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Zed is a romanceable NPC in Moonstone Island. He is a professor who studies Spirits at the Science Center and is somewhere between 25 and 35 years old.



Zed likes most Spirit Resources, but hates receiving mushrooms due to an allergy.


(happy) "Oh, wow! These are my favourite!"
(smile) "I'm going to make myself a pie."
(happy) "Thank you so much!"
Image Name Source
Stonefruit Earth Island Spring
Beach Peach Water Island Summer
Applum Earth Island Fall
Grumpkin Poison Island Fall
Chilly Berry Water Island Winter


(smile) "Oh, I can use this to finish an experiment I'm running!"
Image Name Source
Coffee Tavern
Poison Spirit Resource
Snowball Spirit Resource
Sparks Spirit Resource
Fireball Spirit Resource
Dark Matter Spirit Resource
Dream Drop Spirit Resource
Psychic Sight Potion Crafting


(smile) "A gift? Thanks!"
All items not listed in other sections


(frown) "Oh, uh, thanks."
"Just for future reference, I don't really like things like this. I'm not the crafty type."
Image Name Source
Fibre Grass
Wood Trees
Stone Rocks
Clay Spirit Resource
Iron Ore Mines
Copper Ore Mines
Sea Glass Spirit Resource
Cloth Crafting


(frown) "Gotta be honest... I'm kinda allergic to this."
(awkward) "Even just the smell... ugh. Sorry."
Image Name Source
Umbrellashroom Poison Island
Magic Mushroom Psychic Storm Spring
Spiky Plant Poison Island Fall
Ghostshroom Psychic Storm Fall
Bulbshroom Electric Island Winter


