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Rowan is a romanceable NPC in Moonstone Island. They run the General Store in town and are somewhere between 25 and 35 years old.


Time Action
7:00 Opens their shop
17:00 Shop closed, hangs out by waterfall south of town.
19:10 Going to the docks
21:00 At the docks
23:10 Goes home


Rowan likes gifts that help them face their fears and become more brave, but dislikes things that are dangerous such as poison.


(smile) "Did you get this for me so I could go on adventures?"
(happy) "That's so thoughtful! Thank you!"
Image Name Source
Treasure Map (Cleared)
Charms Anvil


(awkward) "Oh, this is terrifying..."
"But... I'm holding it! And I'm okay!!"
(happy) "Look at me! I'm so brave!"
"Thank you!!!"
Image Name Source
Bloodroot Dark Island Spring
Skeleplant Dark Island Fall
Spectre Flower Dark Island Fall
Ghostshroom Psychic Storm Fall
Blobfish Poison Island
Fangfish Poison Island
Spinefish Poison Island
Dark Spirit Egg Spirit Drop


"Thank you!"
All items not listed in other sections


"Oh, I'm really not the best person to give these to."
"I can't craft, like, at all."
"Thanks anyway, but it just seems like a waste!"
Image Name Source
Wood Trees
Stone Rocks
Iron Ore Mines
Copper Ore Mines
Iron Ingot Furnace
Copper Ingot Furnace
Moonstone Ingot Furnace


(awkward) "There are some things it's okay to be scared of."
"This is one of those."
"I'm just going to put this down... and go and cry a bit."
Image Name Source
Dark Matter Spirit Resource
Poison Spirit Resource


