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Quests are given by NPCs and can be found listed in the Journal. The Journal becomes available after receiving the first quest, during the Tutorial. Each quest has a description followed by a list of objectives that must be completed. As each task is finished, it will be checked off on the list. When an entire quest has been finished, the name of the quest will become gray and be crossed out with a red line. Rewards for quests include materials, blueprints, and favor with NPCs.

Tutorial Quests

Quests given during the Tutorial are non-optional, and must be completed in sequential order. Upon completion of the first quest, the next will then be given.

Quest Source Description Objectives Rewards Notes
Time to Grow Given by Father when you first speak to him. The final stretch of my Alchemy training begins tonight. I’d better finish up my chores before I go. Harvest 5 crops; Harvest seeds; Dig a hole and plant seeds; Water the seeds Medallion Only one seed needs to be harvested, planted, and watered for the quest to be completed.
Spirit Strength Given by Father after completing of Time to Grow and gifting of the Medallion. I should show Dad how good I’ve gotten at Spirit training so he knows I’ll be safe. Choose a spirit to take on my adventure; Banish the wild spirit in the garden The dialogue for this quest is the same regardless of which Spirit is chosen.
Take Care Given by Mother after completing Spirit Strength. Restore your Stamina and feed your spirit. Eat a Stonefruit; Open your medallion; Feed a Nimbus Plant to your spirit

Story Quests

Story Quests do not have to be completed in the order they were given, though there are certain quests that won't be given until the completion of a prior quest. If a player has already completed certain parts of a quest before that quest was given, the quest will appear in the Journal with those objectives already checked off.

Quest Source Description Objectives Rewards Notes
Spend a Year Away From Home Given by the Alchemist's mother during the Tutorial after completing Take Care and informing her you’re ready to leave. To complete my Alchemy training, I have to spend a year away from home and embed myself into a community of my choosing. I guess this quest is going to stay on my to-do list for a while… Spend a year away from home The magic spell 'Alchemist's Blessing' is cast on you by your mother during a cut scene after you go to sleep on Winter 26. The spell makes wild Spirits friendlier towards you and easier to tame. This quest is given during the Tutorial, but becomes a Story Quest. It will be marked complete when you make it to Winter 28.
Settling In Given by Ossono upon waking up in the Tavern after your first night on Moonstone Island. I should use my tools to clear a spot and set up my tent, then explore the island and see if I can find any Moonstones. Mom told me they glow at night, and there is usually must one stone on any given island. Place tent; Find a Moonstone None
Stones for Ossono Given by Ossono the first time you speak with her. Ossono asked me to sell her 20 stones by putting them in the Sell Crate. She told me not to ask why... Craft a Sell Crate; Sell stones (0/20) None
Craft a Balloon Given after receiving a letter from Mom upon exiting the Tavern for the first time. I'd better craft a balloon so I can explore the outer islands. Cut grass to collect fibre; Craft Cloth (0/3); Craft a balloon; Fly off island with balloon None
Meet the Locals Given after receiving Ossono's Newsletter, Issue 1, in the mail on the second morning. Ossono said I should introduce myself to all the villagers. The Tavern might be a good place to start, especially on a Friday! Meet Ossono; Meet Ofelia; Meet Gaiana; Meet Ferra; Meet Quill; Meet Tobin; Meet Rowan; Meet Paolo; Meet Zed; Meet Cleo
Craft a New Broom Given after completing Craft a Balloon. My balloon is okay, but it's so SLOW! I'm going to need to craft a new broom. To start, maybe I should speak to the Blacksmith! She might know how I can make the right materials. Craft a Moonstone ingot; Craft Moonstone Enchanter; Use it to craft a Broom
Obtain the Earth Seal Given by Magic Man after interacting with the offering table outside of the Spring Temple. I need to explore the Spring Temple to find the ancient Earth Seal! Obtain the Earth Seal from the Spring temple Earth Seal
Obtain the Water Seal Given by Magic Man after interacting with the offering table outside of the Summer Temple. I need to explore the Summer Temple to find the ancient Water Seal! Obtain the Water Seal from the Summer temple Water Seal