First Date - Beach 
"Thanks for inviting me out."
(awkward) "I don't really, uh, go on a lot of dates. I'm a bit shy, really."
(laugh) "Plus, I figure no one wants to hear me going on about boring science stuff..."
The player has a dialogue option
Science isn't boring! (Best choice)
(laugh) "I know, obviously, but a lot of the time I feel like the only person here who thinks it's cool!"
(smile) "I guess now I have you to talk to about it."
(awkward) "But not too much! I don't want to scare you off too..."
(smile) "Tell you what, let's go for a walk on the beach."
(happy) "You can tell me what you know about spirits so far!"
I think that went well!
Well, their loss. (Good choice)
(smile) "Aw, thanks. I hope you're right."
(neutral) "Sometimes I feel like it would be easier to just... pretend to be a bit more normal."
"Maybe then I could actually make some friends instead of hiding in the science center."
(smile) "Thanks for getting me out here instead."
"Would you like to go for a walk?"
(happy) "You can tell me about the spirits you've encountered so far!"
I think that went okay.
Self-deprecation isn't attractive. (Bad choice)
"Ha, you don't have to tell me twice. Trust me, I know."
(sad) "Sorry for bring a buzzkill."
"This is why I don't go on dates, I guess."
(neutral) "Sorry to cut this short, but I have a time-sensitive experiment back at home."
"I'll see you around."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Beach 
"I love looking at the ocean, but I can't stand BEING in it."
(frown) "I hate being cold and wet! Or either of them at any time!"
(smile) "If I could pick any superpower, it would be hibernating through Winter."
"What would your superpower be?"
The player has a dialogue option
Omniscience. (Best choice)
(laugh) "Ohhhh, that's WAY better than mine!"
(smile) "I always liked the word "omniscience"."
(laugh) "Although I used to pronounce it "omni-science"."
(smile) "Anyway, I could put up with Winter if I had the chance to know EVERYTHING."
(happy) "I'd be a walking encyclopedia! Never be stumped again! Always win at trivia!"
(smile) "That's a great pick. You're smart."
"Okay, what would your superVILLAIN power be...?"
I think that went well!
Laser vision. PEW. (Good choice)
"Oh, I could NEVER live with laser vision."
"I'd be like that king from myth who kept turning people into gold."
"Except instead of gold, I'd turn everyone I ever loved into melty flesh piles."
(laugh) "I'll stick with hibernation!"
"Okay, what would your superVILLAIN power be...?"
I think that went okay.
The ability to fast-forward time. (Bad choice)
(awkward) "Oh, I'm so sorry, it's because I'm being boring again, isn't it?"
(neutral) "We can just end the date here!"
"I, uh, I have to prepare some research papers anyway..."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Third Date - Beach 
(happy) "Wow! Look at this!"
"It's a fossil, look! This is incredible... We rarely get these up here."
(smile) "I think it's an ammonite. You can tell by the spiral, see?"
"It's so detailed, so well preserved..."
(happy) "Oh, Cleo is going to LOVE this."
The player has a dialogue option
I love when you get excited about things. (Best choice)
(smile) "Oh, no one's ever said that to me..."
(neutral) "Usually I can see people's eyes glazing over."
"I know they're trying their best to listen, but I get carried away sometimes!"
(smile) "What I mean to say is, um... thank you."
"I feel like I can be myself around you. That means a lot."
(happy) "My full, nerdy self. Haha."
(smile) "I need to head back home, but thank you so much for the date."
I think that went well!
Is it the fossil of a Spirit? (Good choice)
(smile) "I think so, yes! Some kind of spiral-shelled cephalopod Spirit, perhaps."
(happy) "If you look here, you can see where its body must have been. Wow!"
"You know, people used to think they were ossified snakes, because they were coiled up, and..."
(awkward) "...Sorry, I'm doing the thing again where I talk your ear off."
(happy) "I should head home! Thank you for the date!"
I think that went okay.
You're such a nerd! (Bad choice)
(awkward) "Ah, sorry, yeah... I'm doing the thing where I talk too much."
(smile) "Sorry, I'm not good at, um, this. I don't know how to do normal talk."
(awkward) "I think I'm going to head home early..."
(laugh) "Sorry for ruining the date with my boring nerd stuff!"
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Fourth Date - Beach 
"...yeah, I worry a lot about it, actually."
"Like I wasted my youth studying."
"Everyone else has settled down, had kids, made friends..."
(sad) "I feel like I'm just starting out still."
"Even though there aren't many people to compare myself to here, I still feel like I'm so behind."
The player has a dialogue option
Life isn't a race. It's a story. (Best choice)
"A story? Hmm. I guess so."
"Like, everyone's is different and unique and worthwhile?"
"It's always felt like a race, but that's clearly not getting me anywhere, just making me sad."
(smile) "In that case... I hope I can tell a good story, at the end of it all."
"Would you like to walk down the beach with me before we call it a night?"
I think that went well!
You'll catch up. (Good choice)
"But that's just it! I don't know if I can catch up."
"Or if I will. Or if I want to."
(sad) "I don't know what I want, because I never took the time to find out. I just kept studying."
(neutral) "The thing with studying is that you can keep your nose in a book and ignore the whole world outside of it."
"I'm only just learning now... that the world keeps happening whether you're paying attention or not."
"Anyway. Enough of that."
(smile) "Come on, let's take a quick walk down the beach before we call it a night."
I think that went okay.
Being a scientist is more interesting than being a dad. (Bad choice)
"I want to be both, though. Some day."
(sad) "But it's hard to fit that in."
(neutral) "Besides, I disagree."
(smile) "I think being a dad... would be incredible. Maybe the best thing I've done."
"Science is incredible, but raising a kid is so personal."
(neutral) "I just need to find someone who feels the same way."
"...I need to head back to the lab before bed."
"I have some late-night experiments to set up."
(smile) "Thank you for a lovely date. Good night."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