First Date - Beach 
"So, you came here all the way from a bigger island?"
"And you lived with your parents before this?"
"Wow, that's... a really big change. Especially because you didn't even know where you were going!"
"I don't think I could have done something like that, but I wish I was that spontaneous!"
(smile) "How did you get the courage to fly off into the unknown like that?"
The player has a dialogue option
I wanted to challenge myself! (Best choice)
(smile) "Hey, that's even more impressive."
"Doing things even though they're scary? That's really cool."
(happy) "I have to say, I'm just really impressed by you."
(laugh) "It's not often you get to meet a real-life adventurer!"
(smile) "My life is rather mundane in comparison."
(laugh) "And as if to prove that... it's past my bedtime, I'm afraid!"
(laugh) "Plus, I have to be honest, I think my social battery is drained."
(smile) "But I had a really nice time. Thank you!"
I think that went well!
I wanted to do something new! (Good choice)
"That's really cool."
(happy) "And inspiring."
(smile) "Let me know if there's anything I can do to help you feel at home, okay?"
(happy) "Now, I have to get home and have my night-time bath, because I am boring."
(laugh) "Plus, I have to be honest, I think my social battery is drained."
(smile) "But I had a really nice time. Thank you!"
I think that went okay.
It wasn't my choice. (Bad choice)
(frown) "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realise."
"Silly me. Assuming you came here by choice..."
(neutral) "Well, that must have been hard, too."
"I hope you manage to make this place your home."
(sad) "Even if you didn't want to be here in the first place."
(neutral) "I need to go and water my plants. I'll see you tomorrow."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Beach 
(sad) "Yeah, it was a really long week at the shop."
"Really quiet, too. I don't like when it's quiet."
(neutral) "I end up feeling guilty that I'm not doing anything, even though it's not my fault..."
"And then I use up a ton of emotional energy just WORRYING."
(laugh) "*yawn*"
(smile) "Sorry. It's late! I'm usually in bed by 9pm."
"I'm a morning owl."
(frown) "No, wait, that's not it. Morning... bird? Morning... crab?"
"What wakes up early?"
The player has a dialogue option
Yep. It's morning crab. (Best choice)
(laugh) "Well, it is now."
(smile) "I mean, maybe most peopl-"
(happy) "EARLY BIRD. It's early bird."
(smile) "A "lark". That's what my mom used to say."
(neutral) "I don't know if larks exist any more, though."
"Or crabs, actually."
"I mean, they don't exist up here, which makes sense. How would a crab get up here?"
(laugh) "I'm getting off topic, sorry."
(smile) "I was going to say that this has been a lovely date, but I need to get to bed!"
I think that went well!
I think it's just "early bird". (Good choice)
(laugh) "Yes, that's it!"
(smile) "My mom also used to call me a "lark"."
"I guess larks were also morning owls. Early birds."
(neutral) "But they don't exist up here. Maybe it's too high up for them?"
(laugh) "I'm getting off topic, sorry."
(happy) "I just think birds are cool. We mostly get seagulls up here."
(laugh) "Sorry, I got off topic again!"
"I feel like I spent this whole date talking. I'm sorry!"
(smile) "I would like to, um, do this again though. If you want."
(happy) "I promise I'll be better rested next time!"
I think that went okay.
Are you trying to end the date early? (Bad choice)
(awkward) "I, um... I wasn't trying to end it early, it's just..."
(sad) "I'm sorry. I'm just super tired from working all day."
(neutral) "I'm much better company when I'm not all out of energy, I promise!"
"So, yeah, I think I need to go to bed, sorry..."
"...But maybe we can do this again another time?"
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Third Date - Beach 
(happy) "Have I mentioned to you that I dabble in witchcraft?"
(smile) "Waldo taught me some before he... left."
"There's one spell that uses ingredients from around here."
"Let's see if I can remember what they were..."
"One sinistral shell..."
"One cup of sea water..."
"One six-legged starfish..."
(happy) "And then you brew the whole thing under the light of a full moon."
"Lucky us, the moon is full tonight!"
(smile) "Okay... it's ready..."
The player has a dialogue option
Okay, so I just drink the whole thing like this? (Best choice)
(awkward) "Whoa, no, wait!"
"It's... it's supposed to be a body lotion. You don't drink it."
(laugh) "Okay, listen, I don't want to encourage you, but that was incredible."
(happy) "I mean, everything's an adventure to you!"
(laugh) "But, uh, we should get you to Ofelia."
"Drinking that much seawater is a baaaad idea."
(smile) "You'll be fine... but she'll be able to rehydrate you so you don't feel awful tomorrow."
"Come on, I'll take you to Ofelia's house... Let's hope she's still up!"
I think that went well!
What does it do? (Good choice)
(happy) "Oh, it's a body lotion!"
"The ingredients maaagically break down to make this thick gel."
"Isn't it cool? It's like magic..."
(laugh) "But it's actually science!"
(smile) "Zed told me it's something to do with a chemical in the shell and the starfish."
(happy) "Anyway, you can keep it if you want!"
(smile) "You ready to head back? I think I am."
I think that went okay.
I'm not drinking that. (Bad choice)
(frown) "I didn't ask you to!"
(neutral) "It's a body lotion."
"I guess it's fine if you don't want it."
"I could always use a refill anyway."
"Come on, let's head home. It's getting cold."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Fourth Date - Beach 
"So, I was going to ask if there was, um..."
(laugh) "If there's anywhere else you'd want to go on a date?"
(smile) "It's not that I don't like the beach. Or the dates!"
"It's just that I don't tend to come to the beach much, mostly because of the-"
The player has a dialogue option
Step aside, your hero has arrived. (Best choice)
(awkward) "...."
(laugh) "Thank you. You really are a hero."
(smile) "I feel like such a dork, but ugh, I can't STAND seaweed."
(frown) "Even just... THINKING about it. Ugh. So slimy."
(neutral) "I can't explain it.. but I appreciate your understanding."
(laugh) "I think most people would just call me crazy and leave."
(smile) "Maybe next time, let's go on a date to somewhere with less... seaweed in it."
I think that went well!
You mean the seaweed? (Good choice)
(awkward) "YEAH THE SEAWEED"
(sad) "Okay, thank you. Ugh. Sorry."
"I just... can't stand the stuff. It's irrational, I know."
(neutral) "I just imagine what it would feel like on my skin, and... blegh. Nasty."
(smile) "But thank you for, um... helping me."
(laugh) "Maybe next time, let's go on a date to somewhere with less... seaweed in it."
I think that went okay.
You are such a baby. (Bad choice)
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

