Magic Man

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Magic Man Sprite.png Magic Man
Magic Man.png
NPC Details
Gender ♂ Male
Pronouns He / Him
Birthday 22nd of Winter
Profession Unknown
Partner Spirit Fishbo

Magic Man/Waldo is a romanceable NPC in Moonstone Island. He sells Cards and Talismans.


He sells 6 random cards for the spirits in your party and a random Talisman.


Time Action
7:00 Stands by fountain
9:20 Stands by waterfall south of Tavern
15:00 Stands on beach next to pier
20:30 Stands on bridge between Tavern and Smithy
22:50 Enters his House
Time Action
9:10 Stands on bridge on Moonstone Mountain
18:00 Enters Moonstone Mountain Cave
21:00 Leaves Moonstone Mountain Cave
1:10 Enters his House
Time Action
6:00 Stands by fountain
9:30 Stands by waterfall south of Tavern
15:10 Stands on beach next to pier
20:40 Stands on bridge between Tavern and Smithy
22:50 Enters his House
Time Action
9:10 Stands on bridge on Moonstone Mountain
18:00 Enters Moonstone Mountain Cave
1:10 Enters his House
Time Action
6:00 Stands by fountain
11:30 Stands on pier
18:50 At Tavern
23:00 Leaves Tavern
0:00 Enters his House
Time Action
6:00 Stands by fountain
9:30 Stands by waterfall south of Tavern
15:10 Stands on beach next to pier
20:40 Stands on bridge between Tavern and Smithy
22:50 Enters his House
Time Action
8:40 At beach
13:50 Stands by Gateway south of Smithy
18:00 At Tavern
23:10 Leaves Tavern
0:20 Enters his house


This section contains major character spoilers

Waldo likes gifts that remind him of Moonstone Island, dislikes gifts that are junk, and hates items related to | Dark Islands or Dark Type Spirits.


"thIS... remINDs me oF HoME... I lovE iT... bUt iT maKes mE sO saD..."
if his memories are returned
"Oh, this reminds me of home! Thank you!"
Image Name Source
Wine Tavern
Beer Tavern
Coffee Tavern
Ossono’s Dish of the Day Tavern


"sparkLE, gLItter, all thinGS SHiny! I LikE tHem!"
if his memories are returned
"Oooh! I really like sparkly things."
Image Name Source
Sparks Spirit Resource
Copper Ingot Furnace
Iron Ingot Furnace
Moonstone Ingot Furnace
Sparkstar Electric Island
Jewelfish Earth Island, Water Island


"A gift! Yum!"
All items not listed in other sections


"dOn't giVE me... yOUr trASH... noT nICe."
if his memories are returned
"Hey... don't just give me the trash from your pockets."
"If you need to get rid of stuff, throw it away."
Image Name Source
Old Boot Earth Island, Water Island
Stone Rocks
Fibre Grass
Ash Furnace
Treasure Map (cleared)


"nO... remINDs me of... dARk timEs... no thANK you."
if his memories are returned
"This... reminds me of before... when I lost my memory."
"Sorry, but no thank you."
Image Name Source
Dark Matter Spirit Resource
Dark Spirit Egg Spirit Drop
Copper Charm of Dark Resistance Anvil
Iron Charm of Dark Resistance Anvil
Moonstone Charm of Dark Resistance Anvil


This section contains major character spoilers

You can only ask Waldo on dates once you've helped him regain his memories.

