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Ofelia is a romanceable NPC in Moonstone Island. She is a botanist and is in her mid-50s age-wise.



Ofelia likes materials for crafting, and dislikes anything spirit-related.


(smile) "Did you fetch this from the tavern for me?"
(happy) "That's so sweet of you! What a thoughtful gift."
Image Name Source
Ossono’s Dish of the Day Tavern


(smile) "Oh, thank you!"
(happy) "I have a lot of crafty hobbies, so I'll put this to good use!"
Image Name Source
Fibre Grass
Cloth Crafting
Clay Spirit Resource
Sea Glass Spirit Resource


"Thank you."
All items not listed in other sections


(frown) "Perhaps you would be better off giving this to Zed in future."
Image Name Source
Poison Spirit Resource
Snowball Spirit Resource
Sparks Spirit Resource
Fireball Spirit Resource
Dark Matter Spirit Resource
Dream Drop Spirit Resource


(frown) "I... am not sure what I'm supposed to do with this."
Image Name Source
Earth Spirit Egg Spirit Drop
Water Spirit Egg Spirit Drop
Poison Spirit Egg Spirit Drop
Electric Spirit Egg Spirit Drop
Fire Spirit Egg Spirit Drop
Ice Spirit Egg Spirit Drop
Psychic Spirit Egg Spirit Drop
Dark Spirit Egg Spirit Drop


First Date - Beach 
"You know, I'm quite new to all this... dating... thing."
"After my last break up, I poured myself into my work."
(laugh) "That was a loooong time ago."
(smile) "So, I apologise if I'm not very good at it."
"Dating has changed a lot since I was last in the game."
(laugh) "Did I say that right? "In the game"? I learn new slang from Gaiana."
"Ugh, I feel so old saying things like that."
(smile) "I don't even know what we're supposed to DO on a date."
(laugh) "Or how to flirt."
The player has a dialogue option
You're only as old as you feel! (Best Choice)
(laugh) "Ha, very good."
(smile) "Well, I still feel like I'm in my 20s. My joints say otherwise."
"But the more I talk about being older, the older I feel... So I should stop!"
"I suppose it's just living on an island full of people in their mid-20s."
(smile) "It can make you feel like the crypt-keeper!"
"I should get back home, now. It's getting late!"
I think that went well!
I prefer women with experience. (Good choice)
(laugh) "Ha! It's been a while since someone's flirted with me so brazenly."
(smile) "I like it."
"I wasn't sure about you at first, but I think you'll get on just fine here."
"Now, I'm sorry for being a buzzkill, as Gaiana would say, but I have to head home."
"This has been nice. Thank you."
I think that went okay.
Wait, I thought you were Gaiana's age? (Bad choice)
(laugh) "Ha! Nice try."
(neutral) "I haven't been Gaiana's age for a while."
"And honestly, I don't think I want to be on a date with someone who wants that."
"I'm happy with who I am at my age. And I don't have the patience to mess around."
"So, have a think about what you want, okay?"
(laugh) "I'm going to go back home. Got to take my teeth out."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Beach 
"So, by now you must have met almost everyone on Moonstone, right?"
"It must be strange, living in such a small place after the city."
"It certainly makes social dynamics very different."
(smile) "Did you know that Gaiana and Quill almost had a thing?"
"And Zed had a crush on Ferra for the longest time. Ferra never even knew."
"I try to stay out of it, which isn't hard."
(laugh) "Most of them think of me as their mother, anyway."
The player has a dialogue option
That sounds really isolating. (Best Choice)
"I... suppose so."
"It's an easy role to slip into. I do care about them all so much."
"With a small town like this, you don't have much choice over your role in the community."
"I don't mind being the maternal figure, since it suits me just fine..."
(laugh) "But I suppose that means no one really looks after me!"
(neutral) "Oh, look at the time. I need to head home, sorry!"
(smile) "I hope we can do this again."
I think that went well!
Doesn't that bother you? (Good choice)
"Well, yes and no."
"I'm a naturally caring person, so it suits me, but sometimes it bothers me."