First Date - Tavern 
(awkward) "You know, I was feeling really nervous before I got here, so uh, I wrote a few... conversation topics."
(smile) "So, uh, I'm just gonna break those out, and that way, I won't feel as anxious about talking to you. Okay? Okay."
(neutral) "Question number one."
"If we were NPCs in a video game, what do you think would be your loot if someone killed you?"
The player has a dialogue option
*Tell him the exact contents of your inventory right now* (Best choice)
(laugh) "Wow. How big are your pockets? That's a lot of stuff."
(smile) "You must be really strong to carry all of that. I mean, you've got a good physique, so..."
(awkward) "I mean, objectively! Uh... Next question: If you had a stamina bar..."
I think that went well!
Stonefruit and a ton of wood, probably. (Good choice)
(laugh) "Yeah, I've seen you picking up a lot of stonefruit. You must really like it."
(awkward) "Not that I'm watching you! I just look out the window a lot, and uh..."
"Okay, next question. If you had a stamina bar..."
I think that went okay.
Talking about murder isn't a great date topic... (Bad choice)
(awkward) "You're totally right, I'm so sorry! I'm such an idiot."
(frown) "Great job again, Zed. This is why you're always alone in your stupid tower."
(awkward) "Listen, it's been really nice, but I feel like I messed this one up."
(sad) "So, I'm just going to... go home... Sorry again."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Tavern 
"Remember last time we were here, with the conversation topics?"
(laugh) "I know that was weird, but it actually helped me feel less nervous."
(smile) "So, um, I made some more."
"Question number one..."
"When you land on a new island, what's the first thing you do?"
The player has a dialogue option
Map out the whole island. (Best choice)
(happy) "That's what I would do!"
(smile) "I mean, you can't make any decisions until you know what you're working with."
(laugh) "It's probably much easier to map something out when you can fly, though."
(smile) "Alright. Question two. How do you hold so much stuff in your pockets...?"
I think that went well!
Hunt for treasure. (Good choice)
(awkward) "There's TREASURE out there?"
(neutral) "I had no idea."
"I mean, actual treasure? Chests full of doubloons?"
(laugh) "Wow. You're gonna ruin the local economy."
(smile) "Just kidding."
"Alright. Question two. How do you hold so much stuff in your pockets...?"
I think that went okay.
Fight everything. (Bad choice)
(awkward) "You mean, the spirits?"
(neutral) "I knew you fought them, but..."
(sad) "I didn't realise you were, um, the aggressor."
(neutral) "How do you know if they're peaceful or not?"
(laugh) "Sorry, I'm asking too many questions."
(neutral) "Um... Question two. How do you hold so much stuff in your pockets...?"
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Third Date - Tavern 
(happy) "Hiiiiiiiiii!!!!"
"You know, I actually got here a bit before you. I was nervous... again."
(awkward) "So I had an exshtra drink. Or two. For courage."
(love) "You make me so nervous! You're sho PRETTY, and I'm such a dork around you..."
The player has a dialogue option
I like you the way you are. (Best choice)
(awkward) "Noooo, you're making it WORSE! All my blood is all in my face."
(frown) "I need my blood in my BRAIN for thinking. Not in my face for blushing."
(smile) "You're cute."
(neutral) "..."
(awkward) "Please excuse me."
"It is time for me to maybe throw up a little bit."
I think that went well!
I think we should get you home. (Good choice)
"Yeahhh, I think I overdid it. I don't drink mucsh usually..."
(sad) "I'm sorryyyyy. I jusht wish there was a way I could be cool around you."
(neutral) "You make me feel like I want to feel like this all the time like this."
(frown) "...I'm a sciencetist not a wordstist."
(laugh) "How 'bout we forget this happened and I just go home?"
(happy) "Next time I'll drink... a lot less."
I think that went okay.
Shots! Shots! Shots!!! (Bad choice)
(frown) "Nooooo I, don't, WANT shots."
"I wanna have a naaaap."
(happy) "And popcorn."
(frown) "And a nap."
(laugh) "Can you walk me home? I'm aaaaaall wiggly."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Fourth Date - Tavern 
"I am so glad you asked me out again after... last time we were here."
(awkward) "I am SO sorry. I behaved like an idiot."
(sad) "I usually don't drink much at all, but I guess that's a sign of how nervous I was."
(neutral) "I meant what I said... about... you being, um, pretty."
(laugh) "You can forget everything else though. I sure did."
The player has a dialogue option
*spill beer on yourself* Now we're even! (Best choice)
(awkward) "Did you seriously just pour an entire beer on yourself?"
"Just to make me feel better about embarrassing myself last time?!"
(laugh) "You're so weird. In a good way!"
(smile) "Come on. Let's go see if Ossono has a towel."
(happy) "And we can get you a new drink."
(laugh) "I think you've successfully levelled the playing field."
I think that went well!
I thought it was kinda cute. (Good choice)
(laugh) "That's a relief."
"I didn't FEEL cute."
(smile) "I mean it, though. I don't think we should do dates here again."
"You deserve better than Messy Zed."
"Maybe next time, we pick some place else, okay?"
I think that went okay.
You were a mess. (Bad choice)
(awkward) "Was it really that bad?"
"Ossono said I wasn't a total embarrassment..."
(sad) "I hope I haven't ruined things."
(neutral) "I won't touch another drop when we're on dates."
"I don't want to risk scaring you off!"
(smile) "How about next time, we go some place else?"
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