First Date - Beach 
"It's... weird to be back here after so long."
"I always really liked the beach."
"There's something calming about the waves, and the water cascading off the edge..."
(laugh) "I used to come out here and dream about saving the world."
"Not that I'm taking credit... You did all the hard work."
The player has a dialogue option
You absolutely deserve credit! (Best choice)
(happy) "Thank you. That means a lot."
(neutral) "What happened to me... was because I tried to do something I was not trained for."
"And, I have to admit... perhaps there was a little bit of hubris, too."
(sad) "I still feel as though I am sifting through the remains of everything that happened."
"And some of those remains are sharp and painful."
"I hope you can be patient with me."
(smile) "I need to get back now. Fishbo Junior needs feeding."
"Thank you... for taking a chance on me."
I think that went well!
You helped. (Good choice)
(smile) "Well, I tried, at least."
(neutral) "The miasma that came over me was so overpowering some days."
"It was like living in a fog. I could barely remember my own name sometimes."
"I'm still getting used to how it feels to have the fog lifted..."
"It's quite over-stimulating, to be honest."
"So, um... I hope you don't mind, but I think I need to rest, now."
I think that went okay.
I could have used a lot more help, actually. (Bad choice)
(sad) "Yeah... I'm sorry."
"I wasn't really myself. It was hard to do anything, in truth."
"Sometimes it was difficult to even wake up in the morning, the fugue was so strong..."
"I... I'm sorry. It's still a lot to adjust to."
"I might have broken free from the miasma, but I'm still not fully myself yet."
"I need to rest. Perhaps we can do this again?"
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Beach 
"...The thing I'm most grateful for today is the stars."
"I haven't looked at the stars in a long time."
"When my mind was fractured, it often felt like I had blinders on."
"Like I could only see what was in front of me."
"So many things have passed me by while I was gone..."
(sad) "What else have I missed?"
The player has a dialogue option
Focus on healing, for now. (Best choice)
"You're right."
"The waves, the stars, the wind... it's all good for me."
"Feels like home."
"Let's watch the waves together."
I think that went well!
You're here now. It's okay. (Good choice)
"You're right."
"It's over... and you saved me."
"I won't let anything else pass me by!"
"Like this beautiful night... and you, my dear."
"Let's watch the waves together."
I think that went okay.
Oh my god, just enjoy it. (Bad choice)
"I'm trying."
"Let's just watch the waves."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Third Date - Beach 
"I can't help but notice that I'm the only one with a house that has legs."
"I don't get it!"
"It's so convenient. I can just go anywhere I like."
"Some days I live by the sea, some days by the mountain. It's great!"
"What kind of legs would you want on your house?"
The player has a dialogue option
I'd have a matching chicken house! (Best choice))
"Yes! Matching chicken houses!"
"We could race them."
"I wonder if they'd be able to have a baby chicken house?"
"I don't think I'd want to be inside either house when that was, uh, happening."
"I hope one day I can remember how I made this chicken house."
"I'll make you one, and we can roam the islands together!"
"My house is actually parked just up there."
"Would you like to walk me home? I need to check on Fishbo Junior."
I think that went well!
I'd make a horse house! (Good choice)
"Ooooh, double the legs."
"And you can go much faster than a chicken house!"
"Wait, would all four legs be on the bottom..."
"Or would it be like a centaur, where the house grows where the horse head would be?"
"Many questions to answer about horse house."
"I wish I could remember how I made the chicken house."
"I would love to make you a horse house."
"Anyway, my house is parked just up there..."
"I should go check on Fishbo Junior."
"Would you like to walk with me?"
I think that went okay.
Houses really shouldn't have legs. (Bad choice)
"I disagree!"
"It's really useful to have a house that can walk around."
"Not to mention that it keeps things fresh."
"It even laid an egg once, which was a surprise."
"It wasn't fertilised, of course. There are no rooster houses nearby."
"But it made a great omelette."
"I guess it was a homelette. Get it? Because it was a... house egg?"
"Ha, never mind."
"I'm gonna walk home."
"If only I could remember how to make home walk to me..."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Fourth Date - Beach 
"...I'm afraid."
(sad) "I'm afraid that everything I did... everything WE did... was for nothing."
"We fixed the rift, but it's just one small part of all the terrible, awful things that are happening everywhere."
"What if I broke myself for nothing? For a tiny drop in the ocean?"
"It's like trying to hold back the tide..."
The player has a dialogue option
You're not alone. We can do it together. (Best choice)
(smile) "Yes. I'm not alone."
(neutral) "One person can't hold back the tide, but many people can slow it down."
"It's going to take a lot of work, but maybe, together... we can teach people what to do."
"It's not easy. And... I'm still scared."
(sad) "What I did, just for this one rift, I wouldn't wish on anyone."
(smile) "But together, we can make sure that no one else will have to go through that."
"Thank you."
(neutral) "I need to rest, now. Emotions... take it out of me."
(smile) "But I'm just glad I get to feel again."
I think that went well!
Better to do something than do nothing. (Good choice)
"Yeah, you're right."
"I'd feel worse if I hadn't tried at all!"
"And I'm sorry for being so emotional all the time."
"It feels like I'm experiencing all the emotion I couldn't have while I was trapped in the mirror..."
"It's hard to handle."
"But you're right. I did what I could."
"I'm just glad I get to feel again."
"I think I need to rest now. Emotions take a lot out of me, still."
I think that went okay.
That's called "main character syndrome". (Bad choice)
" mean, thinking that I have to fix everything?"
"...I don't think I'm the "main character", I just... feel helpless."
"I can only control my own actions, and I want to fix things."
"Never mind."
"I think I'm just going to go home."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