Obtain the Poison Seal Given by Magic Man after interacting with the offering table outside of the Fall Temple. I need to explore the Fall Temple to find the ancient Poison Seal! Obtain the Poison Seal from the Fall temple Poison Seal
Obtain the Electric Seal Given by Magic Man after interacting with the offering table outside of the Winter Temple. I need to explore the Winter Temple to find the ancient Electric Seal! Obtain the Electric Seal from the Electric temple Electric Seal
Explore the Dungeon Given after reading Issue 3 of Ossono's newsletter on Spring 9 if the dungeon hasn't been completed yet Ossono said there's a dungeon north-east of town, near the Hot Spring. She said there might be cool stuff in there. I love cool stuff. Find the dungeon; Activate the Ando Tree inside
Spirit Research: Taming Spirits 101 Given by Zed The Professor asked me to tame a Spirit of any level, and in return he'll give me the Spirit Barn blueprints. Taming Spirits is easy: I just have to feed them any crop that says it has the power to tame. Finding higher-level Spirits is harder, because I have to travel to islands that are a bit further away. Scary! Tame a Spirit; Turn in research at the Science Center; Wait for a letter from Zed Spirit Barn blueprints
Spirit Research: Spirit Basics Given by Zed The Professor asked me to discover at least ten Spirits for his research. As a reward, he's going to give me an item that lets me see a Spirit's level above its head when I'm out in the field! Discover 10 different spirits (0/10); Turn in research at the Science Center; Wait for a letter from Zed Ability to see a spirit’s level above its head
Spirit Research: Spirit Poop Given by Zed Professor Zed explained to me that if I craft a Spirit Barn and feed Fibre to the Spirits I keep in there, they will sometimes 'drop' rare and powerful Spirit Resources. He wants me to bring him one of each for his experiments. Craft an Enchanter; Craft a Spirit Barn; Give 1 Clay; Give 1 Glass; Give 1 Poison; Give 1 Sparks; Give 1 Fireball; Give 1 Dark Matter; Give 1 Dream Drop; Give 1 Snowball
Spirit Research: Advanced Spiritology Given by Zed The Professor told me about rare Psychic Spirits that can be found inside storms, and asked me to tame one. These storms take place on one random island a night... Tame a Psychic Spirit; Turn in research at the Science Center; Wait for a letter from Zed Enables the ring around the mini-map to light up when moonstones are nearby.
Spirit Research: Intro to Egg Given by Zed Zed asked me to hatch a Spirit from an egg! Once I've built the Spirit Barn in the Moonstone Enchanter, I'll need to place a stall in the barn, then add a nest, then place an egg inside the nest... and wait for it to hatch! Hatch a Spirit in a Spirit Barn; Wait for a letter from Zed
Spirit Research: Final Exam Given by Zed Zed wants me to try banishing a Dark Spirit. They're super strong, and only on the most distant islands, so I have to be prepared. Banish a Dark Spirit; Turn in research at the Science Center; Wait for a letter from Zed
Spirit Research: Extra Credit Given by Zed Professor Zed asked me to "catch them all" and then started singing a song about defending the world? I think this means that I have to discover one of every Spirit! Discover all Spirits; Turn in research at the Science Center; Wait for a letter from Zed
Furnace for a Friend Given by Ferra by talking to her or by receiving a letter on Spring 8 Ferra the Blacksmith asked me to get her some copper ore. If I do, she'll teach me how to build a furnace! I think I can find some in the mines, which are found under big rocks, or in caves. Find a mine; Sell copper ore at the Smithy (0/10) Furnace blueprints
Getting Into Metal Given by Ferra after completing Furnace for a Friend I need to craft and install a furnace, use coal and iron ore to smelt three iron ingots, and then bring them to Ferra at the Smithy. Craft a furnace; Sell iron ingots at the Smithy (0/3) Copper and Iron Ore and Ingots will be available for purchase from Ferra at the Smithy
Matchmaker: Ossono Given in a letter on Summer 21 Ossono wants a Capacibee for her Spirit companion. I got you, honey! Bee patient! Hehe. Give Ossono a Capacibee Get one free Coffee from the Tavern per day
Matchmaker: Gaiana Given in a letter on Summer 7 Gaiana wants a Poison-type Spirit. "Something with a similar hairstyle to me", she said. Hmmm... Give Gaiana the right Poison Spirit One free plant from the shop The correct Poison Spirit is Emoshroom
Matchmaker: Ferra Given in a letter on Fall 7 Ferra wants me to find her a Beardini, and if I don't she might DIE, apparently! Better get to it! Give Ferra a Beardini so she doesn't die Enhanced Furnace Recipe