First Date - Hot Spring 
(smile) "It's so relaxing in here. I feel like I haven't relaxed in a hundred years."
"Can I ask you a question? And you'll be totally honest?"
(neutral) "...What do you think of me?"
The player has a dialogue option
I think you're hot. (Best choice)
(awkward) "Wow, I uh... I wasn't expecting that."
"I'm, uh, I'm not blushing, it's just, uh, the heat. Yeah."
"Unrelatedly, I have to go, and, uh, um."
"The... you... uh, thank you."
"...Sorry, I mean, um..."
"Thank you for... um..."
I think that went well!
I think you care a lot about what other people think. (Good choice)
"...I wasn't expecting you to say something like that, but I guess you're right."
"Worrying about how I come across to people... it takes up so much of my time."
"I guess I just want to prove myself."
"But maybe... maybe I don't need to."
(laugh) "Man, I should be paying you a therapist's fee."
(smile) "How about I pay you back with dinner some time?"
I think that went okay.
I think you think too much. (Bad choice)
(frown) "Well, it is my job."
(neutral) "*sigh* No, you're right. I'm sorry, I feel like I'm ruining things again."
"I'm just going to head home early, I think."
"Thanks for the date. Sorry for... ruining it."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Hot Spring 
(smile) "I always thought that it would be cool if there were fish in here."
"I know they'd cook in the heat, but... imagine heat-resistant fish!"
"And then you'd have to try to catch 'em all..."
(happy) "And if you do, you get free entry next time. Genius."
The player has a dialogue option
How do you cook heat-resistant fish? (Best choice)
"Huh, I guess you couldn't."
(happy) "Maybe they're sushi fish, then."
(smile) "Admittedly, I haven't figured out all the kinks."
(happy) "But that's what science is all about! Iteration! Experimentation! Discovery!"
(smile) "Like these dates. They're iterative and experimental, too."
(happy) "I'm still figuring out the conclusion, but my hypothesis is positive!"
(smile) "Let's do another five minutes in the water... then I need to head home, okay?"
I think that went well!
It's always free here, babe. (Good choice)
(laugh) "Oh... right. Good point."
(happy) "See, this is why we make a great team."
(smile) "You catch the holes in my logic, and I..."
"Well, I hope I offer some kind of benefit in return."
"Maybe some day I can cook for you?"
(happy) "Let's plan a dinner date at my house some time!"
(smile) "I need to get out and head home now."
"I'll walk you home first. Come on!"
I think that went okay.
Aren't you supposed to be smart? (Bad choice)
(sad) "Aw, I thought it was a fun idea."
(neutral) "I guess not all my ideas can be prize-winners."
"Well, speaking of fish, I actually haven't eaten dinner yet."
"I came straight here from work!"
"I would invite you to dine with me, but..."
(laugh) "I've only got enough food for one! Sorry!"
(smile) "But maybe we could plan a date with dinner at some point?"
(happy) "For now, I bid you adieu."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Third Date - Hot Spring 
"...so the underground water pockets are heated by geothermal energy."
"There's actually a lot of earth beneath this island. More than it looks."
"I haven't quite figured out where the geothermal energy comes from, but I hypothesise..."
(laugh) "Sorry, I'm talking your ear off, aren't I."
(neutral) "I get carried away with things I'm interested in, but I don't want to bore you!"
(smile) "Tell you what, why don't you ask ME something? Anything!"
The player has a dialogue option
Why do you like science? (Best choice)
(happy) "Oh, good question!"
(smile) "I suppose I like the feeling of... control. Understanding."
(laugh) "It's nice to know that some things are predictable, I think."
(awkward) "I wonder if that says anything about me..."
(happy) "Anyway, I just love that there's always more to discover. It never ends."
(smile) "The world's a fascinating place."
"For example, did you know that life may have originated from hot springs?"
(happy) "To think, we could be returning to our roots by coming here..."
I think that went well!
Where did you learn to fix arcade cabinets? (Good choice)
(happy) "Oh, I'm self-taught!"
"I really love picking up new hobbies, and this one stuck around the longest."
(smile) "There's something really zen about knowing exactly where things are supposed to be, and diagnosing what's wrong."
(laugh) "I guess I just need control and predictability in some aspect of my life!"
(smile) "But sometimes it's nice to have something more... spontaneous, too."
(happy) "It's good to have a mix of things in life!"
(smile) "Ready to get out?"
I think that went okay.
Why do you apologise so much? (Bad choice)
"Oh, uh... Sorry. I mean, uh, I... I don't know?"
"Well, now I just REALLY want to apologise."
(sad) "I feel like I have a tendency to, um... get all tied up in my words."
"The only thing I can do is say sorry, but by then, it's too late."
(neutral) "I think I need to go. Sorry."
"No, uh, not sorry. Uh... bye."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Fourth Date - Hot Spring 
"You know, we've... we've been on a few dates now, and..."
"I just... I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for not giving up on me."
"I know I can be annoying, and I talk too much..."
"...and I go on about science, and telling you stuff you didn't ask about..."
"...and maybe you feel like I'm being patronising, but I don't mean to be..."
"...I get carried away because I like talking to you, but I should just stop talking, and--"
The player has a dialogue option
You're so much more loveable than you give yourself credit for. (Best choice)
(laugh) "You know, you're really good at compliments."
(neutral) "I know you're... probably right, deep down, but... it's hard, you know?"
(sad) "...I feel like I'm always looking in a broken mirror."
"I don't know what I look like to other people."
"I wish I could see what I'm doing wrong, so I know why some people don't like me."
(smile) "But when I look at you... it's like I can see myself reflected in your eyes."
"The real me. The one you... like."
(love) "I like the way you like me."
"Can I... walk you home?"
I think that went well!
I don't give up that easily! (Good choice)
(laugh) "Oh trust me, I know."
(happy) "You're the most stubborn person I've ever met."
(smile) "I mean, you came to an island where you knew NO ONE, and look how far you've come."
(love) "I really admire that about you."
(happy) "And it worked in my favour, too. I think I need someone like you."
(love) "I really think we make a great pair, you know."
"Can I walk you home before it gets too dark?"
I think that went okay.
Shhhhhh. (Bad choice)
(sad) "I... I know, I should, but I'm trying to tell you how I feel!"
"It's hard for me to put my heart into words. I'm not good at that."
"I'd really like to be able to tell you... but..."
"...maybe today is not the day. Sorry."
"I'm just gonna go."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