First Date - Tavern 
"I hope no one minds that I'm here."
"...It's been a long time since I've tried Ossono's beer."
"Oh, wow. That's... STRONG."
"So, um... I wanted to thank you..."
"I never thought someone would turn up to help us seal the rift."
"I mean, that's why I took matters into my own hands... And you know how that turned out."
"I know you didn't know all of that when you arrived!"
"You probably just thought it was a regular Alchemist job, huh?"
The player has a dialogue option
This is exactly why I wanted to be an Alchemist. (Best choice)
"Really? That's good to hear!"
"I researched alchemy a lot to prepare myself for what I had to do..."
"One of the things I learned was that alchemy is all about helping PEOPLE through helping nature."
"And that's what you do. You help people. People like me."
"It's inspiring! But I have to be honest..."
"That beer totally went to my head. Mind if we call it a night?"
I think that went well!
No such thing as a regular Alchemist job! (Good choice)
"Ha, maybe not!"
"You can never really predict what's going to happen."
"I certainly never expected to have to turn my memories into a mirror, you know?"
"And now I just have this huge mirror in my house that constantly reminds me of that time."
"Anyway, I hope you have lots of NORMAL Alchemist work, too."
"But, uh... Do you mind if we call it a night?"
"The beer has really gone to my head..."
I think that went okay.
Yeah, you really made my job harder for me. (Bad choice)
"Oh... I'm so sorry."
"I know it was a lot of work for you to undo what I did..."
"But believe me, I never intended to make it harder for you."
"You did great, though. You really did."
"You're a strong person. And that's exactly what we needed."
"That beer has really gone to my head, though... Mind if we call it a night?"
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Tavern 
"Tobin gave me Fishbo Junior, you know."
"It was just before all the mirror stuff went down, just before I left town."
:"He knew I had always wanted a Spirit pet... but Spirits can be unpredictable and dangerous."
"So, he found me Fishbo Junior!"
"He's great. He's got such a little personality."
"I do wonder, though... do your Spirits feel more like pets? Or companions?"
The player has a dialogue option
They're more like friends! (Best choice)
"I like that."
"Sometimes I feel like my chicken house is a kind of friend."
"But chicken house doesn't really have a personality."
"I should really get a pet that I can cuddle."
"Maybe a little Sheemp. I've always thought Sheemp looked very soft."
"Your Spirits are very lucky to have you."
"Anyway, I actually have to go feed Fishbo Junior now!"
"I had a great time tonight. Let's do it again!"
I think that went well!
They're sort of pets, sort of familiars? (Good choice)
"Yeah, that's a good way of describing it."
"I guess Fishbo Junior is my familiar as well, since I'm a Magic Man."
"But he doesn't do much to help out. Except look cute."
"But that's okay."
"Sometimes I talk to him, too. He's a very good listener."
"I hope you get to talk to your Spirits, too. I bet they'd appreciate it."
"Anyway, I actually have to go feed Fishbo Junior now!"
"I had a great time tonight. Let's do it again!"
I think that went okay.
They're just tools, really. (Bad choice)
"That's sad. They're still animals with feelings, you know."
"But I guess you're an Alchemist doing a job... so they're just tools to you."
"Still, that doesn't mean you can't be nice to them."
"If I had my own Spirit, it would be more like a pet, I think."
"Anyway, I actually have to go feed Fishbo Junior now!"
"Good night."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Third Date - Tavern 
"When the rift started affecting my mind, that's when I knew I had to go."
"I felt like I couldn't trust myself around people any more. Like I was a danger to them."