First Date - Tavern 
"So, um... I hope this isn't awkward, but..."
(laugh) "I don't really drink, so I was a bit worried about coming here on a date."
(neutral) "Well... I say I don't really drink... I mean I don't drink at all."
(laugh) "I don't drink alcohol, I mean! Other liquids are fine."
(awkward) "I hope that's not weird for you."
The player has a dialogue option
It's not weird at all! (Best choice)
(laugh) "Thank you!"
(smile) "Honestly, some people act like you're a freak for not drinking."
"And you end up having to explain yourself all the time, which is tiring."
(sad) "It sometimes makes social events really hard."
"But everyone who lives here is cool with it, and they always have soft drinks at parties."
(laugh) "I think Tobin's sad I'll never try his moonshine..."
"Even if I DID drink, I don't know that I'd want to try it!"
(smile) "But seriously, thank you, again."
(happy) "I'm glad you understand."
I think that went well!
We can go somewhere else for a date if you want! (Good choice)
(laugh) "No, no, it's okay!"
(smile) "I got used to being surrounded by alcohol a long time ago."
"It's not ideal, but it's perfectly fine."
(happy) "Thank you for checking, though."
(smile) "I don't mind where we are... I'm just happy to be on these dates with you!"
I think that went okay.
I mean, it's weird at a tavern. (Bad choice)
(awkward) "I guess so... but... there's not many other places to go on the island..."
(sad) "I promise we can still have fun here."
(neutral) "I just won't get tipsy!"
"So... please don't let this stop you from wanting to go out again."
(smile) "I'm really enjoying this date, even totally sober!"
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Tavern 
"I'd like to ask you something."
"You seem so at ease with everyone on Moonstone Island."
"And it's not that I'm not friends with them..."
"It's just that it's really hard for me to be social."
(sad) "I mean, it can be exhausting! And I'm scared I'll get it wrong."
(neutral) "How do you do it?"
The player has a dialogue option
Most people want someone who just listens. (Best choice)
(laugh) "Yeah, I've noticed that you're quiet."
(neutral) "But I can be quiet, too. In a bad way."
"I don't know. Maybe I'm being too hard on myself."
(smile) "But maybe... maybe you can teach me how to be a good listener, some time?"
I think that went well!
I tell them what they want to hear. (Good choice)
(laugh) "But that's the whole problem!"
(smile) "I have no idea what people want to hear."
(neutral) "Social situations are like a puzzle that everyone else has figured out."
"And I'm trying to keep up... but I don't know how!"
(happy) "I'll just try to keep learning from you by osmosis!"
I think that went okay.
It's not that hard. (Bad choic)
(sad) "Maybe not for you, but it is for me."
"I guess if you don't know what it's like to be socially anxious, you can't help."
"Well, I'll just keep trying to figure it out."
(neutral) "Thanks anyway."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Third Date - Tavern 
"I saw you flying over the island the other day!"
(smile) "I cannot believe how much courage you must have."
(smile) "Seriously! I wish I had an ounce of your bravery."
"Moving here, starting over, fighting spirits, flying... it's really cool."
"How did you get so brave?"
The player has a dialogue option
I just did things I was scared of until I wasn't scared any more. (Best choice)
(happy) "Wait, really?"
(smile) "I guess I've always assumed bravery is something you're born with."
"Maybe it's like confidence. Fake it 'til you make it, right?"
"I'm not confident either, though!"
"Maybe I can give it a go. Try scary things, until I'm not scared."
(laugh) "I'm scared of trying scary things, so this can be the first step!"
I think that went well!
I might just be stupid. (Good choice)
(laugh) "I don't think that's true!"
(smile) "No, you're not stupid."
(laugh) "If you were stupid, you'd have jumped off with no balloon or broom or anything!"
(smile) "I admire you. I wish I were more like you."
"Maybe one day... you can teach me how to be brave, too."
I think that went okay.
Bravery is better than boredom. (Bad choice)
"Oh, I see."
"Yeah... I guess I understand."
"There's not a lot going on here, so you go to other islands, right?"
"I guess some of us are more content with a quiet life."
"Well, maybe I just need to get more bored."
"...I think I might head home, actually."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Fourth Date - Tavern 
"Sorry I'm late. I lost track of time doing inventory."
(smile) "So... you said you had something to tell me?"
The player has a dialogue option
I have something to SHOW you. (Best choice)
"You have something to -"
(awkward) "OH NO WHAT IS THAT"
I think that went well!
I love you. (Good choice)
(awkward) "Oh! Uh!!!"
"I think, I think I'm not... I'm not ready to, um..."
(sad) "It's not that I don't enjoy our dates..."
"I just, well, I'm not ready to say... that."
(smile) "But... I really like you."
(love) "And it means a lot that... you feel that way about me."
"Thank you."
I think that went okay.
You have something in your teeth. (Bad choice)
(awkward) "Oh! That's... that's what you wanted to say?"
"Okay, um... there. It should be gone."
(sad) "Oh, that's so embarrassing."
(neutral) "...You know, I'm... I'm not feeling well, actually."
"I think... I'll just call it a night. Sorry."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