First Date - Home 
"...so I was convinced that I was going to be a doctor."
"When you're a kid, everyone tells you medicine is the best thing you can do."
(sad) "But I dropped out. I was so unhappy."
"It took me a while to find science again... on my own terms."
(awkward) "I was so terrified of letting everyone down."
(sad) "I'm still not entirely certain that I DIDN'T let everyone down."
The player has a dialogue option
I think you're right where you need to be. (Best choice)
(smile) "I think so too."
"I'm still getting used to it all, though."
"I'm only just out of education. I've only learned all of this in THEORY."
(laugh) "Book smarts are not the same as street smarts, as it turns out!"
(smile) "But... I'm doing okay."
(love) "And... I met you."
"Maybe that's the smartest thing I've ever done."
"Do you want to, maybe, um... stay the night?"
I think that went well!
Those who mind don't matter, those who matter don't mind. (Good choice)
(smile) "I like that!"
(neutral) "But it sort of falls apart when it comes to my parents."
"They want the best for me... the best that I can be."
(smile) "But I am okay. I have a really great life here."
(laugh) "Besides, I wouldn't have met you if I was a doctor!"
(smile) "Maybe you can meet my parents some day. I think they'd like you a lot."
(love) "Oh, by the way, um... Do you want to stay over?"
I think that went okay.
I kinda wish you were a rich doctor. (Bad choice)
(frown) "I mean, sure, but... I'd be miserable."
(neutral) "I would rather be happy than rich."
"...Wouldn't you?"
(sad) "...Oh."
"I think I need to be alone. Sorry."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Home 
"Ohhhh, I am SO FULL."
(happy) "That was maybe too much food!
(smile) "Still, I'm glad I could finally cook for you."
(happy) "And I'm glad you enjoyed it!"
(neutral) "I was going to take you out for a walk on the beach after this, but..."
(sad) "It's raining. I guess we're stuck inside."
The player has a dialogue option
Rainy walks are romantic! (Best choice)
"Wait, seriously?"
(laugh) "This is just one more thing I don't know about romance."
(happy) "Alright, if you say so."
"Let's go be romantic. And wet. On purpose."
(laugh) "But if I get a cold, you owe me soup!"
(happy) "Also, you have to promise to hold my hand. Deal? Deal."
I think that went well!
I'm not scared of the rain. (Good choice)
(laugh) "I didn't say you were!"
(smile) "I just don't want either of us to get sick."
"But if you wanna try it anyway..."
(laugh) "I guess I heard it's romantic to kiss in the rain."
(love) "I mean... I want to kiss YOU in the rain."
(laugh) "Come on, let's do it. Let's be brave!"
I think that went okay.
I'm not soluble, Zed. (Bad choice)
"N...no, I know, I just..."
(sad) "I just didn't want either of us to get sick."
"Sorry, I didn't mean to be patronising."
(frown) "Man, how am I still messing this up so badly?"
(neutral) "We can go out. If you want."
(sad) "Or... maybe I'll just walk you home. I'm sorry. Again."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Third Date - Home 
"So, I feel like I need to apologise for how weird I was in our early dates."
"And, uh, maybe some of our more recent ones."
"Getting drunk, talking too much, being really intense..."
(laugh) "I'm hoping you don't think I'm like that all the time."
(smile) "I feel way more relaxed around you now."
"Like I can be myself, and not some perfect version of Zed."
The player has a dialogue option
You ARE the perfect version of Zed! (Best choice)
(laugh) "You know what, I think... I agree."
(smile) "Trying to shut myself up, or stop myself talking about my interests too much..."
"...It gets really tiring."
"So I'm just gonna be me instead."