"So I took my house and enchanted it to have chicken legs..."
"And then I just... walked around the islands."
"I eventually split my mind into the mirror shards to stop it from getting worse."
"But I barely remember that time..."
"It was like I was walking around in a purple haze. Everything was so overwhelming."
"But then you came along and saved me! You're my hero."
The player has a dialogue option
We all need saving from something. (Best choice)
"That's very poetic."
"But, I mean, I literally needed saving."
"Like an old-timey fairytale. Except I'm also the person who trapped myself in the tower!"
"Anyway, I don't want to keep going on about it..."
"But I really appreciate you venturing into the danger when I couldn't."
"And I'm glad you came out in one piece!"
"If you need saving from something still... Maybe I can be your hero."
"You've done so much for me, and for Moonstone Island."
"You deserve someone to take care of you in return."
"Maybe that can be me!"
I think that went well!
Does that make you the damsel in distress? (Good choice)
"I guess so! I'm the princess in the tower!"
"And you're the dashing knight."
"I've never thought of it that way. But that's cute."
"I hope that means that this is the "happily ever after" part."
"I would really love to be able to take a break after all this."
"Maybe I can turn the chicken house into a chicken castle..."
"I wonder if Paolo would be up for it."
"Anyway... thank you. For saving this damsel from distress."
I think that went okay.
It wasn't part of my plan... (Bad choice)
"I guess that's true... I'm sorry."
"I didn't mean to make things harder for you!"
"But at the time... I didn't see that I had much of a choice. Someone had to act."
"Still, you managed to close the rift and save me... and I appreciate it."
"Thank you."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Fourth Date - Tavern 
"You know, I'm not sure why I chose a mirror to put my memories into."
"I guess it made sense at the time? Maybe I was trying to be poetic?"
"A fractured self-image, or something."
"I could have chosen something else... like, I don't know, an egg or something."
"Would you have enjoyed collecting egg shards? Maybe not."
"It would fit with the chicken theme, though."
"What would your object be if you had to split yourself like that?"
The player has a dialogue option
My broom. I already broke it... (Best choice)
"Oh, that's perfect, then."
"And it represents you so well!"
"Maybe you'd find a piece of the handle here, some of the bristles there..."
"Is that what they're called? Bristles? Fibres? Broomlets?"
"Anyway, that would be fun. Well, maybe not fun, because your mind would be trapped in there."
"But it would be an epic quest, you know?"
"I shouldn't make light of what happened to me, but it helps me feel a sense of control!"
"I'm getting sleepy. Are you getting sleepy? Let's head home."
I think that went well!
I'd pick 11 different objects! (Good choice)
"Oh, I like that..."
"11 different objects, representing different parts of your soul."
"As long as you don't pick anything silly. Like an animal, or something that could break."
"I mean, I think I'm the only person that's ever split their memories like this, so I guess I'm the authority on it now!"
"And... I guess a mirror wasn't a great idea either, really. Very fragile."
"But it all worked out!"
"I'm getting sleepy. Are you getting sleepy?"
"Let's head home."
I think that went okay.
I wouldn't do that. (Bad choice)
"Well, that... makes sense, sure."
"I wasn't serious, though."
"I know it probably feels like I'm making light of something traumatic, but..."
"I don't know. It's my trauma, and it makes me feel like I have some power over it."
"Sorry if that's a little much for you, though. Still getting used to things being... normal. Ish."
"I'm getting a bit sleepy. Mind if we call it a night?"
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