First Date - Hot Spring 
"You know, this is only the second time I've come to the hot springs."
(laugh) "The first time, I didn't even get in!"
(neutral) "I was expecting to be alone, but Ofelia and Gaiana were there, and I just... wanted to be alone."
"So I left before they could see me."
(laugh) "I'm still kinda nervous to be here with you, to be honest."
(neutral) "It took me all day to psych myself up..."
The player has a dialogue option
We can close our eyes, if it helps! (Best choice)
(smile) "I know it's silly, but..."
"That would actually make me feel a lot better."
"At least for this first time."
(laugh) "I want to be able to enjoy this time with you without anxiety draining all the fun away."
(smile) "So, yeah... let's close our eyes. Ready?"
I think that went well!
You don't need to worry. (Good choice)
(laugh) "I mean... I know!"
(smile) "There are a lot of things I don't NEED to worry about."
"I know it's not rational, and I know it's annoying."
(laugh) "I know that better than anyone, actually!"
(neutral) "I can't help it, though."
"So... do you mind if we just spend a few more minutes here?"
"Maybe next time I can be a tiny bit braver."
I think that went okay.
Are you afraid of hot water, too? (Bad choice)
(sad) "I must seem ridiculous."
"I'm not afraid of water, no, just... being seen, I guess."
(awkward) "I mean, being in, erm, intimate situations."
(sad) "Sorry."
"I think I have to get out, actually. The anxiety is a bit too much."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Hot Spring 
"Hey, so... I'm sorry about being weird last time."
(sad) "And I'm sorry that I've ruined so many of our dates."
"And I'm sorry I'm ruining this one by being sorry, too."
(angry) "Why can't I just be normal?!"
(frown) "Why can't I just be brave and not anxious like everyone else?"
(sad) "I wish I was better. You deserve better than this."
The player has a dialogue option
Courage isn't the absence of fear. It's finding something more important than fear. (Best choice)
"I think... maybe I have that."
"Something more important than fear, I mean."
(smile) "It's... you."
"I guess, in a way... I'm being brave by being here at all, right?"
"Because not being around you is worse than how scary it is to feel this way."
(love) "You're so wise, you know."
"No wonder I like you so much."
(sad) "Just... I hope you can be patient with me."
I think that went well!
You don't need to apologise for who you are. (Good choice)
(sad) "I know... I mean... I know that, rationally."
"But it just doesn't... help."
"I get stuck in a horrible spiral of guilt and fear and apologies."
(neutral) "But I'm trying. I really am."
(smile) "Because I want to try... for you."
"I want to be better, so I can stop... feeling this way."
(love) "Because behind all the fear is something warm and wonderful."
"I want to feel that way all the time. But I have to push past the fear."
(neutral) "I'll just have to keep trying."
"I hope you can be patient with me."
I think that went okay.
Chill out, it's fine. (Bad choice)
(awkward) "No, but you don't understand!"
"I CAN'T chill out."
(sad) "Trying to chill out makes me feel like THIS."
"Like I'm stuck in a spiral of apologies and guilt and fear."
"I don't want to feel like this any more than you want to be around this!"
"I'm just... I just need to go home."
"I'm sorry."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Third Date - Hot Spring 
"You know, a long time ago, I almost moved away from Moonstone."
"There's this huge chain of stores on the bigger islands, and they wanted me to run some of them."
"It took me ages to decide what to do."
(laugh) "In the end, I turned it down just because I ran out of time to decide."
(neutral) "But sometimes, I think... I could have been rich and well-respected."
"Do you think I should have taken it?"
The player has a dialogue option
Career progress isn't the only kind of success. (Best choice)
"...But it's the one everyone wants, isn't it?"
"I mean, why wouldn't you want more money and prestige?"
(sad) "I feel like a failure for letting the opportunity pass me by."
"I don't know if it'll happen again."
(neutral) "But... maybe you're right."
(smile) "I'm genuinely happy here, don't get me wrong."
(sad) "I just worry that other people will think I'm... boring. Or cowardly."
(laugh) "We should talk about something else, I'm bringing the mood down!"
"How did you decide you wanted to be an alchemist...?"
I think that went well!
You're well-respected here, too. (Good choice)
(smile) "Thank you for saying that."
"It's true, everyone here is wonderful."
(happy) "I couldn't ask for better customers... and friends."
(neutral) "I'm just worried that I missed out on a path that was more... interesting."
(smile) "But I guess there's no point dwelling on the past!"
(happy) "Anyway, let's talk about you."
(smile) "How did you decide you wanted to be an alchemist...?"
I think that went okay.
Is it too late to change your mind? (Bad choice)
(sad) "...Yeah."
"This was, like, five years ago."
(neutral) "They ended up hiring some guy from a big city anyway."
(sad) "I knew I'd made the wrong decision."
"I just find it so hard to make big changes..."
(neutral) "Maybe some day I'll get an opportunity like that again."
(sad) "I doubt it, though."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Fourth Date - Hot Spring 
"Oh, that?"
(laugh) "Uh, yeah, so..."
(neutral) "A few weeks ago, when I was stacking shelves..."
"I fell, and I guess my foot got stuck in the ladder."
"I don't know. It's fine, right?"
(laugh) "I thought purple was maybe just a sign that it was healing..."
(neutral) "And, you know, I don't want to bother anyone. It's really nothing."
The player has a dialogue option
Babe, it's not very brave to hide injuries. (Best choice)
(laugh) "I guess not."
(neutral) "It does REALLY hurt, to be honest."
"And every time I see it, I get anxious that I've broken something."
"I tend to put off finding out bad news, but that doesn't make it go away."
"Sometimes it just makes it worse. Like this."
(laugh) "Anxiety is really stupid."
(smile) "You have medical stuff at your house, right?"
"Would you mind... making me a potion to help heal it?"
I think that went well!
I have an ointment for this, but you might lose that toenail. (Good choice)
(awkward) "Seriously?!"
"Oh, that's scary..."
(sad) "I should have just gone straight to you or Ofelia in the first place."
(neutral) "Sometimes I feel like if I put off looking at something, I don't have to worry about it."
"I do that with bad news, too. But that doesn't make it go away."
(laugh) "In some cases, it just makes it even worse. Like this."
(smile) "Okay... let's go get that ointment."
I think that went okay.
You're being an idiot. You need medical attention. (Bad choice)
(awkward) "Does it look that bad?"
"Oh, I knew I should have gone to Ofelia..."
(sad) "I'm just gonna go see her now. I hope she's awake."
"I'm sorry for being an idiot."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