(happy) "It's the most efficient method of being!"
(love) "I'm just glad I've found someone who likes me for me."
"Do you maybe... want to stay over tonight?"
I think that went well!
I'm glad you learned that I'm not scary. (Good choice)
(laugh) "You're not scary, just... cute."
"The adrenaline response is pretty much equivalent, though."
(smile) "But now I'm used to you."
"Like I've been inoculated against butterflies in my stomach."
(laugh) "That doesn't make sense scientifically, but it's how I feel!"
(love) "So now that I'm not making a fool out of myself in front of you..."
"Do you want to stay the night?"
I think that went okay.
I liked you better drunk. (Bad choice)
(awkward) "Really?"
(sad) "Oh."
"I don't really like being drunk."
"I don't like feeling out of control of my senses."
(neutral) "I hope you're just joking."
"Because... I don't want to change who I am any more."
"And if you don't like that, well..."
(sad) "Then I don't think we're a good match."
(neutral) "...Let's take some time to think about what we want before we rush things."
"Do you mind if we just call it a night here?"
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Fourth Date - Home 
(sad) "I had a plan for tonight."
"A plan involving candles, and romantic music, and rose petals..."
"But, well... I got carried away with work and I ran out of time."
"And now I feel stupid for messing it up, because I wanted to tell you something important..."
"But I can't. You deserve romance. You deserve the best."
"Why can't I get anything right?"
The player has a dialogue option
I love you too, Zed. (Best choice)
(awkward) "Wait, how did you...?"
(laugh) "Okay, fine, yes."
(happy) "I love you!"
(love) "I've loved you for such a long time. And I just didn't know how to say it."
"You're everything to me."
"You make everything better. Like... like salt."
(laugh) "I mean, like how salt makes everything taste good."
(smile) "Like, um, like how some things taste better because of salt, and worse without it."
"That's you, for my life. You are... my salt."
(laugh) "I am so bad at this."
(love) "The point is... you're the love of my life."
I think that went well!
I don't need romance. I need you. Tell me anyway. (Good choice)
(love) "Oh. Well... if you're sure."
"The thing is... I love you."
"It's been bursting out of me every time I see you, and I just wanted to say it right."
(laugh) "But I can't keep it in any more!"
(love) "I didn't know this was what love felt like. Everything reminds me of you."
"And seeing you, talking to you, is the highlight of every single day."
"You are the coffee in my cup. The H to my 2O."
(laugh) "I am not good at this. But you get what I'm saying!"
(love) "You are the love of my life."
I think that went okay.
I hate all that romantic stuff. (Bad choice)
(awkward) "You do?"
(sad) "...Oh."
(neutral) "Well, maybe that works out then, because... now I can just say it."
(love) "I love you. I think I've loved you for a long time."
"You're the reason I wake up smiling."
"You're the person I look forward to seeing every day."
"When you're gone, all I can think about is how you're doing, and what you're up to."
(laugh) "I wish I could say it more poetically!"
(smile) "But it's true."
"You are the love of my life."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Missed Date 
"Oh, by the way... I was worried about you."
(sad) "You never turned up for our date..."
"It's okay if you had other things to do."
"I just thought maybe you'd got hurt..."
The player has a dialogue option
I'm sorry!
Yeah, I was busy.
"Well... If you want to try again some time, we can."
"If you'll definitely come, I mean."
(sad) "Being stood up really sucks in a town this small."