Matchmaker: Quill Given in a letter on Summer 28 Quill's ideal Spirit companion is something fiery, soft, and huggable. What fits that description...? Find a cuddly Fire Spirit for Quill One Free Beer on Fridays The correct Fire Spirit is Sheemp
Matchmaker: Tobin Given in a letter on Spring 21 Tobin described his favourite Spirit to me: it's a "fishy Spirit" with a snorkel. That sounds easy enough to find, right? Give Tobin the Spirit with the snorkel New Hook The correct Spirit is Snorcko
Matchmaker: Paolo Given in a letter on Spring 14 Paolo wants a tree-shaped Spirit to represent their work. Something with "Oak" in the name. Paolo says they won't turn the Spirit into a chair, so I'll just have to trust them... Give Paolo a tree-shaped Spirit (with "Oak" in the name) Loom crafting recipe The correct Spirit is Oaken
Matchmaker: Waldo Given in a letter on Spring 28 Waldo asked if I could find him a Fishbo, so his fish (Fishbo Junior) could have a friend. Or a dad. Or something? Give Waldo a Fishbo One free Talisman from Magic Man's Shop
Matchmaker: Zed Given in a letter on Summer 14 I should have known Zed would want a robot spirit. I think I've seen a few on the Electric Islands! Give Zed an Electric robot-shaped spirit Beacon crafting recipe The correct spirit is Armbot
Matchmaker: Cleo Given in a letter on Fall 14 Cleo surprised me by asking for a Dark wolf spirit. That seems very specific, but I'm just the Spirit Matchmaker, I'm not here to ask questions! Find Cleo a wolf-like Dark Spirit 500(?) Coins The correct Dark Spirit is Wolfbane
Matchmaker: Ofelia Given in the letter 'Ofelia, Winter 1' Ofelia has this superstition that Ice Spirits are lucky, so she wants me to find her one. Any one will do, apparently! Give Ofelia an Ice Spirit One free plant from the shop
Matchmaker: Rowan Given in a letter on Winter 8 Rowan said that they aren't picky about which Spirit I find for them! That's so much pressure... I hope I can find the perfect one! Give Rowan any Spirit Dancing Shoes
Spring Seed Seeker Received the first time you speak to Gaiana or Ofelia behind the Conservatory counter or in a letter on Spring 5 Ofelia and Gaiana want me to collect spring seeds from the outer islands so that they can propagate them. If I turn them in at the Conservatory, they will make them available for purchase at the General Store! Sell:
  • Nightshade Seeds
  • Mandrake Seeds
  • Nimbus Plant Seeds
  • Bolt Seeds
  • Fire Flower Seeds
  • Hot Pepper Seeds
  • Spiritbane Seeds
  • Bloodroot Seeds
  • Magic Mushroom Seeds
  • Yarrow Seeds
Summer Seed Seeker Received the first time you speak to Gaiana or Ofelia behind the Conservatory counter on or after Summer 1 or in a letter on Summer 4 Gaiana and Ofelia need me to collect Summer Seeds for them to propagate. If I turn them in at the Conservatory, Rowan will be able to sell them at the General Store! Sell:
  • Umbrellashroom Seeds
  • Erdenleaf Seeds
  • Stunflower Seeds
  • Zaplant Seeds
  • Hot Air Fruit Seeds
  • Flameroot Seeds
  • Prickly Plant Seeds
  • Wingfruit Seeds
  • Tiny Flower Seeds
  • Eye Berry Seeds
Fall Seed Seeker Received the first time you speak to Gaiana or Ofelia behind the Conservatory counter on or after Fall 1 or in a letter on Fall 4 Ofelia and Gaiana are looking for fall seeds now that the weather is cooler. If I hand them in at the Conservatory, Rowan will make them available for purchase at the General Store! Sell:
  • Grumpkin Seeds
  • Spiky Plant Seeds
  • Electricone Seeds
  • Plantern Seeds
  • Heat Plant Seeds
  • Colberry Seeds
  • Spectre Flower Seeds
  • Skeleplant Seeds
  • Willo Wisp Seeds
  • Ghostshroom Seeds
Winter Seed Seeker Received the first time you speak to Gaiana or Ofelia behind the Conservatory counter on or after Winter 1 or in a letter on Winter 4 Apparently some plants thrive in Winter! I'll need to collect Winter seeds for Ofelia to propagate again. Once I do, they will make them available for purchase at the General Store! Sell:
  • Zaplant Seeds
  • Flake Flower Seeds
  • Bulbshroom Seeds
  • Popcorn Plant Seeds
  • Ruby Plant Seeds
  • Sweater Plant Seeds
  • Black Pearl Seeds
  • Icicle Root Seeds
  • Snowdrop Flower Seeds
  • Gift Plant Seeds
The Magic Man's Mirror Given by Magic Man Waldo has asked me to search for his memory shards and return them to him. He says he hid them in dungeons, for some reason... Find all the memory shards; Restore the mirror The memory shards are obtained after defeating the boss Guardian Spirit within each of the 30 dungeons. They can be given to the Magic Man by speaking with him.