"When people only look at you as a "mom", it can be lonely."
(laugh) "Also, everyone assumes I have my life together. That's DEFINITELY not the case!"
(neutral) "Oh, dear. Look at the time. I have to dash, sorry!"
I think that went okay.
Moms are hot. (Bad choice)
(frown) "Oh, no. No no no."
"I am not about to be anyone's... whatever that is."
"No thank you."
"I'm sure that was meant as a compliment... but the thing with compliments is that the receiver decides if it counts."
(neutral) "So, thank you, but no thank you."
"I'm starting to get cold, so I'm going to head back home."
"Good night."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Third Date - Beach 
"I've been thinking about our past few dates, and I just wanted to say..."
(laugh) "I'm so sorry about going on about my age so much!"
(smile) "I think everyone on Moonstone desperately needs a therapist, and you've sort of fallen into that role."
"Like I've said before, you automatically fall into roles in a small community like this."
(laugh) "But I don't want to treat you like my therapist. I'm enjoying these dates!"
The player has a dialogue option
I really appreciate that. (Best Choice)
(laugh) "Oh, I'm glad."
(smile) "It must feel like everyone's unloading their personal traumas onto you."
"Just make sure you're setting personal boundaries, okay?"
"We don't want our newest addition to the place getting emotional burnout."
"Come on, I'll walk you home."
I think that went well!
You can talk to me about feelings! (Good choice)
(laugh) "I appreciate that, and I intend to!"
(smile) "But there's a difference between mutual sharing and just being burdened with other people's baggage."
"I've noticed you're very quiet... I think people see you as a good listener."
"Try to set some personal boundaries, okay? You're not being paid to be a therapist!"
"Now, come on. I'll walk you home."
I think that went okay.
Y'all need more than a therapist. (Bad choice)
(frown) "That's a little cruel coming from a newcomer."
"Listen, everyone here has trauma and painful things in their past."
"That's natural. That's human."
(neutral) "Set personal boundaries for yourself, by all means - but cut everyone a little slack, too."
"Especially Gaiana. You don't know what she's been through."
"I'm going to head back, now. Good night."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Fourth Date - Beach 
"I don't know if I'll ever get tired of the view from up here."
(sad) "I wish I knew more about the cataclysm. Waldo was looking into it, but... well."
(neutral) "I try to see the positive side of things. Like this view."
"The people down below... They never got to see it like this."
"It's beautiful."
The player has a dialogue option
There's goodness even in the bad. (Best Choice)
(smile) "That's true. Every cloud, and all that."
(laugh) "I've always thought that phrase is silly, though."
"It's not even true."
(smile) "We should say something like... "some showers bring rainbows"."
"Or, "it's always darkest before the dawn". My mother used to say that."
(laugh) "Oh, I'm waffling on, and it's getting late!"
(smile) "I'm going to walk myself home. Good night!"
I think that went well!
You're beautiful. (Good choice)
(laugh) "Oh, I bet you say that to everyone."
(smile) "But thank you all the same."
"Honestly... it's been a while since I've been called beautiful."
(happy) "So I give you permission to compliment me as much as you like!"
(laugh) "Just let me know if my head gets too big."
(smile) "I'm sorry to end this lovely night, but I have to sleep."
"I'll see you tomorrow!"
I think that went okay.
You're glad the world got destroyed? (Bad choice)
(frown) "Obviously that's not what I'm saying."
"No, it breaks my heart."
(sad) "The idea that I'll never get to see the real ocean, or the mountains..."
(frown) "But we can't just wallow, can we?"
(neutral) "I'm glad for what I have."
"And what I have... is this."
"Let's call it a night. I'm getting tired."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