When talked to for the first time, he will give you the Spirit Research: Taming Spirits 101 quest, where you must tame a spirit and turn in research afterwards. He will give you the Spirit Barn recipe along with the Spirit Stall and Spirit Nest recipes the day after in a letter.
After getting the Barn recipe, he will send a letter giving you the Spirit Research: Spirit Poop quest. You must sell him at least one of each spirit poop.
Talking to him will also give you the quest Spirit Research: Intro to Egg, you are asked to hatch an egg. He will give you the recipe for a Moonstone Stall.
Later he will give you the Spirit Research: Spirit Basics, where you must discover 10 different species of spirit and turn in research. He will give you the ability to see the level of a wild spirit above their head the day after in a letter.
He will also give you the quest Spirit Research: Advanced Spiritology, asking you to tame a Psychic type spirit and turn in research. He will award you with the ability to detect nearby Moonstone using the ring around the mini-map.
He will also give you the quest Spirit Research: Final Exam, where you must banish (defeat) a Dark type spirit and turn in research. He will give you the recipe for the Spirit Brush.
His final quest on the Spirit Research line is Spirit Research: Extra Credit where you must discover every spirit and turn in research. He will award you with the blueprint for the Science Center Home.
On Summer 14 of Year 1, he will send you a letter that will initiate the Matchmaker: Zed quest. He asks for an Electric-type robot looking spirit. Doing so will award you with the Beacon crafting recipe.

Spoiler to the correct spirit 
The correct spirit is Armbot. Note that even though Bulbot and Barkbyte are electric robot spirits, only Armbot works.



Zed's Matchmaker quest is the only one needed in order to finish the main quest "Close the Rift", as the Beacon is a required item to donate in the Winter Temple. Before the Halloween 2023 Update, the Spirit Research: Taming Spirits 101 quest requested taming a spirit that was at level 5 or higher.