First Date - Hot Spring 
"I just had a memory... I don't know what triggered it?"
"It feels like it'll slip away if I don't catch it..."
"I... I was in this hot spring..."
"I was here with Zed?"
"And... he told me..."
"No, it's almost gone..."
"I think he told me that I needed to try to close the rift myself."
"I think that's where it all started..."
The player has a dialogue option
Keep going! (Best choice)
"Okay, so, we were in the water, and we were talking about closing the rift..."
"I... I think I said that I would do it, if he thought that was our only option, and..."
"He said he would help me prepare."
"He made me armor to take with me, but... I must have lost it when I fell."
"When I woke up, I was on the ground. I don't know what happened."
"And it felt like I had ten thousand voices in my head."
"I tried to find my way back to Moonstone Island to get Zed's help, but I realised that the voices were dangerous."
"I had to lock them away in the mirror. And I couldn't risk getting Zed and the others into harm's way, so... I stayed away."
"...That's all I remember for now."
"Wow. That took an awful lot of energy."
"I'm drained... do you mind if we call it a night, and do this again another time?"
I think that went well!
You're getting your memories back! (Good choice)
"I... I think so?"
"It must have been the location that unlocked the memory."
"I wonder how many more I have like this?"
"Just locked away inside me, waiting to come out."
"I don't know how many are bad. How many I would like to stay forgotten."
"Sorry, I think... I'm feeling pretty worn down."
"Losing memories is really hard on the ol' noggin."
"Can we call it a night, and do this again soon?"
I think that went okay.
Oh, it's Zed's fault? (Bad choice)
"No, no..."
"We'd been talking about our options."
"We were both researching the rift, and we knew something was wrong."
"I think we realised we had no choice..."
"But... I don't remember yet."
"...Sorry. That really took it out of me."
"I think I need to go home. Thank you for this evening."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Hot Spring 
"I had another memory, you know."
"I was feeding Fishbo Junior, and... I saw a memory... of you."
"The first time you came into my house, into my shop... you weren't frightened of me."
"I remember that. I remember how much that meant to me."
The player has a dialogue option
I remember that day, too. (Best choice)
"You do?"
"Wow, that... means a lot."
"When I lost my mind, the part of me that still knew what was going on was so afraid."
"Afraid I'd never be anything but a danger to people."
"And... that they'd be afraid of me, too."
"When you looked at me and smiled, it was like the universe saying that it would be okay."
"Thank you, Alchemist. Thank you."
I think that went well!
Why would I be frightened of you? (Good choice)
"Because... because everyone should have been."
"When I lost my mind, the part of me that still knew what was going on was so afraid."
"Afraid I'd never be anything but a danger to people."
"And... that they'd be afraid of me, too."
"When you looked at me and smiled, it was like the universe saying that it would be okay."
"Thank you, Alchemist. Thank you."
I think that went okay.
Oh, I totally was, though. (Bad choice)
"Well, um... never mind, then."
"I think... I think I'm going to go home. I'm tired."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Third Date - Hot Spring 
"Ossono and I, we basically grew up together."
"Her father taught me how to make cards, in fact!"
"She's always been so kind to me, and..."
"...Sorry, is it strange to talk about Ossono on a date?"
The player has a dialogue option
No, she's the best! (Best choice)
"She is! Since I came back to Moonstone Island, she's been wonderful."
"It's almost like I never left. And she is so patient with me."
"But at the end of the day... it's you who helped me through the hard times, and I'll never forget that."
"I know she would have too, but I didn't let her."
"But you kept coming back, even when it was scary."
"Thank you, Alchemist."
I think that went well!
Not at all. (Good choice)
"Thank you. She's my best friend, after all!"
"Since I came back to Moonstone Island, she's been wonderful."
"It's almost like I never left. And she is so patient with me."
"But at the end of the day... it's you who helped me through the hard times, and I'll never forget that."
"I know she would have too, but I didn't let her."
"But you kept coming back, even when it was scary."
"Thank you, Alchemist."
I think that went okay.
Yes. (Bad choice)
"Oh... sorry."
"But... I promise nothing is going on between me and Ossono."
"And never will, either."
"Her dad used to joke about it, but... no, we're just good friends."
"Sorry, I'm doing it again."
"I'll just go home..."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Fourth Date - Hot Spring 
"You know, when I was a kid, I used to make cards like the ones I sell."
"They didn't do anything back then! They were just for fun."
"I forced other kids to play cards with me. They didn't love it, ha."
"Eventually I learned to craft them with magically-infused paper..."
"But I could never figure out how to tame Spirits, so I just had to save the cards for someone who could."
"Luckily, that's when you came along."
"And selling cards to you means that I have a little nest egg, too! Hmm.. What should I buy?"
The player has a dialogue option
A friend for Fishbo Junior! (Best choice)
"Oh! That's such a nice idea."
"But I'm pretty sure Tobin would catch me one for free!"
"Still, spending that money on Fishbo Junior, or on my lovely chicken house..."
"Perhaps that's the ticket. I don't need anything, but they depend on me."
"Thank you for the idea!"
"Let's walk home together."
I think that went well!
Just keep saving! (Good choice)
"Ah, but that's not exciting!"
"I suppose you're right, that's the sensible thing to do."
"And maybe, some day... I'll have something, or someone, I want to spend that money on."
"Do you want to walk home together? I'm getting chilly."
I think that went okay.
Therapy. (Bad choice)
"...Point taken."
"I know, I know, I went through a lot of trauma, but..."
"When it's just you and me, I can imagine a world where that doesn't define me."
"I'd love if you could treat me like you'd treat anyone else. With kindness."
"I think I'll head home, now. Good night."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