Close the Rift Given by Magic Man after completing the four temples I have collected the four ancient and magic Seals required to close the Rift. Waldo says that I must place them on the four pedestals around the Rift in a very specific order. He says the order is determined by the placement of the islands in the sky... What could that mean? Use the Seals to Close the Rift Electric Seal
Mythical Fish Given by Tobin Tobin wants me to catch some extra-rare fish from the furthest islands, and then sell them to him at his fishing shop! Fish a Moonstone quality Blobfish on a Poison Island; Fish a Moonstone quality Sparkstar fish on an Electric Island; Fish a Moonstone quality Cinderfish on a Fire Island
Alchemy Request: Pater Wrongarium Given in the letter 'Mother, Summer 1' Find a concoction in a chest and sell it in a Sell Crate. Find a Concoctions; Sell it in a Sell Crate; Wait for a letter from your mother
Alchemy Request: Maustrap Alchemii Given by the Alchemist's mother after completing Pater Wrongarium Use an Alchemy Lab to craft a concoction with -1 vitality, +20 Tame, and any amount of Stamina then sell it using a Sell crate. Craft the requested Concoction and sell it in a Sell Crate; Wait for a letter from your mother Cauldron blueprints
Alchemy Request: Birthdaeus Giftarium Given by the Alchemist's mother in a letter after completing Maustrap Alchemii Use a Cauldron to craft an Abundance Potion then sell it using a Sell Crate. Craft an Abundance Potion and sell it in a Sell Crate; Wait for a letter from your mother. Compost Bin crafting recipe If you have already found an Abundance Potion prior to this, selling it will count as progressing the quest.
Alchemy Request: Provepapa Wrongorum Given by the Alchemist's mother in a letter after completing Birthdaeus Giftarium Use an Alchemy Lab to craft a concoction with 12 Power, no other stats, and any amount of Stamina then sell it using a Sell Crate. Craft the requested Concoction and sell it in a Sell Crate; Wait for a letter from your mother Luck Potion recipe Spoiler: Concoction is made from two Electricone grown with Power Fertilizer.
Alchemy Request: Apex Alchimia Given by the Alchemist's mother in a letter after completing Provepapa Wrongorum Use a Cauldron to Craft a Luck Potion and an Alchemy Lab to craft a concoction with exactly 50 Tame, no other stats, and 30 Stamina. Then sell them in a Sell Crate. Craft the requested Potion and Concoction and sell them in a Sell Crate; Wait for a letter from your mother As with other Alchemy Requests, you can sell a Luck Potion you previously found. Spoiler: Concoction is made from a Ruby Plant and a Flake Flower.
Happy New Year! Given by the Alchemist's mother during the cut scene after going to sleep on the night of Winter 26, and in letters every following Winter 27 Everyone's going to gather in the mountain cave to the north of town to celebrate the New Year. I should join them before it kicks off at 20:00! Attend the festival in the cave on Moonstone Mountain at 20:00! After you arrive at the festival, you can ask one of the NPCs to watch the fireworks with you. You will be rewarded with increased friendship hearts.
Under the Hatch Given in a letter from Ossono after completing all 30 dungeons Ossono told me of strange and dangerous things in the basement under the tavern. Should I open it and find out what's down there? Open the basement hatch in the tavern next to the stage Access to the Infinidungeon This quest was added with the Holidays 2023 Update.