smile."
(happy) "And standing up for myself when people try to take advantage of me!"
(frown) "I'll just say, "no, Ossono, I WON'T carry all those kegs today, I am tired!"
"Sometimes carrying heavy stuff really makes my muscles sore!"
(love) "Thanks for listening to me, babe. You're the best."
I think that went well!
You have to pick one, sometimes. (Good choice)
"Hmmmm. I guess you're right."
"I can't be kind if I need to protect myself."
"I mean, what if someone tried to kill me? Kindness wouldn't stop that."
(laugh) "That's a silly example, but you know what I mean!"
(neutral) "Really, I just want to find a way to gently tell Ossono that I'm not her errand boy."
(frown) "Lifting heavy stuff sometimes really hurts my back!"
(love) "Thanks for listening to me, babe. You're the best."
I think that went okay.
Once a doormat, always a doormat. (Bad choice)
(sad) "Oh. So I guess I should just get used to it."
"I guess that makes sense. Some people will always take advantage of kindness."
"That breaks my heart."
"Do you mind if... I just go home?"
"I'm not feeling up to a date right now. Sorry."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Fourth Date - Hot Spring 
(smile) "You looked really pretty in the sunset today."
(love) "You look pretty all the time, but the light was really nice."
"Your skin almost looked like it was glowing, and your eyes..."
"...Your eyes are so beautiful."
(happy) "Would you ever let me paint you?"
The player has a dialogue option
I would be honoured! (Best Choice)
(happy) "Really? I mean, it won't be, like, a masterpiece or anything!"
(love) "But you're already a masterpiece. I'd just be making a record of it."
"I just... I want you to see yourself the way I see you."
"You're so beautiful, inside and out."
"I look into your eyes and I can see my future."
"I want to be around you for as long as you'll let me. You make me a better person."
"I've never known anyone who glows like you do. And I just want to... paint that glow."
(happy) "So, uh, we can do that some time! Sorry, I got a bit carried away there."
(smile) "Are you ready to get out? I think I am."
I think that went well!
I'm kinda shy about how I look! (Good choice)
(love) "Really? I think you're gorgeous."
(sad) "But I'm sorry you feel that way."
"I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable."
(smile) "But I'd like to paint something to remind me of this time together."
"Maybe we can discuss some ideas!"::"::(happy) "Or maybe you can paint me!"
(smile) "But I hope somehow I can make you feel as beautiful as you are."
(love) "Even if it takes a long time. I'm up for it. You deserve it."
(happy) "Let's go dry off so we can go for a walk on the beach!"
I think that went okay.
Like... nude? (Bad choice)
(awkward) "N...no!!"
"Why would you think I meant that?!"
"No, I just meant, like..."
"I have to go!"
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