First Date - Home 
"I thought having my mind back would make things easy, but... it hasn't."
"I'm myself again, but some days, all I can think of is the purple haze I was lost in."
"Some days I can't even get out of bed."
"Recovery is hard, Alchemist. What if I never fully recover?"
The player has a dialogue option
I will be here, always. (Best choice)
"Oh, Alchemist... You... you are so good to me."
"I don't know what I can offer to you in exchange for your kindness, but... but I'll do everything I can."
"Thank you. I don't deserve it."
"I would... be honoured... if you would like to stay the night."
I think that went well!
You're still you. (Good choice)
"I am... but... what is "me" any more?"
"I am still trying to find out."
"I appreciate your kindness, and your patience, Alchemist."
"Thank you. I don't deserve it."
"I would... be honoured... if you would like to stay the night."
I think that went okay.
I don't know... (Bad choice)
"...Neither do I."
"It's terrifying. Truly."
"I feel so broken, so helpless, so scared..."
"...I need to be alone. I'm sorry."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Second Date - Home 
"I had another memory, Alchemist."
"Another one of you."
"I remember finding you, passed out on a distant island... I took you inside. I was so worried about you."
"I was worried that you'd be scared, when you woke up."
"But I realised... I remember... in that moment, that you needed help. And I gave it."
"We have to be willing to let others help us when we need it."
The player has a dialogue option
I knew you were a good person straight away. (Best choice)
"I don't know how you knew."
"I'm not even sure I know that about myself."
"But... I trust you, and so I have to believe you, too."
"Thank you, again."
"I'm so sorry that so many of our dates are like this!"
"I truly do just have a lot of... memories, and trauma, to go through."
"Will you stay with me tonight?"
I think that went well!
Thank you for your help, Waldo. (Good choice)
"Helping someone in need is what any good person should do."
"I am so glad you were okay."
"Please don't put yourself in danger any more, though!"
"There is only so much my magic can do!"
"But since you're here, and in one piece..."
"Will you stay with me tonight?"
I think that went okay.
I thought you'd kidnapped me. (Bad choice)
"I was... afraid that would be your reaction."
"But I didn't know what else to do!"
"I am so sorry for scaring you."
"Let me walk you home... or, um, I can let you walk yourself home. If you prefer."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Third Date - Home 
"Tonight, my love, I don't want to talk about my trauma."
"I love that you listen to me, but you deserve to be able to talk about things, too."
"Is there anything on your mind that I can help with?"
The player has a dialogue option
I'm just worried about you. (Best choice)
"Oh, please, don't be!"
"I am so much better than I was, and so much of that is because of you."
"I do not want our relationship to be ruled by my trauma, just as I do not want to be ruled by it, either."
"There are so many things I want to tell you."
"You light up my life. Whenever I think about you, I feel like I could do anything."
"You are golden, my love."
"Stay with me, tonight. Let me show you how I feel."
I think that went well!
I'm okay, Waldo, but thank you. (Good choice)
"I am glad to hear it, my love."
"There are so many things I want to tell you."
"You light up my life. Whenever I think about you, I feel like I could do anything."
"You are golden, my love."
"Stay with me, tonight. Let me show you how I feel."
I think that went okay.
Oh, now you ask? (Bad choice)
"I'm... I'm sorry."
"This is all new to me. I haven't dated in so long, and you're the first one since... everything happened."
"Please, forgive me."
"Let me walk you home. I will try harder next time."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Fourth Date - Home 
"Even if I never get all my memories back..."
"I want you to know that I'm okay with it."
"Because I have realised that my past is not as important as our future."
"We can make new memories. Together."
"It starts here, my love. It starts with us."
"I love you."
The player has a dialogue option
I love you too! (Best choice)
"Oh, Alchemist!"
"...I... sorry, I'm..."
"I don't think I've cried in so long."
"It's happy tears! Happy tears!"
"It's not that it's been a long time since I've heard those words, it's..."
"...It's been a long time since I've let myself hear them. To FEEL them."
"Even before I lost my mind, I was... not very confident."
"I'm sorry that it's taken so long... But... I hope it's been worth it for you. It has for me."
"Stay with me tonight, my love."
I think that went well!
I'm so excited to make memories with you. (Good choice)
"I think we're going to make a beautiful life together, my love."
"It's already been so wonderful. So perfect."
"I couldn't ask for more."
"But if you want to spend the rest of forever making memories, then I will gladly go with you."
"Stay with me tonight, my love."
I think that went okay.
You're just giving up on your memories? (Bad choice)
"I... no, I..."
"I just mean that I've come to terms with it."
"Because what's more valuable is what happens NEXT."
"Maybe I didn't... phrase it right..."
"I'm sorry."
I think that could have gone better...