First Date - Home 
"I wasn't sure what it would be like to have someone over."
(happy) "It's really nice!"
"We're both dressed cozy, it's warm inside..."
(laugh) "I'd say we should have always done dates here, but that's pretty intense!"
(smile) "Anyway, I'm glad you're here."
"And... I'm glad we met."
(laugh) "So, uh... what do you want to do?"
The player has a dialogue option
Blanket fort! (Best choice)
(happy) "I have ALWAYS wanted to do a blanket fort."
(smile) "But don't you need loads of pillows and blankets?"
"I only have everything you see here..."
(happy) "OH I KNOW."
(smile) "Let's go and ask Ossono if we can borrow some from the tavern."
"And I think Zed has some spare blankets for when he does outdoor stargazing."
(happy) "Oh, and Ofelia has some AMAZING hot cocoa mix!"
"Come on, let's go!"
"The faster we go, the faster we can have the blanket fort ready!"
I think that went well!
Do you have any board games? (Good choice)
(happy) "No way, I love board games!"
(laugh) "I mean, in theory. I don't own any."
(smile) "A travelling merchant came to town a while back and he had one. I loved it."
(sad) "But I didn't have enough cash to buy it from him."
(happy) "But next time he comes, I'm buying two copies!"
(smile) "I have a pack of cards, though."
(happy) "Let me see if I can find them... and then we can play Canasta!"
I think that went okay.
Did you not make a plan beforehand? (Bad choice)
(frown) "Hey, I work really long hours!"
"I spent most of my free time this week tidying up!"
(sad) "I'm sorry I don't have much in the way of entertainment, but..."
"I thought the point of a date was spending time getting to know one another."
(frown) "Look, let's just call it a night, and if you want to do this again..."
"I don't know. Maybe I'll have books for us to read or whatever."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Missed Date 
(awkward) "Um... I don't want to make things awkward, but..."
(sad) "I waited ages for you to turn up to our date. Where were you?"
The player has a dialogue option
I forgot.
I lost track of time.
(sad) "Oh, okay."
"It took me ages to get up the courage to actually go..."


On Winter 8 of Year 1, they will send you a letter that will initiate the Matchmaker: Rowan quest. They say that they don't mind any spirit and that they want you to choose. Giving them a spirit will reward you with the Dancing Shoes.