First Date - Home 
"So, I, um... I tidied up specially. Is it... is it okay?"
(smile) "I don't have much stuff, but I did sweep! And evicted all the spiders!"
(sad) "I felt a bit bad about the spiders. I mean, they have to build their own houses!"
(smile) "But I just wanted to make sure you felt comfortable."
(happy) "So, uh, yeah. What do you think?"
The player has a dialogue option
It's so cosy! (Best Choice)
(love) "I'm so glad you like it! I was genuinely so nervous."
(laugh) "I mean, I dusted EVERYTHING. Every surface, every spoon... Even the underside of the chairs."
(love) "You just make me want to do better, you know?"
"You're really special."::"::(smile) "And, um, if it's not too much, I also, um..."
(happy) "I set up a spare bed in the living room... if you want to stay over."
I think that went well!
*ah-CHOO* (Good choice)
(laugh) "Oh no!! I must have moved all the dust around!"
(smile) "I'm really sorry... but also, your sneeze was SO CUTE."
(love) "It's hard to feel bad when you're so adorable."
(laugh) "Okay, stay here, and I'll try to do another round of dusting."
(smile) "I'll get it all this time. Probably."
"Oh, and, um, I set up a spare bed in the living room... if you wanna stay the night."
(happy) "I would, um, really like that. No pressure, though."
I think that went okay.
I like my place better. (Bad choice)
(frown) "Well... okay."
"I don't know what to say to that."
(sad) "I tried really hard to make it welcoming here."
"In that case... I can walk you back home. Come on."
"I'll do a better job and we can try again later, I guess."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Home 
"So, I've been practicing this thing called Assertiveness Training."
(laugh) "Ofelia and Gaiana have been coaching me!"
(smile) "Basically, you stand in front of a mirror, and, uh..."
(laugh) "...You yell at imaginary people."
(happy) "Then when you see them again you can tell them how you feel at a normal volume."
(laugh) "It sounds stupid, but it works!"
The player has a dialogue option
Can I try? (Best Choice)
(happy) "I would love that!"
(smile) "Okay, so pretend I'm the mirror."
"And then pretend... I've just said something mean to you."
"Now you get to stand up for yourself! Yell at me!"
(laugh) "Oh, right, you're really quiet."
"Well, that's okay! I'll show you."
(happy) "And now I feel much better!"
(smile) "Hey, do you want to snuggle? I'm feeling snuggly."
(happy) "Oooh, let's go get blankets! Come on!"
I think that went well!
Show me! (Good choice)
"Okay, so you can be the mirror, right?"
"And then I imagine someone just said something mean..."
(happy) "And then I pretend I'm standing up for myself! Like this..."
(frown) "Phew."
(happy) "That feels way better already!"
(smile) "Hey, do you want to snuggle? I'm feeling snuggly."
(happy) "Oooh, let's go get blankets! Come on!"
I think that went okay.
Sounds like a waste of time, babe. (Bad choice)
(frown) "Well, it's not!"
"I already feel way more confident."
(neutral) "I would never yell at anyone in real life."
"But it helps me get my real feelings out."
"It's okay, we can do something else."
"I think maybe I have a pack of cards somewhere..."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Third Date - Home 
"See this painting on the wall?"
"I did that."
"But no one's ever seen it before."
(laugh) "Um, because it's in my bedroom. If you get me."
(smile) "But, well... what do you think when you look at it?"
The player has a dialogue option
It makes me feel... warm. And sad. (Best Choice)
"That's really interesting."
"I painted it when I was new here."
"I had this letter from my sister, and she said not to open it until I got here."
(sad) "When I read the letter, I cried."
(neutral) "But it was a sort of happy-sad."
"She said she was proud of me, and that I made a good choice."
"I was proud of me, too."
(smile) "And then Ossono came over with a fresh-baked pie to welcome me to the island."
"So when I painted it, that's what I felt. Warm, and sad."
"It's cool that you see that, too."
(awkward) "Oh no... that smells like dinner is burning!"
"Quick, come help!"
I think that went well!
It reminds me of you. (Good choice)
(happy) "Aw, thank you!"
(smile) "That's a nice answer."
(neutral) "I painted it when I'd just moved here, and I was in a weird place."
"I was happy and excited, but sad and a bit lonely."
"But then Ossono came over with a freshly-baked pie... and it felt like it was going to be okay."
"I have it here to remind me of that day."
"Uh... do you smell burning?"
(awkward) "Oh no! Our dinner! Quick, come help!"
I think that went okay.
I don't get it. (Bad choice)
(sad) "I guess that's okay."
"I mean, art is different for everyone."
(neutral) "It's meant to represent my first day on the island."
"Sad, lonely, but happy and excited, too."
"I like to have it here to remind me how far I've come."
(awkward) "Oh no... I think I can smell something burning..."
"Our dinner! Quick, come help!"
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Fourth Date - Home 
"I tried to paint you last night from memory."
"But I just couldn't get your eyes right."
(smile) "They're so much better in person..."
"The way they catch the light, the way I can see your soul behind them..."
"I could be the best painter in the world, and I'd never be able to capture that."
(love) "When you look at me, it's like the world dissolves around me."
"You make me feel like we're the only thing that matters.
The player has a dialogue option
I want to spend my life with you. (Best Choice)
(happy) "I'm so glad you said that!"
(love) "I... I feel the same, babe."
"I want to spend my life trying to learn everything about you."
"If it takes a whole life to paint you the way I see you, then that's what I'll do."
"I'm all in. I'm yours."
"If you want kids and a hourse and a garden, let's do it."
(laugh) "If you want to travel the islands together, I'm up for that too!"
(love) "It feels like anything is possible if we're together. And I love feeling like that."
"You give me the support I need to believe in myself."
"You're wonderful. I'm lucky to have you, and I'll do whatever it takes to keep you."
(happy) "Now, let's snuggle!"
I think that went well!
Right now, we are. (Good choice)
(love) "Right now, we are."
"Nothing else matters when you're with me."
(smile) "One day, I promise, I'll give you a portrait worthy of you."
(love) "Until that day, I'd better just spend all my time studying you."
"I love you."
(happy) "And I'm all in. Wherever you want to go. I'm yours."
(smile) "Let's paint ourselves a perfect world... together."
"Kids, pets, a house, a garden... Whatever you want, I want to be there with you."
"Everything in life is better with you around."
"So let's do it all... together."
(happy) "Now, let's snuggle!"
I think that went okay.
That's a bit intense. (Bad choice)
(sad) "Oh. sorry."
"I just want to show you how strongly I feel."
(neutral) "I can dial it back."
"But if it's not too much, or too soon..."
(smile) "I want you to know that I love you."
(neutral) "I'll give you time to think about it, okay?"
"Come on, I'll walk you home."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Missed Date 
(sad) “I guess you were too busy for our date the other day.”
The player has a dialogue option
I just forgot.
I was stuck on another island.
(sad) “Yeah, it's okay…”
”I just spent the evening waiting, that's all.”


On Summer 28 of Year 1, he will send you a letter that will initiate the Matchmaker: Quill quest. He asks for a fiery, soft and huggable spirit. After giving him his spirit, he will give you one free Beer at the Tavern every Friday.

Spoiler to the correct spirit 
The correct spirit is Sheemp.