Your day ends after the date concludes.

Missed Date 
"You... you weren't there for our date."
The player has a dialogue option
Ooooops, sorry.
Can we try again?
"I... should have known..."
"I would like to try again all the same."


Upon interaction with the offering table in front of each temple, Waldo will appear and tell the story of the temple. It will then activate the quest Obtain the [element] Seal quest.
When collecting the last seal, he will give you the quest Close the Rift. Finishing this quest gives you the Moonstone Machine crafting recipe.
When talking to him directly in his house, he will give you the quest The Magic Man's Mirror, asking you to collect Shards of his mind scattered around in dungeons. Completing the mirror offers you a fast travel to the main Dark Island
On Spring 28 of Year 1, he will send you a letter that will initiate the Matchmaker: Waldo quest. He asks for a Fishbo so his fish (Fishbo Jr.) could have a friend. After giving him the spirit he will let you get a free Talisman in his shop.


Before regaining memories

After regaining memories

“How did you get in here!?” “Ah… the door. Yes. Forgot I put that in.”

“Did I ever thank you for what you did for me?” “I don’t remember… so, thank you.”

“Being myself again is really… strange.”

“Everything has a soul, Alchemist.”

“I had a good dream last night. You were in it! So was Fishbo Junior!”

“Perhaps I should catch Fishbo Junior a new friend…

“You might have too many cards.” “I sell removal talismans, sometimes!”

“I just sold some cards to Paolo. I wonder what they will do with them…”

Tobin has been teaching me shanties. Yarr.”

“If you see spirits in your house that is a good thing.” “They are good.”

“Remember a good defense is…” “I forget.”

“You are the kindest person I’ve met.”

“I hope my house can be a place of comfort for you.”

“Ah, it feels good to be back in town once more.”

At Tavern

“I had forgotten how beautiful Moonstone Island is!” “And how strong Ossono’s homebrewed beer is too…”

At Wedding

“Congrat-u-lations. You did the marry. I always… believed… in the you.” “Although, my friend, I must say, I was surprised to hear your vows… since you have never spoken before, yes?”



Magic Man walks much slower than other NPCs.

Residents  Cleo Sprite.png CleoFerra Sprite.png FerraGaiana Sprite.png GaianaOfelia Sprite.png OfeliaOssono Sprite.png OssonoPaolo Sprite.png PaoloQuill Sprite.png QuillRowan Sprite.png RowanTobin Sprite.png TobinMagic Man Sprite.png WaldoZed Sprite.png Zed 
Others  Father Sprite.png FatherMother Sprite.png Mother