First Date - Tavern 
"That flying instrument of yours - you made it yourself?"
(worried) "Doesn't that make you nervous? Putting all your faith in something you made?"
"I could never do that. I know my strengths, and they are not in woodworking."
(smile) "Paolo's always been a natural at woodworking; my talents lie in botany."
"What about you? What are your talents?"
The player has a dialogue option
A bit of everything, really (Best Choice)
"Wow. That's impressive."
(smile) "Well, we're glad to have someone like that around."
"But I hope you know that you are welcome here anyway."
"The islanders here... we are kind. We are friendly."
"We are not without our issues, of course."
"But we will help you with anything you need."
(smile) "Now, are you having another drink? I will if you will!"
I think that went well!
Being brave, apparently! (Good choice)
(laugh) "That's a valuable trait to possess."
(smile) "I am not brave, either. I am bold, which is different."
"It takes me forever to make a decision about something important."
"But sometimes, I will make spontaneous choices with no thought at all."
(laugh) "It infuriates Gaiana. She's very different to me."
(smile) "Now, are you having another drink? I will if you will!"
I think that went okay.
Wooing old ladies. (Bad choice)
(frown) "I am not an old lady!"
"I think I will settle up with Ossono."
"You can pay for your own drinks."
(angry) " 'Old lady.' Hmph!"
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Tavern 
(sad) "I apologise if I am less than sparkling tonight."
"This morning, Gaiana was upset about a mistake she had made at work."
"And then Ossono wanted to talk abut something personal."
"Then Tobin needed treatment for a fishing-related wound..."
"Rowan wanted help with their inventory..."
"...And Zed wanted my opinion on a botanical study he's doing."
(sad) "I barely got any time to do anything for myself..."
The player has a dialogue option
Don't you ever put yourself first? (Best choice)
(laugh) "No! Never."
(smile) "I worry that if I don't listen and help, no one will."
"I just wish that someone would do the same for me, sometimes."
"But who can I burden with my problems? No one."
"Everyone else is too busy, or tired, or struggling with their own burdens."
"I will be fine. I can take care of myself."
"Shall we get another round?"
I think that went well!
You're a really kind person (Good Choice)
(smile) "Thank you."
"But honestly, there's a little bit of selfishness in there, too."
"I need to keep this island running."
"We can't afford to have people melting down or being unable to chip in."
"If that task falls to me, then... I cannot say no."
(smile) "But enough about me. Shall we get another round?"
I think that went okay
I didn't ask you out to hear about other people. (Bad choice)
(sad) "Oh, I apologise."
"Now I suppose I am making it your problem."
"Still... sometimes I wish someone could be Ofelia for me."
"An Ofelia Senior, who could listen to ME and help ME."
(sad) "Ah, well."
"Shall we get another round?"
I think that could have been better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Third Date - Tavern 
"I used to work at this tavern, a long time ago."
(laugh) "I mean, not that long ago. I make myself sound ancient sometimes."
"It was before Ossono ran it. I worked for a guy named..."
(frown) "Oh, what was his name? Ch...Chorbo? No. Chum...bus?"
(grin) "Well, it's not important. He moved away before you were even born, probably."
"Some nights, I'd be on my own. Cooking for everyone. Feeding everyone."
"It felt... sacred. A task that they trusted me to fulfil."
"Do you know what I mean?"
The player has a dialogue option
I think so. Tell me more (Best Choice)
(laugh) "There's not much more to say!"
(smile) "I just enjoyed finding out what people needed, and giving it to them."
"It's a satisfying thing."
"I'm still figuring out what you need, though."
(laugh) "Maybe you're the only person on Moonstone Island who doesn't need me at all!"
"So did you ever work in retail...?"
I think that went well!
You like to provide (Good choice)
"That's true."
"And I suppose I also like being the one who solves a problem."
"Sometimes people can't see a solution until someone else says it."
"Sometimes, like with food, people just need a bit of outside help."
"I'm good at that. So I might as well do it."
(grin) "Plus, selfishly, it makes me feel good."
"Did you ever work in retail...?"
I think that went okay.
It's just pub food. It's not a religion (Bad choice)
(frown) "Well, anything can feel spiritual without being religious."
"That's what I believe, anyway."
"Spirituality is just the act of connecting with yourself and others on a deeper level."
"And that's what I do. I connect with people."
"I like to help, and I like to find solutions."
"So, I'm guessing you never worked in retail? What did you do for work before this...?"
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

First Date - Hot Springs 
"I wish there was a spa for the brain"
"You could just take it out and let someone massage out all the knots"
The player has a dialogue option
Talking to people can be like a brain spa. (Best Choice)
"Hmm? Like, therapy?"
"We'll never get a therapist here on Moonstone."
(laugh) "Which is why I end up being everyone's therapist. Unpaid."
"But I can talk to you, can't I? I guess that's what you meant"
"Maybe one day I will."
(laugh) "Maybe one day I'll be ready to take my brain to the spa."
"I'm starting to think you'd be a good brain masseuse!"
"I think I'm ready to get out now, though. Shall we?"
I think that went well!
I don't think you WANT a smooth brain. (Untested choice)
Enter text here
I think that went okay.
Just shut up and relax, Ofelia. (Untested choice)
Enter text here
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Hot Springs 
"I used to come out here to smoke, you know."
"Terrible habit, but we all have at least one, right?"
"When I found out I was pregnant... I was so young."
"But I stopped immediately. I changed everything."
"I took care of myself... not better, necessarily, just differently. More carefully, maybe."
"I felt like such an awful mother to Gaiana for the longest time."
"I hope I've made up for it."
The player has a dialogue option
I know you have. Gaiana's fine (Best choice)
"Ah, I guess she turned out okay."
"Don't get me wrong, I'm so proud of her..."
(sad) "But it sometimes feels like all her successes are hers, and all her mistakes are mine."
"That's one part of parenthood no one tells you about."
"All the imposter syndrome, all the anxiety you feel about your own life... that applies to your kids, too."
"It's impossible not to make mistakes when raising a child."
(laugh) "You just have to hope the mistakes don't completely mess them up."
(smile) "...Thank you for listening to me. You're a good person."
I think that went well!
Gaiana's your daughter? (Good choice)
(embarrassed) Oh... have I not told you?"
"Yes. Gaiana is my kid!"
"I'm so sorry, I... forgot you were new. Everyone else just knows already."
(laugh) "I must have dropped hints, surely?"
"I am truly sorry. But, well... now you know."
"I hope it doesn't change anything between us..."
"But I'll give you time to think on it, okay?"
I think that went okay.
I didn't sign up to be a step-parent (Bad choice)
"I understand... although you wouldn't be expected to be a step-parent."
"My kid is all grown up."
"Still... I'm sorry for springing that on you. I hope it doesn't change anything."
(sad) "I'll give you time to think. Goodnight."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Third Date - Hot Springs 
"...Why do they call me Lina?"
(grin) "I was wondering when you'd ask!"
"Gaiana couldn't say the word "mother" as a kid."
"In my tongue, it's "ina"."
(laugh) "You can guess where this goes. Ina... Lina."
(laugh) "We thought it was SO cute. So now Paolo and Gaiana call me Lina!"
"I love it."
The player has a dialogue option
Aw, that's so sweet! (Best Choice)
(smile) "I still get a little jolt of happiness when I hear it from Gaiana."
"She'll hate me telling you this, but she'll always be my baby. My nene."
"But I don't want you to feel left out."
"I don't want it to be us as a unit and you on the outside!"
"So, I give you permission to pick a nickname for me, just for you."
"Think about it and tell me what you decide, okay?"
I think that went well!
Can I call you Lina? (Good choice)
(laugh) "Uhhh... I think that would be a little odd."
(smile) "It's something that belongs to them, you know? I can't give it to you."
"But you can call me something else, perhaps."
(laugh) "I had an ex when I was a teenager who called me "Feelie". I hated that."
"I don't know. Think about it. It's up to you!"
I think that went okay.
Ofelia suits you better (Bad choice)
(frown) "That is my name, yes."
"But Lina is... a thing just for my family."
"It's a bond we share, an in joke that's just ours."
"But if you feel left out, you can call me something else, too, if you want."
"Maybe have a think about it."
"I'm getting out now. Tell me if you come up with a good nickname!"
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Fourth Date - Hot Springs 
"-and I was so tired, I didn't even realise."
(laugh) "It was all over my legs. And I went to the party like that!"
(grin) "Never have children. I'm only half-joking."
(smile) "So... since we're back here..."
"Did you come up with a nickname for me?"
The player has a dialogue option
Sinta (Best Choice)
(blush) "Oh!"
(blush) "I like that a lot. I guess you know it means "darling", then?"
(blush) "I didn't know you had picked up some Tagalog... did Gaiana tell you?"
(laugh) "Sorry, I don't care how you learned it, I'm just..."
(blush) "It's just really cute."
(blush) "You took me by surprise... but I approve."
(grin) "Before we go home... would you like to walk down the beach, like we used to?"
I think that went well.
Lili (Good choice)
(grin) "Oh, that's cute."
"Does it sound a bit... childish to you, though?"
"I can only imagine a Lili as a cute little girl in a dress."
"I'll think about it."
(smile) But for now, lets stick to Ofelia.."
(blush) "Or you can call me mahal, or sinta.... That's like saying "dear" or "darling"."
(blush) I think I would like that."
(grin) "Before we go home... would you like to walk down the beach, like we used to?"
I think that went okay.
Fifi (Bad choice)
(mortified) "Noooooo. Veto."
(mortified) "That's awful! It sounds more like a dog."
"I think... I think we can stick with Ofelia, for now."
(frown) "Fifi?! You really don't know me at all..."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Missed Date 
(frown) "I should have known you were not serious about a date."
"I should not have bothered."
The player has a dialogue option
I was serious! I just forgot!
I'm sorry, Ofelia!


When talking to her or Gaiana at the Conservatory at the beginning of the season (usually before the 4th) or by receiving a letter on the 4th (or the 5th in Spring), you will receive the "Seed Seeker" quest. asking you to sell them seeds from other islands types. Once sold, you can buy them back at the General Store.
On Winter 1 of Year 1, she will send you a letter that will initiate the Matchmaker: Ofelia quest. She asks for any ice type spirit, as she has a superstition that they are lucky.

